
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 165

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 165

[TL/N: A very emotional chap ahead guys 😭]

The passage was damp, dark, and dreadfully long.

How many minutes had they been sprinting?

When the presence of the enemies was barely felt, the Hero stopped to catch his breath.

Sweat dripped from Larze’s neck through his fingers.

Golden eyes sparkled in the darkness.

“How long do you plan to hold on?”

“…Can you keep running?”

“Piece of cake.”

The Hero lowered Larze while extending his senses forward.

The powerful barrier was soon within reach.

The destination would soon reveal itself.

“Hold on a little longer. We’re almost there.”

“Be gentle.”


The Hero continued running, holding onto Larze’s wrist.

Larze followed without a word, and the passage echoed only with rough breathing and footsteps.


Occasionally, the sound of waves from outside the passage would interject.

…And then ‘it’ appeared.


It was a wall made of mist.

The wall consisted of a mass of smoothly moving gray entities, and the view beyond the mist was hardly visible due to its high density.


It was an instant as they approached.

Vision diminished, surroundings blurred, and space seemed to distort.

“What if we just charge in!”

Amid Larze’s echoing voice, eerie whispers emanated from the blocked path ahead.

The Hero staggered back.

“So, this is the barrier.”

“Correct. Let’s get the key out.”

Accessing the subspace of Valber

As soon as the golden incontinence opened, a vigorously vibrating sphere popped out.

The bundle of keys rushed into the barrier and slowly melted into it.


Watching it tensely, the Hero relaxed as the mist wall cleared, and he walked forward again, reassured.

A seemingly ordinary wooden door stood in front.

It was when Larze grabbed his wrist.

“Wait a moment.”


“Just wait.”

Larze stared at the appearing wooden door with narrowed eyes.

The Hero instinctively turned his gaze back, towards the direction they came from.

…There was no time to relax.

Suddenly, from the other end of the passage, the presence of enemies began to be felt again.

However, despite the increasing real-time vibrations underfoot, the Hero did not rush Larze.


It was because his wrist was held tight.

The trembling of Larze was felt vividly, indicating how strongly he was being gripped.

‘Is she nervous?’

The Hero looked at Larze with puzzlement.

Of course, he knew that the one who hid the treasure was a powerful magician rare enough to be of the Beyond rank.

Larze had mentioned it, and considering the enchantment on the wolf statue and the intricate gimmicks here, it was obvious that the skills of the ‘traitor’ were tremendous.

‘…But for Larze to feel threatened.’

The Hero looked at Larze, unable to understand.

Just then, her mouth was opening.

“Huh, she has set up a serious barrier.”

“A barrier?”

Larze briefly explained.

“When this door opens, a phantasmal magic similar to ‘the Dream’ will unfold.”

The problem was that the rank was none other than Beyond.

Moreover, because the soul was sacrificed to raise its completeness, even she said that interference was impossible.

“That’s strange. Even if it’s the same Beyond rank, aren’t you much stronger?”

“That’s not the issue.”

Larze shook her head.

“Opening that door and entering the interior means implicitly agreeing to step into the ‘domain’, the unique area of this magician, and obey its laws. In other words, it means surrendering all control.”

She then gave a simple example.

“No matter how powerful a shark is, once it comes out onto land, it can be torn to pieces by a mere cat’s claw. From the moment we open that door, we can only be at the mercy of this magician’s arrangements.”

“I see.”

The Hero looked back at the passage behind him.

The wall in front of him was trembling, showering dust.

The demons of Sector 43, including the demon worshippers, were approaching closely.

“So, should we retreat?”

It was when the vibration from the wrist ceased.

A bright smile appeared on Larze’s lips.

It was only then that the Hero realized that her trembling was not solely due to tension.

“No, there’s no way.”


Without hesitation, Larze moved forward and grabbed the doorknob.

With her other hand, she still held onto the Hero’s wrist.


Her hand slowly descended palm down.

“It’s a cautionary tale.”



And the door opened.

* * *

The Hero blinked, rubbing his eyes.

His last memory was of the door opening, pouring out white light.

‘…How much time has passed?’

His sense of time was in disarray.

It felt like days had passed, yet also like only a moment had passed.

The Hero took a few steps forward, clutching onto Black Hope.

The nauseating cave was nowhere to be seen.

All around was an entirely white and empty space.

It reminded him of where he encountered Enoch in his mental world.



No answer came.

Not even an echo returned, and his words seemed to dissipate into thin air.

Instinctively, he patted his waist, but the doll that always squirmed was now still.


On the vast expanse of pure white, black letters began to be written, that was when.

What to choose.

A fantasy where everything desired is realized.

A reality where all desires are shattered.

A cradle of unrest and a pit of suffering.

The Hero tried to question its meaning.

