
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 157

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 157


The hero stared blankly at the ashy bundle of fur nudging him.

What was so good about it? It hurriedly sniffed around with its short legs, taking in his scent.

A nose poking through the gaps of a suit jacket.


The hero reflexively reached out and grabbed the scruffy fur of the creature.

A soft ‘grung!’ sound was heard.

“…So what’s this?”

“It’s a present for Teacher’s Day!”

Amidst the children’s chorus, the hero grabbed the twitching tail.


Approximately 5 minutes ago.

It was the moment he was about to grab the classroom doorknob.

The hero sensed someone hiding right behind the door.

It was highly secretive.

And wouldn’t you know it…


As soon as he opened the door, a cake flew towards his face at ferocious speed.

But the hero wasn’t one to just take it.

He first subdued the arm holding the cake, then returned it right back at the assailant.


A cacophony of laughter poured onto the cream-coated culprit.

The crouched figure on the floor glared back with a furious expression.

“Hey, Leciel!”

“I said something like that wouldn’t work.”

“But, we agreed to do it together! You promised!”


Leciel, with a snort, quietly placed another cake she held onto the desk.

The hero, listening to their silly conversation, suddenly realized that the classroom looked somewhat different than usual.


Balloons of various colors adorned the room.

Decorations seemingly made by the children were placed all around, with somewhat sloppy ribbons, crumpled paper flowers, and tattered cards.

Though their skills were far from perfect, their sincerity was evident.

Different handwriting on the blackboard conveyed gratitude.

Among them, one stood out.

The hero cleared his throat, feeling his throat getting choked up.

His gaze was fixed on a painting that filled one side of the wall.

“These are…”

“Oh, Leciel asked a known painter to draw them.”

…A known painter, huh.

The hero remembered Leciel’s artistic style he saw at the beach of dreams.

The entrance ceremony.


Various classes including demonology and simulacrum.

Training sessions continued at the barracks.

Encounters in the Forest of Martial Arts, bravely fighting against Beriel and Enoch.

Even scenes from the still-drying paint of the battle arena and the lively festival tavern.

The entire semester of Extreme was encapsulated there.

“…The known painter’s skill is remarkable.”

“Uh, yes.”

Leciel, seemingly embarrassed, hung her head low.

Her earlobes were as red as her hair, almost indistinguishable from it.

Delving deeper into Leciel…

The hero’s understanding of Leciel’s impending ability replication increased.

But for almost the first time, the hero ignored the comment.

Now, it wasn’t the gaze of this suspicious artifact.

He wanted to capture this moment with his own unadulterated eyes.

“Hehe, you must be hungry! Aren’t you!”

At that moment, Cuculli, wiping off the cream, dragged a desk over.

On the desk lay the hero’s favorite tea and pastries, neatly arranged.

“Oh, so that’s why Pia…”

The hero belatedly understood the significant smile he saw on Pia in the laboratory.

He also realized how diligently his disciples had prepared for this day…

But that wasn’t the end of it.


From the back of the classroom, an unexpected sound was heard.

Evergreen appeared with a huge bundle of fur, not long after.


A scene where he returned from the auction house.

The moment she handed the wolf doll.

Although what she held was not a doll but a living creature, there wasn’t a noticeable difference.

Evergreen proudly exclaimed, with a twitch of her nose.

“Professor really likes wolves!”

…The gaze shifted to the wolf dangling from Evergreen’s hand.

For a cub, it was unusually large.

About the size of an average adult dog.

The hero continued to observe.

Soft and short fur was the same color as his hair.

A sleek and agile body.

Short legs and a long tail.

A somewhat elongated face with large pumpkin-colored eyes.

As their eyes met, the creature surprisingly made a subtle smiling expression.


A sound between a whimper and a howl, with teeth peeking through the gap of its snout.

Though small and underdeveloped, the sharp teeth could tear through parchment.

The hero slowly spoke.

“…It’s not just a wolf.”

“Yes, it’s a Rune Wolf!”

The hero chuckled.

A Rune Wolf, a wolf of the Great Mountain range, growing up to three meters, close to a monster.

A creature rumored to have been imbued with the secretive magic flowing through the mountains.

Intelligence and loyalty were remarkable traits, which made Rune Wolves highly prized.

“Hehe, little one. Now go to your master.”

Evergreen released the wolf.

The creature, who had dashed over, seemed to please the hero greatly…


It tried to rub against him and sniff his scent.

Its long tail wagged from side to side.

‘…Considering the kids’ finances, it must have been quite expensive.’

Karen indicated a victory sign with her fingers, providing an answer to the question.

“We were top in tavern sales, hehe.”

It was only natural to remember the sight of the kids cooking and cleaning dishes late into the night.

He was speechless.


The hero kneeled down and embraced the Rune Wolf.

As if it had been waiting, the creature leaped into his arms, and the children cheered.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“It looks like you, it looks so good!”

“You two suit each other!”

“We should give it a name.”

“Maybe you’ll come up with something cool.”

“…How about Gerald?”

“Ugh, shut up.”

“Well, anyway…”


The students simultaneously shouted as if rehearsed.

“Happy Teacher’s Day!”

Bouquets, fireworks, and cards were extended to him.


The hero stood still, gazing at the respect and affection surrounding him.

