
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 45

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 45

As I refrained from taking another step, the children naturally came to a halt behind me.

Simon, who was leading the way, quickly turned around and approached.

“Is there a problem?”

Turning my gaze away from the statue, I looked at the old man with a puzzled expression.

“Did you finish appraising these items?”

Simon nodded.

“Yes, a wizard of Calidus rank and a superior appraiser affiliated with the Beyond Society both completed the appraisal. But…”

“Can I see the appraisal records?”

“Of course.”

Simon handed me the appraisal records, stored separately next to the display shelves.

Once again, it seemed like I was the only one who discovered the uniqueness of this statue.

[Appraisal Record (712)]
Item Name: Ancient Wolf Sculpture (Temporary)
Size: 15cm
Estimated Production Year: First Era
Maker: Unknown
Other Information: Supplied by the Inis Magic Exploration Team
Appraisal Date: New Empire Year 297, March 21st
Appraiser Name: Warren, Yukali…
Appraisal Price: Less than 2 gold
Detailed Appraisal Content: While it possesses no special effects, the intricacy of the sculpture and the uniqueness of its production year warrant the pricing as mentioned above. ※ Weak magical energy detected. Likely due to long neglect in the magic realm.

Comprehensive Concealment…

Comprehensive Concealment is an advanced magic that conceals all peculiarities of the target, making it appear completely ordinary.

Regardless of the amount of magical power it possesses or any unique abilities it might have, everything is hidden.

Even the caster could be a Maester, or perhaps even a Beyond-rank Archmage.

It would have been challenging for even a high-ranking mage like a Calidus-rank wizard or a senior appraiser to discern.

However, what was truly astonishing was that despite all this, a faint magical energy could still be sensed.

The appraiser initially thought it was due to the statue being neglected in the magic realm for an extended period, but he was mistaken.

If Comprehensive Concealment was in effect, there should be no trace of magical energy.

In summary, this statue is a dangerous item that contains magical power potent enough to penetrate through even Maester-level disguise magic.

‘Although not certain, someone might be tracing it.’

What kind of object could it be?

I wanted to immediately confirm its identity by using the magic nullification engraved in my robe.

Unfortunately, Dispel is not a magic that activates silently.

Immediately after it is activated, this warehouse will be enveloped in such a brilliant light that it will be difficult to open your eyes.

It wasn’t an image suitable for the children or even Simon, who was close to Yussi, to witness the rare scene of the Hero using magic.

‘However, leaving such a dangerous item to be sold openly in the marketplace is also not an option.’

…So, the alternative method was to buy it immediately with the amount specified in the appraisal record.

I casually picked up the wolf sculpture, feeling the cool and slightly rough texture of the stone against my fingertips.

“I want to buy this sculpture. I’ll purchase it immediately for the amount stated in the appraisal record.”

Simon seemed momentarily surprised, blinking his eyes.

The children were also in a similar state.

Their gaze alternated between the sculpture and my face.

I said nonchalantly,

“Is there anyone planning to buy it before me?”

“Well, it is included in the items contracted to be sold to the marketplace..,”

Simon hesitated briefly, caught between the ‘merchant’s ethics’ and ‘flexibility.’

Of course, the hesitation was brief.

“Asking for your understanding shouldn’t be too difficult. But would it be okay to inquire about the reason…?”

The merchant’s curiosity seemed to be piqued as his eyes sparkled beneath the creases.

Even if I tried, it was challenging to come up with a sophisticated reason on the spot.

“I like wolves.”



“…Ah, I see! Th-That’s great! As it happens, there’s also a knife with a wolf engraving among the premium items. I’ll show you that too. Hahaha.”

Awkward laughter filled the air.

“Oh, you like wolves,” Evergreen’s muffled remark came from behind.

“Thank you.”

I felt strangely embarrassed.

Simon reached out towards the sculpture.

“Well, let me organize the items, pack them up, and then we can arrange delivery to Rosenstark….”

“No, I’ll take it with me right away.”

“That… as you wish.”

“…Well, looks like you really like it,” ignoring the annoying remark, I roughly cradled the sculpture in my arms.

‘Now that I’ve secured it, that’s enough.’