But the first thing was the dazzling white light pouring down from the ceiling.

That dazzling light swirled around his body.


The Hero’s body trembled.

He watched with wide eyes as changes unfolded within himself.

… ‘I’ was being corroded away.

It felt like someone was opening his mind and injecting white paint into it.

Memories began to blur.

The death of Ted he witnessed at the sanctuary.

The moment of persuading Euphemia at the palace.

Arriving at Rosenstark, the children, and defeating Enoch in the Forest of Martial Arts.


The Hero felt each of them fading away one by one.

Perhaps, such a thing never happened from the beginning.

Around the time memories faded like a long-forgotten dream.

There was one last voice he heard.

… Face it.




And when he opened his eyes again, he was in Rosenstark.

He looked up at the sky with a vacant expression.

The pupil, as clear and blue as it could be, reflected the clear and blue sky as if all worries had vanished.

“Oh, I’m late.”

He hurriedly put away his watch and moved on.

It was time to go teach the children.

* * *

A man was briskly crossing through Rosenstark.

Elegant and stylish suit, a pleasant smile on his clean face.

He wasn’t a strikingly handsome man, but he was a man with a good impression enough that even wary people could approach him without hesitation.

His face was smooth and youthful, without a single wrinkle.

Except for one thing; his eyes sparkled with the traces and experiences of the owner’s years.

If someone saw him for the first time… they would judge him as quite charming.

“Oh my, I’m going to be late.”

But even as he was running late, his steps occasionally stopped.

The beauty of the late spring correction was too overwhelming.

A space filled with gentle breeze and warm air.

Sunshine filtering through the lush trees.

Intermittently, amid the chirping of birds, the children’s laughter could be heard.


He spotted a familiar face and waved.

“You’re late.”

“Hehe, Professor, you too.”



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“But I have no one to give me demerits.”


The face, surrounded by sky-blue hair, was full of mischief.

“But, today won’t be a theory class, right? Surely not, surely not.”


The man raised the bag containing the lecture materials, confirming the answer.

The girl seemed disappointed, sighing deeply.

“When will we ever have practical lessons?”

“What kind of practical lesson is there for freshmen? It’s dangerous.”

“Hmph. It could just be up north.”

They continued chatting as they headed towards the classroom.

“Oh, it’s Professor!”

“Hello, Professor!”

“Where’s Professor Ted?”

“He’s playing hooky again today.”

“Wow, he’s so laid back.”

About thirty or so students chattered away, brightening up when they spotted him and greeted him warmly.

Although the semester had just begun, everyone seemed to get along well without any troublemakers.

A girl with short black hair, who had been smiling all along, stood up as the representative and nodded respectfully.

“Alright, everyone! Let’s greet the professor!”




About thirty minutes into the lecture, the man chuckled softly as he looked at the children’s heads bowed down.

A soft snore could be heard.

He was proud of his teaching skills, but… it was difficult to completely overcome the spring fever.

A brief sigh followed, and the chalk stopped moving.

‘Perhaps taking a short break wouldn’t hurt.’

If the principal caught wind of it, he would probably receive a lecture lasting several tens of minutes, but there was no other choice.

The weather today made it difficult to focus on the class, too.

The warm sunlight and the clear blue sky beyond the window.

Occasionally, when the wind blew and inflated the curtains, the sleeping children made pleasant sounds.

…Suddenly, he envied the assistant who had gone on vacation.

Now, this level of relaxation was alright.

Rosenstark had become a peaceful place after Ted Redymer defeated the demon lord in the “Great Battle” and safely returned.

There were no more children being dragged onto the battlefield with a stench of blood.

The demons had retreated, and the continent had finally regained peace.

And Rosenstark, which had once taught only how to fight and survive, had transformed into a much more moderate form.

More fitting for an institution of education.

Ding- Ding-

As he chatted with the awake children and listened to their trivial conversations, the bell signaling the end of the lecture rang.

“Shh, bow to the professor!”

The girl with short black hair hurriedly got up, her face marked with sleep, and greeted him.

She seemed much more relaxed after leaving the lecture hall.

But it looked better that way.

The brown-haired boy and the red-haired girl chuckled as they watched.

Meanwhile, behind the classroom, a tall boy and a freckle-faced girl, holding hands tightly as if there were no one else around, were chatting away.

The girl with sky-blue hair and small horns seemed to have already run off to the cafeteria.

…The man who had been watching them for a while left the classroom.

He had an appointment, too.




It was a training ground in one corner of Rosenstark.


Two huge swords clashed against each other.

As if reflected in a mirror, the swordsmanship was identical.

But as the exchange continued, the difference in skill became apparent.

Soon, the sword held by the man was disarmed and fell to the ground without strength.

He chuckled in resignation and sat down leaning against the wall.

