
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 147

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 147

“First, we definitely have to open the pub. Oh, what concept should we go with?”

“Of course, it has to be romance for it to work well! Sales will be handled by us.”

“Senior Deindart, what did you do during the festival last year?”

“Um… we had a play, a haunted house, and a cross-dressing contest which was quite popular.”

“If only we could dress the professor up in a dress, we would be the top sellers at this festival.”

“It’s not much different from saying that if you cut off the Demon King’s head, the war between humans and demons will end.”

“Hmm, it seems like there will be too much competition for the pub, should we try opening a fortune-telling house instead?”

“Wow Karen, you can do that too?”

“I learned a bit from the wandering fairies in the territory. Tarot cards and stuff.”

The lounge quickly turned into a marketplace with children discussing their festival plans.

Luke, who had been lounging on a corner sofa to avoid the heat, grimaced as he got up to leave.

“Hey, wait a minute.”


“Are you going to the battle arena?”

Gerald approached with a piece of paper, presumably an application form.

Luke nonchalantly nodded his head.


“Huh, why? I thought you were going to.”

“Sorry, but I don’t have time for that.”

“Aw, I was going to support you in the 2-on-2 combat… then who will you go with?”

…Even if I were to go, I never planned to go with you.

Luke had gained a fair bit of sociability over the past few months of academy life.

Luke twisted his sore body and got up from his seat.

“Anyway, since I’m not going, find someone else.”

He was one of the few students who weren’t excited about the festival.

He simply didn’t care about things like the festival.

Recently, he had been dedicating his nights to training with new combat techniques and weapons.

‘There’s nothing to be gained by participating in competitions where first-year students fight against each other.’

It might have been quite fun if the entire academy had been the subject of competition, but if it were a competition held by grade, the most extreme classmates would win it anyway.

Fighting with these guys would be enough in class.

‘I don’t feel like fighting in front of others with weapons I’m not fully accustomed to…’

Above all, ever since he received a letter from Ravias a few days ago, Luke had decided to skip the festival as soon as the related notice came up.

‘I should train.’

Being idle only makes my head more complicated.

Luke quickly left the lounge.

…So, he didn’t notice Evergreen retreating with a disappointed expression.

Nor did he notice Deindart’s eyes gleaming.
“Is something wrong with you?”


“You seem different than usual.”

Even though his broadsword missed his forehead, Ban didn’t retaliate and simply backed away.

A look of confusion appeared on his sweat-drenched face.

Luke replied as he massaged his sore shoulders.

“What’s so different? Hah, it’s the same as always.”

His breathing was slightly ragged.

Surprisingly, recently, Ban had often been the one with the upper hand in their duels.

It was difficult to defeat the eldest son of the prestigious Sword Clan in swordsmanship, unless he was using the halberd.

‘No… Even if I use the halberd now, I can’t guarantee victory.’

At first, he was deeply wounded by the narrowed gap in skill.

But eventually, Luke quickly acknowledged and accepted it.

Ban had the qualifications.

Luke knew how much effort Ban had put in to become stronger, and how much pain he had overcome.

Having experienced similar pain himself, and overcoming it with even greater intensity, Ban deserved respect.

‘Turned out to be quite a guy.’

Luke took a deep breath and lifted his sword again.

But for some reason, Ban didn’t seem to have any intention of fighting at all.

“What’s wrong?”

“…It’s nothing, just put your sword away. It’s a waste of time.”

“Hmm, seems like it’s not nothing.”

“Ugh, now you’re talking back?”

Luke raised his fist.

Memories of their ‘extreme training’ from the past resurfaced, causing Ban to shrink.

Of course, it didn’t take long for small laughter to fill the air between the boys.

Ban slumped down.

Seeing his stubborn friend’s demeanor, Luke chuckled.

“Tell me. We’re friends.”


In the end, Luke put away his greatsword and briefly explained the situation.

“A letter came from my father.”

