
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 243

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 243

The connection between Ted Redymer and Labin Hawk began a long time ago.

It was around the time Ted first enrolled in Rosenstark Academy.

So, it’s the story that happened right after the “Mercenary Corps Annihilation Incident” that I saw in the Library of Memories.

At that time, it was a period that was truly called the dark age of humanity.

The Demon King’s army had swallowed half of the western continent, and the remaining half was as precarious as a candle in the wind.

A corrupt royal family.

A cruel emperor.

Incompetent bureaucrats.

Rosenstark was also influenced by this, and it was rotting away in a completely different way from now.

‘Ted said he was discriminated against a lot when he first enrolled too.’

His background as a mercenary was a problem.

Of course, there was still an atmosphere of ignoring commoners, but it was worse then.

Even the professors openly discriminated against him.

Even though they all knew Ted’s talent, they did not teach him properly, but rather neglected him for fear of upsetting the children of other nobles.

The professors who did not even give him the opportunity to develop his talent.

There were also people who called Ted, who was fearless even though he was a commoner, a bastard and ostracized him.

But then.

There was one person who came forward to teach Ted –

‘It was Labin Hawk.’

Even then, Labin was a force to be reckoned with.

Although he had not yet gained as much influence as he does now, it was thanks to the fact that he was the eldest son of a prestigious family and had a wide network of connections and outstanding skills.

‘…If he hadn’t been injured and retired at a young age, he would have been a hero as famous as Zion.’

His ability can be seen from the fact that he maintained the top spot in the Unir evaluation without fail until I came to Rosenstark.

When Labin, who was like that, took off his shoes and stepped up to guide Ted, the discrimination surrounding Ted gradually faded.

In other words, Labin was the teacher who paved the way for Ted to fully participate in the academy.

If it hadn’t been for him, the formation of the Dawn Knights would have been even later.

The predecessor of the Dawn Knights was a kind of club that Ted formed at Rosenstark.

‘It’s not for nothing that the comment Ted left said ‘teacher’.’

Labin also often appeared in the memories stored in the Library of Memories.

He refined Ted’s swordsmanship, which was rough because he had never been properly trained, and instilled in him various strategies and tactics.

Above all, he always encouraged him.

One of the reasons why Ted was able to become a respected leader by his colleagues in the future must have been Labin’s influence at the time.

Teacher and his favorite student.

But when he actually met Labin at Rosenstark, Labin hated Ted very much.

The reason why the relationship between the two, who were so good, was ruined was…


I stopped walking as I thought about that far.

Before I knew it, I was in front of Labin’s office.

I arrived quickly because it was right next to my office.

‘It’s already this time.’

The autumn sun sets early.

Even though it was past dinner time, the hallway was dark.

I could feel Labin’s presence inside.

Knock knock-

I knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

We had an appointment.


Labin’s office was exactly what the hero had expected.

Dark gray wallpaper. Furniture with simple lines was neatly arranged.

‘…It’s dark.’

Behind the desk where Labin sits, there was a large window, but it was covered with thick curtains.

As a result, the only source of light in the office was a small lamp on the desk.

The hero’s eyes narrowed slightly.


An almost empty bottle of whiskey was placed next to neatly organized documents.

Although it was strong whiskey, there were no snacks in sight.


Labin picked up a glass with ice and a pumpkin-colored liquid.

Even though the hero entered the office, Labin’s gaze didn’t leave the framed picture leaning on the desk.


Another sip.

The hero spoke first.

“If I’m disturbing you, I’ll come back later.”

“…No, stay. Sit there.”

Inebriated, Labin was slightly less aggressive than usual.

He even took out another glass from the drawer and placed it in front of the hero.

In response, the hero took out walnut cookies he bought from the bakery on the way.

‘Professor Labin Hawk, it seems he has a preference for walnut cookies. According to the receipt, he has been buying walnut cookies from the same bakery for several weeks in a row.’

It was information provided by Sergei, the janitor doll.

Labin’s grim eyes turned towards the hero.

“…Your memory is still good.”

Apparently, Professor Labin mistakenly thought that the hero remembered his school days and bought walnut cookies.