I planned to unravel the mystery behind this sculpture once back at Rosenstark.

I also intended to find out more about the ‘Inis Expedition’ that supplied items to the auction house.

I turned my head back to face Simon.

“Sorry for taking up your time. Now, let’s examine the auction items.”

Although I momentarily lost focus, I couldn’t forget the original purpose.

It was time to find suitable armaments for the children.

I followed Simon, along with the eager-looking children, to inspect the auction items.

* * *

Shopping took well over an hour.

Simon, scrutinizing the items packed in a large bag, looked up.

His appearance, with neat white gloves and glasses, was quite professional, like any other auctioneer.

“It comes to a total of 1,720 gold for an immediate purchase, but Ms. Yussi said that you can pay whatever amount you’re comfortable with….”

I shook my head.

“That won’t be necessary.”


“I will tell Yussi. Just showing the items in advance is enough to show favor.”

I had already accumulated a considerable debt of gratitude.

Yussi didn’t list these premium items in the auction and kept them aside solely for me.

Thanks to that, I could seize quality items at a discounted rate.

If these items were to go through the auction, the price would easily have been double.

What I aimed for here was not only the goods but also to avoid being a burden.

“I’ll pay for these.”

I handed over a jewel I had prepared in advance.

It was the most valuable among those I brought from the hideout.

“Hmm, if that’s the case…”

Simon acquired the jewel with a satisfied expression.

A more favorable smile adorned the merchant’s face.

“A top-grade ruby. Crafted by the dwarves in the 1st era… Even after paying for this, there should be some left. How would you like to handle the difference?”

“Consider it an investment for the endless prosperity of Glendor.”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“Haha, I will strive to grow quickly and become an even more reliable ally for the Hero.”

I nodded.

“Send these items to Rosenstark. Only collect the ones set aside for me now.”

“Understood. So, about those…”

With an amiable smile, Simon gestured toward the children standing behind him.

“Alright then. I’ll personally hand these over to the new owners.”

With a benevolent smile, Simon gestured towards the children standing behind him.

“Uh, thank you, Professor! Master! We’ll make good use of them!”

“Is it really okay to just accept this…? Thank you.”

“…Thank you.”

Again, I must emphasize that the gears these kids currently possessed were already quite good.

The gears given to new Rosenstark students during their enrollment were crafted by workshops located in the academy’s shopping district.

Among the ready-made items, they were of the highest quality.

Kids like Luke and Ban, with good backgrounds, probably received additional support at home.

However, the artifacts from this fair’s auction had merit in being ‘unique.’

These were experimental attempts by existing craftsmen.

Items made with materials from the demonic realm, and even completed relics excavated from ruins were present.

The uniqueness of their effects surpassed the ordinary goods.

“Wow, is this really mine?”

Evergreen, born into a modest noble family with no connection to exquisite artifacts, was extremely delighted.

What she chose after much consideration was a quiver made from purified magic wood.

If you left arrows in it for a certain amount of time, it automatically enchanted them with tracking magic and a bleeding curse.

“It’s a product specialized for hunting. With this, you can feed the territory’s residents with meat all winter long.”

“Cuculli would envy this.”

“Ugh, no!!”

Behind Evergreen, who was looking at the red quiver with ecstatic eyes, Luke was testing the balance of the enchanted armor with apprentice-level deflection magic, and Ban was examining a high-quality cloak with a contemplative expression.

The artifact was enhanced with repulsion magic and temperature control magic.

Without asking, I could tell by their expressions that everyone was satisfied.

Finally, I shifted my gaze to the item I had chosen.


A substantial weight surrounded my hand.

The artifact I purchased was a gauntlet.

Seemingly ordinary at first glance, this gauntlet revealed its fierce nature as blades sprouted from each knuckle when manipulated.

“It’s perfect for compensating for the weakness of Black Hope in close combat.”

I bought it for situations where battles occurred in cramped spaces or in unforeseen ambushes where securing distance wasn’t possible.

While Black Hope was a formidable weapon as long as it could manifest its unique ability, the ‘Zone,’ it was still sealed, making this gauntlet a sensible choice.


Furthermore, it was enchanted with electrical magic for suppression, making it quite useful.