In summary, the letter mentioned that the Mercenary Corps had suddenly received a new request.

The client was none other than the royal family.

Although the letter didn’t provide detailed instructions, it was obvious that the danger level would be considerable, given the client.

‘…And the destination is near the east.’

While Ravias was a man who could survive even in the depths of hell, not all of his mercenaries were like him.

Many members were likely to die.

For Luke, who couldn’t offer direct help to them right now, it wasn’t welcome news.

‘Maybe I should join them even for a short time during the vacation.’

After hearing a rough explanation, Ban remained silent.

In fact, it was because he was feeling similar emotions to Luke right now.

Before Felson left, he told him that he had become part of East’s vanguard.

No matter how powerful he is, this is mankind’s first subjugation of the East.

As his son, he couldn’t help but be worried.


Although the circumstances were different, the boys, who had similar feelings, stared at the setting sun beyond the military parade ground in silence.

Noise was coming from all directions.

A slightly different kind of noise than usual.

It’s probably a preparation process for the festival to be held tomorrow.

Amid the loud talking and shouting, Ban blurted out something to change the topic.

“Are you going to the battle arena?”

“Not going. How about you?”

“Well, I’m still considering… By the way, surprising, isn’t it?”

“What is?”

“I thought you would go.”

“Do I look like I would?”

Luke shrugged.

Both Gerald and others, why did they all think he would go?

Ban smiled brightly.

“You like being in the spotlight.”


…I should have beaten you even more when you were down.

As Luke regretted that, Ban added.

“The group training sounds fun… It’s a pity since you’re not going. Should I just go?”

“Group training? What’s that?”


Ban looked at Luke with a look as if asking, ‘What are you talking about?’

“Haven’t you read the attached guidelines?”

“I haven’t.”

“Um… Where should I start explaining? Do you know that the winning teams of the preliminaries participate in the arena main event? It’s the Academy King of Kings competition against other academies at the end of the year.”

“I know that.”

Luke nodded.

The party play 4-person winning team.

The unarmed combat 1-person winning team, 2-person winning team.

The magic combat 1-person winning team, 2-person winning team.

A total of 5 teams were said to qualify for the off-campus competition.

Ban nodded thankfully.

“The main event participants will go to the facility separately at the end of the year. They’ll also have group training there. You knew Evergreen was going, so I thought you knew.”

Luke’s movements abruptly stopped.

“Evergreen is going?”

“Yeah, she said she’s going for the 2-person match. Didn’t she ask you?”

“She didn’t ask.”

“Huh… Really? Why didn’t she ask?”

Group training.

A long-distance trip to the facility.

Memories that can be made in busy streets.

After calculating, Luke stood up without a word.

“When is the deadline for registration?”

“Um… There’s still time, right? I think on-site registration is also possible.”


Luke’s figure, who stood up suddenly, swiftly moved outside the training ground.

There was no need to ask where he was going.

It was obvious.

‘With Evergreen and Luke… they’ll easily win the 2-person match.’

With that thought, Ban resumed training alone.

But there was one situation he hadn’t anticipated.

“You. Be my partner.”

30 minutes later, Luke, who returned with a heavily reconsidered proposal, said.

…Even if Ban had improved his courage, he couldn’t muster the courage to refuse when he saw his face.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the Hero’s Research Lab.

The three of them were all together after a long time.

But despite the trio being gathered, the room was very quiet, as if a mouse had died, perhaps because Kasim was sitting quietly.

Pia and the Hero glanced at him from time to time.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘What’s going on? What are all those documents?’

Kasim, holding a pile of documents, was reading them through and through.

Considering that the finals were over, it was definitely a strange situation.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The sight of Kasim concentrating like that was only seen when he was dealing with matters related to seducing maids.

Curious, the Hero asked indirectly.

“What are you working so hard on?”

“Oh, I’m preparing for the commentary.”

The Hero chuckled at that remark.


Preliminaries allowed on-site participation.

