
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 4

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 4

A few days passed like that.

Since there was nothing specific to do before the academic schedule started, I poured all my time into training, aside from eating and sleeping.


I looked at my torn grip, then cast Polymorph.

In an instant, flawless skin covered the mangled flesh. Restoring the wounds consumed a considerable amount of mental strength, but there was no other choice.

Training had to continue.

“To keep using this weapon, I’ll have to get used to this pain.”

I looked down at the greatsword in my hand. It was the Hero’s most cherished possession, the “Black Hope.”

Due to the copious amount of dark blood of demons splashed on it, the greatsword had turned pitch black.

The Hero, who used to constantly sharpen his weapons due to the unique style of his swordsmanship, could finally put his foot down in the forge after obtaining this sword.

Crafted from a fragment of a giant star, it was a monstrous item that even seasoned blacksmiths couldn’t handle.

The sturdiest and heaviest sword, the Hero claimed that once he could showcase basic swordsmanship with this sword, he could make a living as a swordsman anywhere.

Although he had already reached that stage…

“…It’s not enough.”

Even against the advanced demon, Agni, appearing in avatar training, it was still challenging to withstand for 30 seconds.

Recorded Artifact:

Black Hope (Sealed)

– The unique ability, ‘Domain,’ is currently locked

Furthermore, the essential function of this greatsword, which could be considered its unique ability, was sealed.

There was a long way to go. It was the moment when I lifted the sword again for training.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The communication bead, stored in the table drawer, was emitting an alert sound.

“The sender is….”

When I took out the communication bead and received the call, a sharp-looking woman appeared beyond the transparent crystal. I respectfully bowed my head.

“…Your Majesty.”

[I heard the news that you arrived safely. I’ve been busy with the Empire’s affairs, and now I have a moment to contact you. Is everything okay?]

“Yes, I’m adapting. But may I ask the reason for this communication?”

[I have a testimony to provide…]

The Empress paused, staring at me intently. Her forehead slightly furrowed, indicating some displeasure.

[First, fix your tone. Make it like Ted’s. You’ll have to continue like that from now on.]

“How dare I…”

[Will you commit the disrespect of making me speak twice?]


I took a deep breath and replied.

“Understood, Your Majesty. I will do as you say.”


She made a subtle expression and then nodded slowly.

[Anyway, now I will discuss the matter.]

“All right.”

[I plan to dispatch personnel to assist you. However, since they need to infiltrate perfectly, it might take some time.]

Assistants. A welcome sound I had heard before. I nodded.

At that moment, the golden eyes of the Empress sank coolly.

[You should know that just because it’s the Rosenstark doesn’t mean it’s entirely safe.]


[The demons will start moving. Now that you’re here.]

[Don’t act recklessly. There’s no need to chase after them immediately.]

[Above all, your life should be the top priority. Understood?]

With a very serious tone, I responded like a true warrior.

“I’ll handle it well, so don’t worry.”

She briefly widened her eyes and then smirked.

[…Not bad, quite a convincing imitation.]

“Well, I was already planning to observe quietly for a while. I’m still lacking in many aspects to be active in full swing.”

[Got it.]

After finishing speaking, the Empress rubbed her temples and leaned her head back.

She seemed extremely tired.

[Alright, then.]

The communication ended like that.

I was about to resume training but decided to stop.

The faint sunlight was now streaming in through the curtains. It was already morning.

“…I’ve been training until this hour.”

I reflected on the recent communication. In the crystal, the background was an office.

The hand that rubbed the temples had ink stains spread on it.

“It’s not easy to gain the people’s support even with the rule of iron.”

Stretching, I stood up.

Hunger, which I hadn’t noticed, began to crawl in my stomach.

Doppelgangers, although not as frequently as humans, also felt hunger when expending energy.

“Well, first, let’s eat.”

I headed to the staff canteen on the first floor.

* * *

One of the advantages of Rosenstark.

The quality of facilities and services was no less than that of the Palace.

The staff canteen was no exception.

Various types of food were available, and regardless of the dish requested, a first-class chef was ready to cook it immediately.