“Alright, let’s head out.”

Exiting the warehouse, we returned to the central hall.

The auction hall, which was quiet just a while ago, was now bustling with people.

Merchants enthusiastically haggled while bouncing on their toes, and nobles leisurely strolled through the corridors, admiring decorations.

I noticed the vibrant colors they wore were a prevalent fashion in the capital.

“You’ve all come a long way, I guess we’re just getting started?”

“Yes. Would you also like to enter, Sir Hero?”

“I’ll send the kids and enter on my own. You can go about your business inside.”

“Very well, sir. It has been a great honour to serve you for a short time.”

Simon courteously nodded and walked away with measured steps.

I observed the elderly man’s dignified demeanor, which surpassed many nobles.

Evergreen asked in a soft voice, “Professor, where are you going? Aren’t you going to explore the fair with us?”

“I’m planning to participate in the auction. You kids can roam around the fair on your own.”

“Oh, I guess we weren’t planning to stay together.”

Even if he had Yussi’s backing, there was no guarantee that he could secure all the high-end items in the auction.

Especially considering the protagonist of this auction.

The rumored auction items that drew nobles and merchants from distant lands were not owned by Glendor but were consigned for sale by the original owners.

Hence, I couldn’t even catch a glimpse of them in the warehouse.

‘Of course, it’s an item I can’t handle immediately, but…’

I thought while tossing a pouch to Luke.

He received it with a puzzled expression,

“What’s this?”

“It’s money and a tracking artifact. Explore freely. I’ll come find you after finishing my business.”

The kids, initially surprised by my generosity, lowered their heads in gratitude.

Luke, representing them, spoke, “Yes, thank you.”

As if confirming the validity of the reward, Luke instinctively checked the amount and tucked the money pouch into his pocket.


I left the kids behind and headed towards the interior of the auction hall.

“Goodbye! We’ll have fun!”

Their expressions gradually faded as I moved away.

Instead, the scent of expensive perfume and a cultured tone of voice…

Such symbols of wealth quickly surrounded me.

‘Then let’s try to understand the atmosphere.’

Thinking that, I put on the mask and transformed the ‘Zero Requiem’s Robe’ into a form with a wide hood, concealing the upper part of my face.

Thus, ready to enter the auction anonymously.

* * *

On the other hand…


Luke, Evergreen, and Ban came out of the auction hall.

As they stepped outside the area protected by soundproofing magic, the surroundings became noticeably noisy.

However, in stark contrast, only a thick silence lingered among the kids.

Evergreen swallowed hard.


‘Ugh, this is awkward.’

Truth be told, I wasn’t close with any of them.

We had barely interacted despite attending the same classes for over a month.

Both Luke and Ban weren’t particularly sociable.

However, that didn’t mean I didn’t want to become friends with them.

‘….Of course, I want to be friends!’

Evergreen awkwardly laughed while looking at Ban, who was also smiling uncomfortably, and Luke, who was gazing into the distance.

Starting with Ban, the renowned Hero, Felson Dietrich’s son and the heir of a prestigious family in Jestea.

In Evergreen’s mind the image of Ban was almost like a prince, considering his background.

And then there was Luke.

How was he?

Living in the outskirts of the territory, encountering mercenaries wasn’t uncommon for Evergreen.

Thanks to that, she knew how rough and challenging their lives could be.

But even considering the hardships she faced, Luke, growing up as the heir to the Mercenary King, would have experienced a completely different level of difficulties.

It was both admirable and cool.


‘Even though it may sound selfish… if we become friends, it could be helpful for our territory in various ways!’

Especially when later, Solintail might be struggling against a monster invasion, will he at least extend a helping hand?

When I think of the people and my parents who are still going through hardships, a moment of shame is nothing.

…These complex reasons made Evergreen speak first.

“H-How about we go check it out together? There are quite a few things I want to buy! There are booths I’d like to visit too.”

“Well… why not? It might be tight on time, but let’s plan our route well and go.”

With his characteristic warm smile, Ban nodded enthusiastically.

It was a relief!

Evergreen’s face brightened considerably.

Now, it was only Luke…

“I’m good, so you guys can go have fun.”



And that settled it.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 0
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