Even if the number of participants hadn’t been confirmed yet, the preparations made at this point were limited.

Kasim’s voice, full of determination, continued.

“Iveta Jamvelo. Since I can’t present a commentary that falls short in front of that guy.”

The Hero remembered that name.

“…The professor in charge of magic commentary? It seems like you don’t get along well.”

“It’s not just a matter of not getting along. Professor will surely criticize Iveta harshly.”

Because of the peculiarity of magic research, the Department of Mysteries was located on the outskirts rather than in the central area of the campus, unlike the combat and manufacturing departments.

The education of department students followed almost entirely independent curricula, and as a result, there was very little interaction with the professors of the Department of Mysteries.

In other words, it was unlikely that a professor from the Department of Combat would dislike a professor from the Department of Mysteries to the extent that it was difficult to imagine.

Moreover, it was the moment when Kasim, who was good at hiding his emotions, revealed such strong resentment toward someone.

It was a moment when a small curiosity about Professor Iveta arose.

“Who is he to make you react like that?”

Kasim, still looking uncomfortable, responded while staring intently at the preparatory materials.

“He’s an extremely arrogant bastard. If I were to describe him,he’s an egoistic misanthrope immersed in magical superiority.”

It was at that moment when Pia, who had been listening from the other side, interjected and stumbled over.

“Oh… he didn’t seem like that kind of person.”

Kasim turned to her with a deeply shocked expression.

“Oh my, Pia. It seems like your already feeble ability to empathize has deteriorated even further.”

Pia retorted, blushing furiously.

“No, that’s not it. It’s just that when I went to ask for cooperation related to the lecture, he was very kind.”

Hearing this, Kasim became even more disheartened.

“Of course she was. That guy wears a different mask in front of females!”

Ah, hatred.

The tension between compatriots.

Deciding to simply dismiss it, the Hero turned his attention away from Iveta Jamvelo.

…The moment he regretted not paying more attention to Kasim’s lament came two days later.

The day of the opening of the Battle Arena preliminary rounds.

* * *

The Battle Arena preliminaries consisted of the following order:

1-person magic match – 1-person martial arts match – 2-person magic match – 2-person martial arts match – Party match (4 people).

The Hero entered the waiting room for commentators with Kasim.

Here, they waited and alternated with the magic commentary when it was time for unarmed combat.

Since the first turn was magic, administrative staff were busy explaining various things to the magic commentators.

First in line was the magic battle, so the administrative staff were giving various explanations to the magic commentators.

“The commentator for this match is Iveta Jamvelo.”

Kasim pointed with his chin to a young man.

The Hero scrutinized him slowly.

‘Hmm, he looks somewhat similar yet different from Kasim.’

Neatly slicked back golden hair.

Well-maintained, shiny skin.

Consistently upwards-trending mouth corners and eye features that seemed somewhat arrogant.

After observing, the Hero listened in on the conversation between him and the administrative staff.

For some reason, the staff member seemed very embarrassed.

“Because the audience entered faster than scheduled… Could you please stall for time with some remarks until the participants are ready?”

“That’s my specialty. Don’t worry, do your job.”

“Phew, thank you. Professor.”

…His tone and expression were surprisingly kind and courteous.

As the relieved staff member stepped back, Iveta’s green eyes turned towards the Hero.

Approaching confidently.

The Hero quietly observed as Iveta bent his waist.

“It’s an infinite honor to meet you, Professor Redymer. I’ve deeply admired your exploits even from afar.”

“…Thanks, I’m expecting good commentary from you today.”

“As nervous as I am to have the professor watching, I’ll do my best.”

After finishing his words, he exchanged a brief nod with Kasim, then disappeared into the corridor connected to the commentary room where his fellow professors were waiting.

He had the most courteous attitude among the magicians the Hero had encountered recently.


The eyes directed at Kasim seemed to seek an explanation.

Kasim’s ears turned red.

“T-that was acting!”