Labin’s expression softened slightly.


The hero internally celebrated.

The atmosphere was better than expected.

In fact, he already knew that Labin didn’t simply ‘hate’ Ted.

Although Labin seemed to provoke him on trivial matters, whenever other professors tried to undermine him, Labin often intervened.

‘If I do well, I might get proper help.’

It would be good to continue the small talk to improve the atmosphere.

The hero looked around for clues and… inadvertently glanced at the frame Labin was looking at.

That was a mistake.

“… ”

Labin stiffened for a moment, then reached out and flipped the frame over.

But the hero had already met the gaze of the faded portrait.

A girl resembling Labin.

She was the decisive factor that strained the relationship between Ted and Labin.

‘Her name was… Dahlia.’

Dahlia, Labin’s daughter, was Ted’s classmate.

At the time, like everyone else, she had been deeply attracted to Ted.

To his steel-like determination and sense of duty to save humanity.

Even to Ted as a human being.

‘So she joined the Dawn Knights…’

She died shortly after.

It was one of Ted’s few defeats, the battle of “Ardum Gorge.”

‘It was also a battle that Labin lectured to the kids during the first semester.’

Suddenly, Rosalyn’s words from the past passed through his mind.

It was the day he met Labin, dressed in a suit, in front of the library of memories.

“Um, about 30 years ago. Labin began coming to the library every year to record his memories.”

“But about 10 years ago, he stopped recording new memories altogether and just reminisced, a sad story like that.”

“He’s a romantic and tragic person.”

“… ”

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense.

Even the eloquent hero couldn’t think of what to say at this moment.

But surprisingly, Labin was the first to speak.

“You’ve decided to have another match with Zion. And that too, in front of Zion’s granddaughter.”

Before the hero could answer,

“Did you come to me because of that? Because you can’t guarantee victory in the rematch?”


“Don’t look so surprised.”

Labin poured himself a drink into his glass without expression.


A half-melted ice cube sank into the whiskey.

“I already guessed that you were weaker than before.”

There were few choices to make here.

The hero hesitated and then confessed.

“…I didn’t know you would know.”

“Do you think I’m a fool?”

It was then that a very complex emotion crossed Labin’s face.

Cynicism? A bitter smile?

A smile that seemed to hint at deep pride.

“I was the one who taught you.”

The hero nodded.

He was the teacher who had polished the rough Ted.

According to him, he would have been able to notice the strangeness easily.


The two emptied their glasses neatly at the same time.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The huge sword placed in one corner of the office is reflected in the empty glass.

Labin’s beloved sword from his active days.

It was an oversized broadsword similar in size to Black Hope.

“Leciel… I’ve been hearing a lot from the professors lately. Of course, in a good way.”

“Yes, she is a student with high expectations from her.”

“A student with high expectations from her.”

Labin repeated the hero’s words.

He smiled bitterly.

It was because he realized that he had said the same thing once before.


A few more drinks were exchanged.

“I saw Zion’s swordsmanship a while ago. She’s not the same Zion she used to be.”

“…Is that so?”

“Putting down the sword for a long time has actually helped her. She has succeeded in forgetting the pretense and returning to the essence.”

The hero listened attentively.

Of course, in terms of pure strength, Labin is no match for the hero, let alone an ordinary member of the Dawn Knights.

After all, he was a retired swordsman long ago.

However, strength was not always directly proportional to insight.

Labin had been an outstanding educator who had raised countless heroes over the past few decades.

He had an ‘eye’ that Ted didn’t have.

Since even a single word could contain unexpected clues, the hero concentrated.

“One thing, you accepted Zion’s challenge to a duel despite being weakened by injury.”

Labin’s eyes asked why.

The hero nodded lightly.

“I had no choice.”


“Because this duel will be helpful to my student.”

That answer made Labin put down his glass.

He stared at the hero for a long time.

“…What do you want to show in front of your student, Ted?”

The hero also looked at Labin.

“Where to aim.”

“It’s where she should aim.”

In the midst of their crossed glances, the hero spoke unshakably.

“So you must never do it half-heartedly.”

With those words, a silence fell over the office.


