
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 63

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 63


Leciel, who had just woken up, blinked her eyes slowly and looked at the unfamiliar face of a woman in front of her.

Estimated to be in her mid-30s.

Wearing a gown.

Faint scent of medicine.

A white and sterile space.

It didn’t take her long to figure out the situation.

“Are you awake?”


“To cut to the chase, this is the infirmary, and your friend found you collapsed, so he brought you here.”

“My friend?”

“The guy with chestnut-colored hair. He’s big and has a face as gentle as a puppy. Quite the catch, isn’t he? Is he your boyfriend? Lucky you.”


“I won’t bother answering annoying questions like this. That’s how it is.”

The therapist smiled and stretched her arms, then let out a soft sigh.

The smell of cigarette smoke lingered.

“I heard you swung your sword without a break from Friday night to Monday dawn… Even at a lively age, you can’t do that without consequences.”

Upon hearing that, Leciel belatedly looked out the window.

A red sunset seemed to set the quiet correctional facility ablaze.

The sense of time was ambiguous, as if it had never existed in the first place.


“Call me Minerva. You can call me Minerva casually.”

“Yes, Therapist Minerva. What time is it now… or, when is it?”

“Surprisingly, it’s Tuesday evening today. How does it feel to have been unconscious for over a day?”

Leciel sat up abruptly.

“Classes! I have assignments to do,” she exclaimed.

“Oh, come on, that’s not the issue right now. Just rest and don’t move for a while,” Minerva advised.

“Who says so?”

Leciel asked.

Minerva’s lips twitched slightly, forming a smirk.

She gestured towards the ceiling, recalling the person who had unexpectedly visited this morning, relieving the boredom of duty.

“Who else could it be? The hottest professor at Rosenstark.”

“The hottest… professor?” Leciel questioned.

“Oh my, oh my. Look at you, not even using proper titles. Kids these days are scary,” Minerva remarked.


“Why are you staring so intently? Lie back down, quickly.”

Leciel seemed to be about to say something, opened her mouth, then closed it.

…Quite an unusual person.

Usually, even seasoned faculty members, once they knew her background, treated her with deference.

But this therapist dealt with her just like any ordinary patient, asserting her opinion.

‘You’re just a patient, and I’m a therapist.’

Minerva’s loose smile seemed to convey that meaning.


For some reason, Leciel found it agreeable, so she followed her instructions and lay back down.

“Right, good girl. Well done,” she said, praising her.

Praising her for that?

Leciel covered her face with the blanket, perplexed.

Minerva, tapping her forehead with her hand, continued talking.

“Oh, right. Look at my mind! When you’re discharged, head straight to the professor’s research lab. Don’t forget! If I don’t deliver the message properly, I might get scolded… or is it a gain?”

Watching Minerva seriously ponder the pros and cons, Leciel, still dazed, asked,

“What are you talking about?”

“Why the delay?”

Minerva responded.

“They said you’re going to have a counselling session. If you run away again, be prepared to clean the toilets throughout your remaining time at school.”


Leciel quietly found her way to the research building two days later.

After spending the whole day resting on the infirmary bed, she was in good condition.

However, the impending schedule at the end weighed heavily on Leciel’s mind.

“Just one more day? Oh my, she’s the type to act spoiled once she gets close,” someone commented.

“…Not possible?”

Leciel attempted his first act of persuasion but failed miserably.

‘…I don’t want to go for counselling.’

Even she, who spent time stacking up bricks of confidentiality with her peers, roughly knew how the counselling with the Hero went.

For a while, the Connector, and even the lounge, buzzed with stories about it.


It was said to be an artifact that showed desired fantasies.

Actually, that was quite awkward.

‘A desired fantasy, huh?’

As Leciel entered the corridor connecting to the research building, she pondered deeply.

‘What do I really want?’

The first thing that came to mind was undoubtedly gaining recognition from her grandmother.

Would the fantasy then involve regaining the title of ‘Swordmaster’?


Leciel stood still in the corridor, contemplating.

Regaining the title of ‘Swordmaster’.

For this proposition to be valid, she would naturally have to defeat the Hero with a sword.

If, in the dreamscape, she saw a fantasy where she fought and subdued the Hero?


Witnessing such a scene, whether amicably or not, with the person involved could be incredibly embarrassing and awkward.

Leciel struggled with the desire to turn away for a moment.

If it weren’t for the threat of toilet cleaning, she would have undoubtedly fled.