And he realized.

That someday all these lies would come to light.

And when the time came to leave this place.

He was experiencing the moment he would miss the most right now.

For the first time since his appointment, the hero smiled brightly.

“Thank you.”

The fire caused by the firewood heated the brazier.
The furnace is ready.
…Starting seasonal production.

* * *

As days passed since the graduation ceremony, the campus fell into silence, almost unrecognizable.

Most of the students had left the academy.

Being their instructor, he had been able to receive information about their destinations in advance, and most of them headed home without any particular incident.

Ban went to the capital, Leciel and Evergreen to their family estates, and Luke to the camp of the Aureum Mercenaries.

But Cuculli chose to stay at the academy, seemingly unwilling to return to the north.

She said she would do some sightseeing nearby if she had time.

A deserted campus.

Not even a small sound could be heard.

The quiet space was filled with tranquility, and the tranquility turned into a slight loneliness.

‘…I thought it would be nice to have peace and quiet.’

The emptiness was amplified by Pia’s absence.

I looked at the empty laboratory.

With Pia’s belongings gone, the flasks and beakers, it all felt terribly empty.

…Pia had left for the Great Forest just yesterday.

Surprisingly, three others had joined her: Noubelmag, Kasim, and Nyhill.

Noubelmag had decided to join her because he also had business in the Great Forest.

Kasim, following the advice I gave him, said he would leave too.

He said he would find good opponents there, with his newfound swordsmanship.

Finally, Nyhill, I had sent at Noubelmag’s request.

“She wants to find a way to awaken the spirit of the dagger. She wants to take the spirit, which is the master of the forest, to the Great Forest.”

“Let it be so. I was worried about sending you alone, but it turned out well.”

“…Well, she seems to want to go along with your journey.”

I shook my head horizontally.

Of course, Nyhill was a very capable agent, but I didn’t expect her to operate smoothly in the depths of the demonic realm.

Going to the Great Forest with Noubelmag was probably the better choice for her too.

I will go alone.

I decided that from the beginning.

…Anyway, everyone left over the next few days.


Except for the baby wolf rolling around on the carpet of the foyer.

It hadn’t been long, but it seemed to have grown a few more centimeters, perhaps due to my mood.

Considering how much meat it devoured every day, a few more centimeters wouldn’t be strange.



The wolf’s tail wagged from side to side.

Wherever I went, it followed me closely, so I named it Shadow.

In just a few days, it seemed to have completely recognized me as its owner and was quite affectionate.

“…I have to leave you.”

During my absence from Rosenstark, I planned to leave it to Yussi.

She was good at taking care of animals, as evidenced by ‘Ted’ alone.

She would take good care of Shadow too.

I scratched its back a few times before getting up from the chair.

It seemed to sense that I was about to leave, quietly watching me with its large pumpkin-colored eyes.

‘…I guess it’s time to go.’

I planned to travel to the lawless city of Canis within a week at most.

Although it was the farthest distance of the journey so far, I didn’t think it would be impossible as long as I changed horses at every relay station.

There was no need for pace adjustment without a party.

I had no separate luggage.

Only a golden key hung in front of my chest.

Everything needed for this passage through the Abyss was contained within this pocket dimension.

[Well then, Mr. Doppelganger. See you in the demonic realm.]

As I heard the whisper from the doll strapped to my waist.

I left the laboratory… and soon departed for Rosenstark.
It took exactly six days to reach the eastern edge.

Alone, but it was a relentless march without a moment of boredom.

…The lawless city of Canis.

A city where people live hoping there is no law.

Outlaws, criminals, fugitives, recluses…

The residents here refer to themselves as freemen, calling Canis a free city, but…

‘No one calls it that outside.’

After passing through a highly formal, seemingly unnecessary inspection,

After walking a few minutes inward, I could reach the entrance to Canis’ downtown.

[Always the sad scenery, huh.]

The doll hanging from the inner pocket of my jacket murmured.

As Larze had said.

The scenery of the lawless city was dyed entirely in ash gray.

Matchbox-like buildings without windows, contrasting with vibrant signs.

Intense lights and noise flowed through the dusty streets.

The crowds wandered aimlessly, making heavy footsteps, and the main difference from other cities was that the majority of them were alone without companions.

A sinister smirk, or a completely blank expression, occasionally a bright smile passed by me.

A landscape mingled with pleasure and danger.

For newcomers, their bodies would likely stiffen, but I had no such concerns.

I had spent quite some time here.

Thanks to that, I could immediately sense that the atmosphere of this city was different from usual.

I became incredulous and took out the doll.

“Is this what you meant by ‘a gift to understand when you arrive in Canis’?”

[Yeah, do you like it?]

“…I might need to redefine the meaning of a gift for you.”


As I was about to say that.

A yellowed piece of paper stuck to the wall fell before my eyes.

Underneath the torn paper was a very familiar map, and below that, written in crude letters, it said:

To the exploration team or individual who brings the treasure at this coordinate, a substantial reward awaits

Guild deposit – 50,000G

From afar, I could hear someone shouting.

“Alright, let’s turn our lives around!”


Lazje muttered calmly.

[I guess we need to hurry. Just now another competitor was added.]

…I couldn’t possibly ever guess her intentions.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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