Labin simply emptied his drink in silence.

Was it because of the alcohol?

Was it because of the walnut cookies?

Or was it because of the old memories that came flooding back like a tidal wave?

Labin’s eyes were different from what he had been facing for the past few months.

He had never experienced this before… but Ted would surely know those eyes.

The old man’s soft voice echoed through the office.

“Come to my personal training ground tomorrow morning.”

The hero raised his head.

He looked at the old professor who was refilling his glass with that comment that had come out of nowhere.

Understanding of Ted Redymer deepens.

Understanding Level: 78/100 -> 80/100


The hero emptied his drink without a word.



After the hero left, Labin flipped the frame back over.

The girl, whose traces could be found everywhere on his face, was smiling brightly.


Labin took out a new bottle of whiskey from the closet.

He didn’t have enough alcohol because he had shared a few glasses with the hero.

It would be difficult to fall asleep this way.


Labin looked at the seat where the hero had been sitting, holding his refilled glass.

In fact, he didn’t think that his daughter’s death was entirely the hero’s fault.

He also knew that his resentment towards the hero was unreasonable.

But the pain of losing a child was too great to be solved by reason alone.

‘What if…’

What if.

It was the word that had been lingering in his mind for the past ten years, fueling his resentment towards himself and the hero.

What if he had taught Dahlia how to be clever and selfish?

What if he had pretended not to see when Ted was a freshman?

So Ted became the light a little late.

Then maybe Dahlia wouldn’t have been captivated by the light a little late.

Maybe she wouldn’t have participated in the battle led by the inexperienced Ted.

‘…How petty.’


Labin emptied his glass in one breath.

The alcohol instantly pulled the memories of the past in front of him.


The sight of a baby crying with her eyes barely open.

“Papa papa.”

A child toddling and laughing innocently.

“Dad! I got into Rosenstark! Please give me special treatment!”

The girl’s face as she teased him, saying that she had succeeded in her academy life.

“Dad, I’m going with Ted. I’m going to fight for salvation the way he leads. Of course, I’m lying if I say I’m not scared… but I learned from you, Dad, to live so coolly!”

The alcohol took over the old man.

Since the hero returned to the academy as a professor, Labin had been swept away by complex emotions several times a day.

Despicable and resentful.

The pit of his emotions was not filled at all.

But even so, Labin could not refuse the hero’s request.

If the reason he was taking on a rematch with Zion was for his own glory and honor, he would have refused it outright.


“Because this duel will be helpful to my student.”

The young hero childhood and the mature hero who was now sitting silently in the office were overlapping.

The hero was his student, after all.

…A student he once cherished and loved the most.

That student had become a teacher and was asking for help for his own student.

He couldn’t refuse.

That would be no different from denying Labin’s entire teaching career.


Some wine was left in the glass.

[PR/N: He already finished the whiskey and is now drinking wine, makes me wanna drink too ngl.]

But for some reason, Labin did not empty the glass.

Staring at the glass with his puffy eyes, he soon stood up from his seat with a sigh.

He had an appointment early tomorrow morning.

‘…It’s better to be sleep-deprived than to overdrink.’

Labin stuffed the remaining two or three walnut cookies into his mouth in one breath and left the office.

* * *

The hero arrived at Labin’s personal training ground before the sun even rose.

But the old professor was already waiting for him, sitting cross-legged in the center of the training ground.

Walking towards Labin, the hero thought.

‘…This is a new feeling.’

In the past, ‘learning’ from someone was no different from daily life.

Even after he started being a stand-in, he would often train with Ted in the hideout.

But since he came to Rosenstark, he had always been in the position of teaching.

The only time he had been ‘taught’ was when he realized the Infinite Formula under Laplace.

But even that was mostly a process of brute-forcing it with his body, so it felt more like he had realized it for himself than learned it.


The hero stood before Labin.

‘…To learn from Ted’s old teacher…’

To be honest, it would be a lie to say he wasn’t looking forward to it.

So the hero waited with a pounding heart for Labin’s first lesson.

His mouth slowly opened.

“Get down on your hands and knees.”

[TL/N: Is he going to spank ted??!!!??]



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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