“Hey, be gentle.”

“That’s not how it works.”

The man looked at his sparring partner.

Ashen hair, eyes of the same color.

A muscular figure towering over 190cm, with a face so beautiful that it was hard to describe with just the word “handsome.”

The Hero, Ted Redymer, chuckled heartily, teasing yet somehow proud.

“Still, you’ve improved a lot since the last time we sparred. You’ve come a long way.”

“What do you mean by that? It wasn’t that long ago.”

“Still, I think you have a long way to go.”

The man shook his head in disbelief, but eventually joined in the laughter.

Clashing, breaking, and listening to lectures.

It had always been like this since before.

Ted handed the man a towel and leaned against the wall.

“I didn’t expect you to follow me all the way to Rosenstark.”

“How could I leave as the shadow?”

“You went through a lot playing the fake role. I should’ve sent you on vacation.”

The man nodded silently.

“You’re the one who spent months grumbling in the academy.”

“…But I didn’t expect you to come all the way here from the academy.”

“Well… this place has a lot of significance.”

Ted smiled again.

Relieved of the heavy burden of salvation, he sometimes laughed like a boy.

The man thought it looked very good.


They watched the setting sun in silence for a moment.

Rosenstark, now enveloped in the evening glow, was incredibly beautiful.

The refreshing breeze that swept away the sweat on their foreheads made the man speak up.

“Time flies, doesn’t it?”

It had already been half a year since everything had ended.

It didn’t feel like they had done anything special, yet time had passed in the blink of an eye.

He liked the density of that time.

Ted nodded in agreement with the man’s words and got up from his seat.

“Let’s go to the professors’ quarters and have a drink. Euphemia sent over some good wine.”

“Sounds good. By the way, what have you been up to lately? You must be busy.”

“Even though I retired and am enjoying my days off, I still get scolded everyday through the communicator.”

…They exchanged such small talk and left the training ground, heading towards the professors’ quarters.

…They left the training ground, engaging in such casual conversation, and headed towards the professors’ quarters.

Along the way, they encountered a few familiar faces.

A stern-looking senior professor briefly smiled and raised his hand in greeting.

Even the handsome blond young man, who had been teasing the maids, respectfully lowered his head.

Each child they passed looked at them with eyes filled with admiration and affection.

The man felt as if everything had returned to its rightful place.

…Then, at a certain moment, they stood in front of the entrance to the professors’ quarters.

Amidst the gleaming lights of the building, Ted strode into the darkness ahead.

Meanwhile, the man stopped.

And as Ted’s figure grew distant, he seemed to want to store that image somewhere in his mind, gazing after him.

“Are you not coming?”

…The drinking session was undoubtedly going to be enjoyable.

It was always pleasant when they drank at the hideout.

They would likely get quite drunk and reminisce about old memories.

Using a doppelganger for a mission, looking back, it was a reckless and daring lie.

One could only imagine what would have happened if they had been caught.

There might be some belated resentment about why he had acted so boldly at the hideout.

Even if he received a scolding, it would be fine.

As they continued to chat about trivial matters, Yussi, who had finished her overtime, would probably come by and suggest setting up another round of drinks.

Perhaps even Kasim, who had been rejected by the maid, would secretly want to join in with some of the younger professors.

…Good heavens.

Just thinking about it made him so happy.

The man laughed heartily.

A large castle, piles of gold coins, and lofty honor awaited him.

Everything in this world’s treasure couldn’t compare to what was waiting for him.

But he couldn’t go any further.

He knew that it wasn’t possible.

The Hero waited until the emotions that had been shaking him had dispersed like scattered ashes and moved away.

After some time had passed, he lifted his head.

Before him, Ted was quietly smiling.

“Are you going back?”

…For a moment, silence surrounded them.

There were so many things he wanted to say.

Shouldn’t you have lived?

You should have survived, come back, and enjoyed all of these things, your fair share.

Why did you leave so suddenly?

Shouldn’t there be an ending like this at the end of your road?

As a human, you must have been lonely and difficult too.

But the Hero swallowed all those boiling words.

And instead, he spat out his deepest and sincerest wish.

“Yes, I have to go back.”


“Because the place that needs a Hero isn’t here.”

Ted smiled again.

It wasn’t a boyish smile, but a faint smile from the memories he always carried.

“Alright, you’ll definitely finish it.”

Those words pushed the Hero forward.

He changed direction and walked away.

There was no looking back.

There was no need to look back.

Even though he was looking ahead, he could vividly picture Ted’s face.

Kind, honest, noble.

Willingly bearing heavy responsibilities and duties.

The first Hero of this world.

The true Hero of this world.

He didn’t realize how honorable it was to know him, to be able to follow him.

[PR/N: bro 😭]



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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