
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 90

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 90

Every Sunday night.

The emperor and the ‘fake’ exchange regular communication.

About thirty minutes before the communication, she sat blankly, staring at one side of the office.

The emperor’s office.

Originally a space filled with dignity and formality, but there was a somewhat mismatched painting hanging there.

The layout was strangely unmatched.

Right above the entrance.

A position that only she, the owner of the office, could appreciate as a decorative function.

As a result, most visitors didn’t even realize there was a painting until they left after finishing their business.

But no one in the palace had pointed it out, because they knew how much the emperor cherished that frame.


An oil painting showing somewhat young boys and girls sitting together, staring straight ahead with various expressions.

The golden eyes of the emperor didn’t stray from the center of the painting.

…When was it?

Because of his blind sense of justice, there was a time when we had a big argument.

It was after a close battle had ended.

This was because the targets that the hero risked his life to save at the time were worthless.

“I can’t understand because I am not a noble human like you. Do you not realize the immeasurable loss that would occur if you died while trying to save them? Why do you keep causing trouble every time? Can’t you think straight?”


His calm and serene eyes.

Since the day he declared proudly to protect their friendship in front of ‘Sun Emperor,’ who knew the topic.

Even for her, who was well-versed in all kinds of worldly expressions, it was difficult to name the emotions that surged when she looked into those eyes.

“You don’t have to try to understand. Just stay as you are. More realistic than anyone else. Wisely.”


“Hold our center like that.”

The emperor murmured quietly.


The emperor muttered quietly,


A stake planted in the far north.

Naturally, she had known it since the first time it was driven in.

Did he not know that there were several members of the clandestine organization spread across the continent?

Euphemia knew it all.

The fact that there were some small, poor villages around that stake.

The fact that they had no power to cope with their misfortune.

But she had delayed taking action.

It was obvious.

It’s a stake with a low flow of changes.

No matter how influential the followers of Malekia were, even if they were administrators, it would have taken another month to cause ‘meaningful damage.’

For the time being, it was judged that it could be ignored.

The forces sent by the punitive army could handle more ‘meaningful tasks’ in the centre.

But it all fell apart when the ‘fake’ suddenly headed towards Lonkers.


The emperor lowered her gaze.

On the table.

There were two reports.

Her eyes lingered on the more tattered one.

It was a report dealing with the Lonkers incident, submitted by one of the nobles she had sent as part of the main army.

Several sheets of parchment.

In summary, it was as follows:

[The spread of Malekia’s stake was faster than expected.]

[It affected nearby towns and cities.]

[The Hero carried out the extermination before the main army arrived.]

[There were some casualties among the nearby residents, but overall damage was minimal.]

The person who wrote the report wouldn’t consider it particularly noteworthy.

Because it was just a low-grade stake, and the ‘Hero’ had personally taken care of it.

But for the emperor who knew the details, the resonance of the content was significant.

“I don’t engage in losing battles.”


“I know what will happen if I die.”

She recalled his face when he said such things.

“Are you trying to blame me?”

Many of the things she had done after her coronation could be explained as the tedious narrative of sacrifices of a few for the greater good.

However, such realistic calculations did not apply to those who had experienced the scene of tragedy firsthand.

Especially if the target was a fledgling.

So, Euphemia thought that the ‘fake’ might blame her when he returned from Lonkers.

If a close friend made such foolish remarks with a serious face, she thought it would be quite infuriating.

And perhaps, just a little heartbreaking.


Beep beep beep-

The emperor dryly chuckled, looking at the flickering communication bead.

The appointed time had come.

It didn’t take long for all the contemplative aspects to be excluded from her face.

The topic they had to discuss today was too important for any trivial emotions to interfere.

The emperor picked up another report.

* * *

According to the Hero, the emperor seemed a bit more businesslike today.

As if not wanting to talk about anything other than the matter at hand, she kept a stern expression, focusing only on official business.

He decided to go along with that tone.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The first issue she brought up was about the Iris of Laplace.

‘He probably was curious about it anyway.’

Even thinking about it himself, his rate of growth was at a level that didn’t make sense conventionally.

So the Hero shared a part of the secret with the emperor.

That the Iris of Laplace have the goal of humanity’s salvation.

Following that guideline, they could recover at least some of the power that the ‘Original’ possessed.

He roughly explained how strong he had become now and the conditions for becoming even stronger.

[So that’s it. That’s why those reckless actions were possible. I understand.]

Listening quietly, Euphemia asked a few additional questions and nodded in understanding after being satisfied.

…It was somewhat surprising that the emperor would casually bring up the part where he acted freely in Lonkers without any comment.

‘Well, I dealt with the neglected stake, and I even recruited a retired Dawn Knight. It should be satisfying.’

As the Hero reached such a conclusion, the emperor, with a brief sigh, brought up the main topic.