…That’s why I thought today’s meal would be enjoyable.

“How does it taste? In anticipation of the arrival of the Hero, we’ve brought in our hotel chefs. Did we do well?”

During the meal, she suddenly appeared in front of me.

Yussi Glendor.

The head of the Glendor family, a prominent figure in the continental association, and the newly appointed Headmaster of Rosenstark.

And, a former comrade of the Hero.

‘…She mentioned she was my junior at the academy.’

Having retired before engaging in full-scale public activities, I hadn’t personally met her, but she was one of the comrades frequently mentioned by the Hero.

I looked at the comments sparkling above her head.

Alchemy Master

Innate business acumen

Academy junior

Battle enthusiast

Fire affinity

And so on.

Unusual comments continued for quite a while.

Wiping my mouth with a napkin, I asked her.

“Aren’t you busy preparing for the new term? What brings you here?”

“What brings me here! I came to guide you around the academy before it gets any later.”


“When we attended here, Rosenstark was quite different. It would be good for you to take a look around.”

Yussi replied with a natural smile.

In the past few days, she had been very friendly towards me. No, it was more than just friendly; it was a level of respect.

Even now, when I initiated the conversation, she immediately put down her utensils and looked at me.

“Alright then, please.”

After a moment of contemplation, I nodded.

A few days ago, due to some circumstances, I had declined, but a visit to the academy was necessary.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Although I had done thorough research, seeing it with my own eyes would be different.


Her smile deepened.

“Great! Shall we leave right away?”

“Wait a moment.”


“If there are any available staff members, they should join us.”


Yussii tilted her head.

“Well, it might be a good opportunity to introduce everyone. I’ll get them ready for that! I’ll contact you.”

“Alright. Let me know.”

“Yep! Look forward to it!”

Yussii’s eyes sparkled as she left the canteen first.

She handled high heels quite well.

“…She acts like a spoiled rich girl, but in the end, she’s just a street-smart troublemaker.”

I also returned to my lodging.

The message from Yussi indicating that everything was ready came a short while later.

* * *

Since the beginning of the Second Era, if people were asked who the greatest mage was, they would unanimously answer Zero Lilheim.

He was an unparalleled genius, even from centuries ago, and no one had matched his achievements until now.

Among the many titles attached to him, one was “Founder of Rosenstark.”

[We need a place to systematically cultivate talents to resist against the demons. If we don’t continuously replenish personnel with such expertise, humanity will perish at the hands of the increasingly powerful demons.]

Those were his words left to posterity.

Zero used a lifetime’s worth of wealth and connections to establish Rosenstark. The royal family also provided full support.

The academy, born after such a grand process, was nothing like the existing academies; it was the establishment of a fully-fledged Hero academy.

“It’s like being in the future, several decades ahead.”

It felt like a magic-infused giant planned city.

There was likely no place on the entire continent with a higher density of magic.

I wanted to admire it without any reservations, but unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to do so. I was now a graduate of Rosenstark, a Hero.

Rather than admiration, it was more appropriate for me to recall memories of the past.

I gazed out of the window, seemingly lost in thought.

“Haha, Professor Redymer must be feeling nostalgic as well.”

[PR/N: After discussing with the TL, we’ve decided to go with “Redymer” instead of “Redeemer” since the correct tl would be Redymer. Going further, Mc’s name will be “Ted Redymer.”]

“Indeed. In a way, Rosenstark’s excellent education laid the groundwork for you to accomplish your feats, Professor.”

“Yes, of course. One could say that the foundation for the success of the professor here is the excellent education provided by Rosenstark, wouldn’t you agree?”

“We, too, as members of the faculty who have produced professors, take pride in teaching and guiding students at this academy.”

The faculty members on the magic train chatted incessantly.

If the ‘real deal’ were present, I might not have bothered responding at all, given my aversion to such draining conversations.

Nevertheless, I provided a measured response.

“…Indeed, returning as a professor brings a fresh perspective.”

“The curriculum at Rosenstark is quite practical.”

The gazes directed at me gradually softened.