‘…Right. There’s no rule that says it has to be such an instinctive fantasy.’

Leciel suppressed her anxiety.

Evergreen ended up just chatting with the Hero in front of the peaceful scenery of his hometown.

‘I wish it would just be a safe fantasy….’

Leciel genuinely hoped for that.

She didn’t want others gossiping about her, especially not about her relationship with the Hero.

*Knock, knock!*

Leciel tapped on the door of the research lab.

The Hero’s lab was overwhelming from the entrance.

It was said that he occupied three floors all by himself.

In terms of area, it seemed easily ten times larger than the other professors’ labs.


As the door opened, a stern-eyed assistant revealed herself.

Leciel inadvertently peeked inside.

The Hero’s figure was not visible.

A cracked voice followed, “Ah, Miss Leciel, isn’t it? I’ve been waiting.”

“Hello, Assistant. I’ve come for counselling.”

“Yes, just go to the room at the far right on the second floor. The professor is waiting for you.”

“Thank you.”

The research lab was not well organized.

Various-sized glass containers were scattered on long workbenches.

Experiment data, charts, and graphs were attached to the walls.

Maneuvering through precarious piles of documents and various expensive-looking devices, Leciel headed towards the “Advisory Room” on the second floor.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the firmly closed door.

*Knock, knock.*

“It’s Leciel.”
And a short while later.

She looked at the scene in front of her with a somewhat awkward expression.

The Hero also seemed somewhat surprised.

“Can you explain where we are?”

Leciel hesitated before speaking, “I don’t know either.”

And it was true.

Leciel couldn’t even guess what connection this unfamiliar space had with her.

* * *

The descendants of the Hiyashin family had lived in the ancestral home of the First Swordmaster for generations.

A suburb slightly removed from the city center, located about an hour away by horse-drawn carriage from Giros.

Before coming to the academy, Leciel likely spent her entire life there.

The Hero had visited the area as well.

There was a beautiful lake there too.

Dense forests, filled with magical energy, surrounded the area.

However, it was entirely different from this type of scenery.




[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The Hero shielded his eyes from the sunlight, which was piercing through.

Under the radiant sun, the vast sea unfolded in a way that could momentarily make one forget the situation.

A wide, azure ocean, clear and transparent like glass, rippled in the sunlight.

…They were standing on the coastline.

The Hero tilted his head.

Having traveled extensively across the continent, he could roughly guess where this sea might be.

The southernmost part of the continent, beyond the Great Forest.

The vast and endless sea that one would reach after passing through the Grand Forest.


The fantasies created by the Dreamscape shared the nature of dreams and reality.

A spectacle made from fragments of the subconscious.

In other words, this sea was drawn based on a landscape that Leciel had seen before.

‘Did she go on vacation with her grandmother to the south? Beyond the Grand Forest?’

…It wasn’t an impossible story.

However, Leciel, with an expression of unfamiliarity, was looking around.

The Hero asked, “Can you explain where we are?”

“I don’t know either.”

The warm breeze tousled Leciel’s bangs.

The gem-like irises of the exposed girl were lost in confusion.

The Hero felt the need to lighten the mood a bit.

“Well, how about we take a look around first?”


“As you know, the Dreamscape is an artifact that shows what the psyche desires.”

Leciel nodded.

She knew.

That’s probably why she felt awkward about seeking counselling.

“But it can be quite capricious. Sometimes, it shows true desires, and other times, it reflects only superficial desires.”


“So, while you might not understand right away, exploring the surroundings might help you figure out why this particular scenery appeared. You might realize it on your own.”

…Explore on her own?

The Hero, who suggested that, seemed to quite like the warm atmosphere of this peculiar space.

Leciel, leaning against a palm tree lazily, avoiding the sunlight, pursed her lips.

“So, I should explore alone?”

“Wouldn’t that be more comfortable? Well, if you want company, I can accompany you.”

“No, that’s not it….”

Leciel hesitated for a moment.

This place was too unfamiliar.

The sensation of the soft sand grains beneath her feet, the humid scent mixed with the sea breeze, and the rhythmic sound of waves at regular intervals—all of it felt strange.

But, if she had to point out the most unfamiliar thing on this beach, it was the Hero.

He seemed to like the idea of her exploring alone, leisurely observing the clouds in the sky with a very relaxed expression.

‘What’s going on? Is he not going to counsel me?’