[We’re done with the Iris of Laplace, and today’s agenda is more important than that.]

“It’s a coincidence. I also have something important to say.”

[Is that so? Since I have an idea of what it might be, let’s start with mine.]

…You have an idea of what it might be?

The Hero nodded in confusion but waited for her to continue.

The change in Euphemia’s gaze came the next moment.

[Ted turned out that way, and right after, do you remember I immediately sent a large-scale investigation unit to the Demonic Realm?]

“I remember.”

[They returned to the communication-capable base camp in the Great Mountain Range a few days ago. They brought quite surprising research results.]

…Surprising research results?

Before the Hero could ask, the emperor declared with a subdued voice.

[The Demon King will return within four years.]
The Hero fell silent for a moment.

Then he asked where the specific figure of four years came from.

Instead of explaining in detail, the emperor placed part of the report on the table onto the communication bead.

Demonic energy density in each region of the demonic realm, the amount of demonic energy collected by region, production from the stakes, and so on.

The figure of four years was the result derived from various complex indicators, formulas, and causal relationships that only scholars would understand.

There might be some minor errors, but they wouldn’t be significant.

[It was strange that the demonic energy density in the demonic realm significantly decreased. The demons have been driving stakes more frequently than ever, but the results are the opposite. Of course, you can guess the reason, right?]

“It’s probably due to the Demon King’s treatment.”

[Yes, thanks to that, an opportunity for counterattack has come.]

The Hero paused for a moment at the emperor’s words.

Tense muscles tightened.

His lips, devoid of a smile, even seemed fierce.

‘An opportunity for counterattack.’

It seemed like Euphemia was working to realize the plan mentioned during the multiplex communication.

Honestly, it was unexpected.

After receiving the four-year deadline, the Hero had initially thought of somehow maintaining peace and strengthening the internal situation.

But the emperor seemed to have a more aggressive plan to lead the nation.

[Soon, I’ll mobilize the Dawn Knights to strike the high-grade stakes in the west at once.]

“What’s next?”

[After that, I’ll need to send the army beyond the Great Mountain Range. We’ll establish a forward base near the entrance to the demonic realm. If we conduct purification operations in that area, their magic supply should be disrupted properly.]

“The deadline of four years may be pushed back a bit. However, if the situation goes awry…”

[Yes, if things go awry, the Demon King’s return might be accelerated.]

…A double-edged sword.

If the forces sent to the eastern conquest achieved continuous victories, it would be perfect.

But if the subjugation faced difficulties, the burden would fall on the western region where there was a gap in military strength.

The possibility of a smoother demonic energy supply couldn’t be ruled out either.

However, the emperor had already made up her mind.

[It’s a crisis, but at the same time, an opportunity. Four years may be shorter than expected. Can you and your chicks grow enough within that time to stand against the Demon King?]

She concluded matter-of-factly.

[So, I’ll buy you some time.]

The Hero pondered.

It was a risky and burdensome strategy, but if successful, there was a definite return.

There was a saying that the best defense is a good offense.

“Alright, I’ll help.”

At those words, the emperor’s eyebrows twitched.

[You’re helping?]

“I mean, I’ll fill in the gaps in your forces. If you provide information about stakes or the positions of demons of suitable grades, I’ll undertake the subjugation.”

Before the emperor, with a displeased expression, could say anything.

“Isn’t it better for you to designate the targets rather than me running around recklessly? It would also help improve the progress of the Iris of Laplace.”

[That makes sense…]

“When the time comes, I can bring the kids along. It’ll be a story after they’ve grown a bit more.”

[Your disciples? Isn’t it premature?]

“The ‘Original’ was already shooting the demonic realm alone at their age. They are the ones’ who will replace him so we should do this, right?”

It was like that.

The emperor remembered the appearance of her friend, whose scars had a significant increase in scars after each break.

He had mixed with an adventurer party, crossed the Great Mountain Range, and killed demons and monsters.

…As a mere student.

“I haven’t forgotten. The kids need to become stronger than the ‘Original.'”

[You’re harsher than I thought.]

The Hero paused for a moment and answered calmly.

He had felt a lot during the recent stake subjugation.

“If they can’t, they’ll all die anyway.”

After working as a professor for a few months, his affection for the kids had firmly taken root.

It wasn’t pleasant to see them leaping into a harsh battlefield.

But, they couldn’t stay in the embrace forever.

For their sake, even in risky situations, they had to be pushed into danger.

“…We can discuss this part later.”


So, the conversation seemed to come to a tentative end.

Now it was the Hero’s turn.

A faint shadow appeared on the emperor’s face.

[So, what do you have to say?]


Leaning forward, the Hero approached the communication bead.

Between tightly sealed lips.

A cold and dry voice leaked out.

“There’s a traitor within the academy. We need to catch them.”

It was a matter entirely different from what the emperor had anticipated.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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