“If you indulge in gossip about fellow professors, it won’t do.”

“Ugh… Even the professor doesn’t trust me.”

The Hero shook his head slightly, then looked straight ahead through the transparent glass.

He could see the circular arena below.

Despite restricted access for outsiders, it was packed with students and faculty members, almost everyone.

It was then that Iveta’s booming voice, amplified by the sound system, resonated throughout.

[Now, we will start the 1-on-1 magic battle in 3 minutes! Dear audience, please be patient! Please look forward to the overwhelming power of the pride of Rosenstark, the Department of Mysteries!]

The commentary sounded quite familiar, and his voice was full of ease.

Kasim buried himself deeper into the backrest, seeming to heave a sigh of relief.

But sadly, Iveta’s commentary was just beginning.

[I believe this match will be more anticipated than any other. I don’t mean to disparage unarmed combat, but in terms of aesthetics, magic certainly takes the lead.]

[Magic and art intersect in some aspects. The beautiful wonders created by the magician’s hands! You may feel as if you’re standing in front of a work of art.]

[In other words, there’s much more to discuss about magic than unarmed combat. It will be enjoyable to watch.]

[Haha, that’s why the opening of the preliminaries is always decided by the magic battle! I cautiously predict, wouldn’t our esteemed audience agree?]


It was the moment when Kasim’s hunched shoulders straightened confidently.

“What did I say, professor?”

“…He certainly seems like a magician advocate.”

The Hero thought somewhat ruefully.

Magicians naturally take great pride in their fields of expertise.

…But that was just for a moment.

The subsequent remark managed to slightly stiffen his calm expression.

[This year, there were particularly remarkable freshmen. One of them is the student from the Department of Mysteries who is undoubtedly the pride of the distinguished Hero. Even compared to the Extreme students, they will not fall behind! In fact, one could say that our Department of Mysteries is more suitable for providing the festival with dazzling spectacles! Wahahaha!]

…Why are they making such a fuss about our kids?

The Hero’s brow twitched.

Meanwhile, among the audience, there were both jeers and cheers.

Those subtly hinting at rivalry and the students from the Department of Mysteries burst into laughter and cheers.

The unintentionally formed dynamic of the confrontation seemed very intriguing.

As if in response to this, Iveta continued his commentary.

[Although they won’t face off due to different fields, I was disappointed because I thought they would. But I’m very excited about this opportunity. It’s like an extra match, isn’t it? Please wait for the 2-on-2 match that will take place shortly!]

…What’s he talking about now?

It was when the bewildered eyes of the Hero caught sight of the list of participants in the magic competition that the administrative staff left behind.

[Alright, finally the pride of the School of Mysteries! The top student, ‘Beatrice Monroe,’ is entering!]

[The second miracle, also known as the second Larze, the genius among geniuses!]

[I feel like I should apologize to you all on behalf of the organizers! While there are many outstanding individuals in the Combat Department, if you feel a little dissatisfied after seeing Beatrice, I understand. Hahaha!]

[Please welcome her with a big round of applause, as she will bring you the superiority of magic and overwhelming mysteries!]

The top freshman of the School of Mysteries enters the circular arena.

Despite the grandiose praise, Iveta showed no signs of nervousness.


Whether it was because she was short, had long hair, or both.

Her rare purple-colored hair swayed near her ankles.

Interestingly, she was wearing a dazzling dress instead of the robes favored by wizards, a type suitable for noblewomen attending salons.

If it weren’t for the levitation magic, her lace dress would have dragged on the floor.

She didn’t look like someone who came to fight at all.

While the attention-grabbing appearance and entrance were noteworthy, the Hero’s gaze didn’t linger on her.

…More precisely, it was fixed on a particular spot in the magic 2-on-2 section.

Team 13.

Ban Dietrich, Luke Selsood.

Despite his exceptional comprehension, he couldn’t figure out what was happening.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 63
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Chapter 19
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 18
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 17
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 0
Aug 2, 2024