It was an unusually casual attitude that she had never seen at the academy.

Come to think of it, his attire was also different from usual.

Not the usual high-end suit he always wore.

Instead, he had opted for a loosely buttoned tunic.

Through the gaps, she could see the tattoos and numerous scars she had observed during the orientation, along with the distinct outline of a well-developed pectoral muscle.

Leciel blinked her eyes.


The Hero tapped the tree he had been leaning against with his fist, and at that very moment, several hard, round, emerald green fruits fell.

Leciel looked at the Hero who took one of them with a shocked expression.

“What are you doing?”

There was no response.


The Hero’s bicep tensed, and the upper part of the peculiar fruit was torn off.

Sweet fragrance filled the air.

Leciel looked at the white pulp handed to her with a perplexed expression.

… Well, it’s so natural.

“Want some?”




The Hero, now sitting under the palm tree, savored the juice of the fruit.

Leciel silently observed him.

It was a moment when he didn’t look like the savior of humanity or the strongest swordsman on the continent.

If it weren’t for his skin as white as snow, he could easily be mistaken for a young man who had spent his whole life on this coast.

A few drops of juice flowed from the corner of his mouth, tracing his sharp jawline and down his neck.

The Hero, seemingly satisfied with the taste of the fruit, smiled faintly with narrowed eyes.


Leciel couldn’t fathom why Minerva, the healer, used that term so often, but it strangely came to her mind at this moment.

She belatedly felt her throat dry up, simultaneously feeling a rush of warmth.

She had been quite concerned about the counselling session, but the Hero seemed less interested in her than she thought.

“Oh, I should have one more.”


He seemed utterly uninterested.

Leciel spoke up, “I’ll take a look around and come back.”

“Sure, take your time.”

The girl headed towards the white sandy beach.

The initial reactions of people facing the sea for the first time are usually quite similar.

They marvel at the infinite expanse and depth, eventually wanting to touch the sea themselves.

Leciel was no exception.

Initially, she had planned to take a casual stroll and request the end of the counselling, but…


Before she knew it, she had regained her senses and found herself standing at the boundary between the sandy shore and the sea.

As the refreshing waves grazed her toes, Leciel let out a small sigh.

Despite appearing indifferent compared to her peers, she still harbored the same curiosity.


After a moment of hesitation, she summoned the courage to take another step.

There was no one around anyway.

The Hero was already far away, probably busy devouring that stupid-looking fruit.

So, there was nothing to be self-conscious about.


Leciel walked towards the horizon, the vastness of the sea unfolding before her.

The water was exceptionally clear, allowing her to see every grain of sand and shell as the waves rolled in.

She traced the waves with her fingers.

“It’s salty… .”

Leciel removed her hand from her mouth and stared blankly, still staring at the distant horizon.

The sky was cloudless, blending seamlessly with the endless sea.

The sun shone warmly and gently above her.

For the first time, Leciel realized she was spending time without a purpose.

She found herself in a place she might never have visited otherwise, surrounded by absolute tranquility.

No one was around, and there was no sword in her hand.

A strange sense of liberation enveloped Leciel.

With a light clap, her amateurish drumming turned into a skillful swim.

Eventually, she expelled mana, moving faster than a shark.

Yet, the Hero had not come looking for her.

Silently, Leciel, now dry and seated on the beach, spent time contemplating.

With closed eyes and basking in the sunlight, she felt warmth and peace.

She used her fingers to play with the sand, creating a small castle.


The horizon disappeared in the glow of the setting sun, casting its hues across the sea and sky.


The glow of the setting sun erased the boundary between the sea and the sky, coloring everything in its own shade.

She suddenly stood up.


Leciel wanted to paint.

She glanced around.

She remembered a nearby sand dune along the path she had passed earlier.

From there, she could capture the entire scene.

“If the illusion can create what I desire…”

Then, on that hill, she might find what she longed for.

Easel, brush, paint, and canvases.

Leciel had a strange conviction that such things might be on that hill.

During her walk, her steps occasionally faltered.


The sand grains beneath her feet, touched by the setting sun, turned golden.

She noticed her own hair, tousled by the wind, had taken on the same hue.

A comfortable smile adorned her face.

She couldn’t remember the last time she smiled like this.

It felt so unusual that she wished someone could capture her current self on canvas.

With that peculiar desire, Leciel made her way to the top of the hill.


There was an artist holding a brush.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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