Of course, there were still some sending looks of scrutiny and exploration.

“Haha, it seems the younger folks really admire Professor Redymer.”

“Well, he’s quite famous, you know.”

“And Professor Lavein mentioned that she taught Professor Redymer when he was an undergraduate…”

There was no issue with the words spoken aloud. However, there was a subtle nuance in their expressions and gazes.

It was clear that they weren’t particularly pleased with my presence.

As a competitive institution, Rosenstark pursued excellence, and the performance of professors, like students’ grades, was regularly evaluated.

The outcome determined the allocation of funds and facilities, making my appearance less than welcome.

Moreover, professors who had taught me directly seemed to harbor a certain aversion.

‘…Didn’t I lead a rather exemplary student life here?’

Beyond that, there was no shortage of reasons why they wouldn’t hold a warrior in high regard.

It was inevitable that envy would follow admiration.

Push and pull.

The magic train came to a halt. Yussii smiled and pointed to something.

“This is the last stop… Do you happen to remember, Hero?”

At her fingertips was a massive dome-shaped building.

‘The Iris of Laplace’ responded, generating comments.

Recorded Location: Retrieving information about the ‘Rosenstark Comprehensive Research Institute of Monsters’

– Facility for securing and researching various monsters inhabiting the magical realm

– Confirmed an approximately 50% increase in size compared to previously recorded dimensions

Such comments appeared promptly, allowing me to smoothly pretend to be a graduate. I nodded.

“It seems like it has grown quite a bit compared to before.”

“It should. How much money do you think they invested in the research facility?”

She knocked on the carriage door.

“Well then, shall we go? Everyone?”

That’s when it happened.

The faculty members, who had been chattering non-stop, suddenly fell silent.

One of them cautiously asked.

“Um… Headmaster, was it really intended for an internal tour?”

“Well, well. Wouldn’t it be tiring for Professor Redymer to tour the internal facilities as well?”

All of them wore reluctant expressions.

“Why are you all like this?”

“Ah, no, it’s just that…” Yussi responded on their behalf.

“The capture team brought in some rather ominous creatures this time.”

“…Ominous creatures?”

“The capture team almost got wiped out bringing them in… What are you all doing? Why aren’t you getting off?”

At Yussi’s insistence, the faculty reluctantly disembarked from the magic train.

The senior professors had already descended earlier, and their muttered complaints reached my ears.

“…They say that there hasn’t been much progress in taming them.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. They’ll be in the quarantine zone anyway.”

I raised my brow for a moment. Rosenstark’s professors were generally formidable individuals. That they found these creatures unsettling intrigued me.

‘What could they be…?’

Even more discomforting was their demeanor as we entered the research facility.

Only Yussi seemed excited, presenting them like cherished toys.

“From here on, it’s all laboratories. If you ever need magical creatures for your classes or experiments, feel free to visit. We even have some rare ones.”

I nodded, surveying the surroundings.

The interior of the research facility had high ceilings, and thick glass walls surrounded us on all sides.

Beyond those, enough creatures roamed that the destruction of an entire village seemed possible if just one were released.

‘…They’re conducting experiments.’

White-clad researchers busily roamed the corridors, subjecting the creatures to various tests—shocks, magical attributes, and potions—all seemingly aimed at finding weaknesses.

The roars of the creatures reverberated in my ears.

‘…It’s quite unsettling.’

Despite my casual observation, my heart raced. Encountering high-level creatures like this was unfamiliar territory, even for someone who had been a warrior for a long time.

The scope of a warrior’s duties was usually limited to the vicinity of the academy.

Though I had occasionally encountered creatures during my travels before meeting Yussi, they paled in comparison to the specimens here.

‘They said they directly procured them from within the magical realm.’

Most of these creatures were likely ones warriors had faced before, and comments from ‘The Iris of Laplace’ incessantly streamed in.

Yussi spoke to me with a proud expression.

“Due to the rarity and strength of these experimental subjects, a considerable effort has been invested in security. Very safe…”

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

A blaring alarm echoed through the corridor at that moment.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 0
Aug 2, 2024