
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 172

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 172

Time passed quickly in the Solintail Territory.

It was already the night before departure for the ’13 Nights, 14 Days Luxury Resort Trip’, as if in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Cuculli, along with Evergreen, had pulverized a couple of troublesome dens in Solintail, swiftly repelled a horde of monsters invading the territory, and established herself as permanent guest of the territory.

“Well then, get some rest without staying up too late, and see you in the morning!”

Evergreen waved with a bright smile in front of the door.

It was a face that seemed truly happy.

Cuculli yawned lazily and returned the greeting.

“Yeah, don’t stay up too late because you’re excited, and go to sleep quickly!”

“…And really, thank you sincerely. I’ll definitely repay this kindness.”

“Oh, don’t mention it.”


The sound of Evergreen’s footsteps fading away was particularly brisk, perhaps because she was hurrying back to her room to pack for the trip.

The destination of the trip arranged by Principal Yussi was an artificial island located to the north of the island, called ‘Dream Haven’.

It was a resort created by Glendor Company, equipped with all kinds of facilities for perfect relaxation, including spas, luxury restaurants, cocktail bars, theaters, casinos, galleries, and more.

It was a lineup that any girl in her prime couldn’t help but be excited about.

Of course, Cuculli was also looking forward to the unique experiences she would have with her friends.

‘…I can’t sleep.’

Cuculli, who suddenly sat up, eventually took out a communication bead.


After several beeps, a deep voice echoed.

[Cuculli? Why are you awake so late?]

“I’m about to go to sleep! I wanted to hear Dad’s voice before going to bed. How’s the mission going? Everything okay?”

A faint smile appeared on Dorempa’s lips at his daughter’s incessant questions.

[Yeah, I’m doing fine. Are you alright?]

Cuculli grinned.

“Yeah! Now, I’m leaving for a trip with my friends. It’s supposed to be a really nice place, Dream Haven, the artificial island.”

[Alright, be careful.]

While it might sound somewhat gruff to others, Dorempa’s tone was familiar to Cuculli.

Her smile only deepened.

Although it was said that receiving the Baptism dimmed one’s humanity, she had never doubted her father’s love.

Even if it wasn’t obvious, behind his dull expression and tone, there was a warm and responsible heart that cared for her well-being.

“Yeah, Dad! When I go back home next vacation, then….”

A strange voice was heard, then.

[Hey, isn’t it too cold for your daughter?]

Cuculli’s ears perked up.

Immediately after, a massive figure approached the communication bead.

[Hello, so you’re the daughter of this grumpy man. I’m Ivar, call me Uncle Ivar.]

Her sky-blue eyes sparkled.

…Ivar Waitanka of the Great Mountain Range.

Even though she scored close to zero in memorization subjects, Cuculli knew the names of the strong.

Among the Dawn Knights, he was especially famous as a master without peer.

“Wow, Uncle Ivar. What are you doing with my dad?”

[I’m on a very important mission. I can’t tell you what it is.]

Dorempa looked at Ivar conversing with his daughter with a puzzled look, but didn’t object.

“Hehe, Uncle Ivar, let’s have a match when we meet later.”

[Alright, first I’ll have a match with your dad]

“Hmph, you’ll come without an arm or leg.”

[Well, the crab said it’s easier]

Ivar shrugged and laughed, then handed the communication bead to Dorempa.

Dorempa ended the communication with a solemn voice.

[Take care of yourself in everything, Cuculli. Your body isn’t yours alone.]

“Yeah, I know!”

But for some reason, the communication didn’t end immediately.

Dorempa looked at Cuculli in silence, then said something unusual.

[Enjoy your trip and make lots of memories.]

Cuculli seemed slightly surprised by his words, but soon responded with a bright smile.

“…Huh. Thanks!”

Once again, silence fell in the guest room of the Solintail Castle.

Thinking of her father’s faint smile, Cuculli fell into a deep sleep.





Ivar stretched and got up from his seat.

His long, thick hair fluttered as he whipped his massive upper body like a whip.

“Ugh, it’s so cold in the north even in summer.”

“You’ve been here for months and still complaining about the cold.”

Ivar’s body trembled.

“You, who grew up in the north, wouldn’t understand. I grew up on the southern tip.”

“Southern tip? Weren’t you said to be from the Great Mountains?”

“Because my tribe was wiped out, I had to take refuge in the southern forest.”

Even beyond his heavy combat makeup, his distress and pain were clearly evident.

Heavy memories seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders.

When Dorempa fell silent, Ivar reassured him with a clap of his hands.

“Come on, let’s go now. We need to strike before they escape.”

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

Dorempa also put the communication bead in his pocket and spoke.

“Wasn’t it said to be the largest factory among the factories we’ve encountered so far?”

“Yeah, an enormous battle awaits us. But you know,…”

Ivar’s pitch-black eyes stared at Dorempa.

“What do you mean by saying that your daughter’s body is not hers alone?”

Dorempa spread his wings but hesitated.

“…Why do you ask?”

“No, it’s just weird to say.”


The wind rustled between their scales, and a silence engulfed the stillness.

…Cuculli was destined to follow in his footsteps and receive the baptism one day.

A qualified individual destined to freeze the north with the power of the Ice Dragon and gather the tribes.

Therefore, naturally, her body was not her alone.

If by any chance she fell in battle and couldn’t inherit the power of the Ice Dragon, she would give the demons a new path to advance into the north.

Of course, that would be a story for after his duty was fulfilled.

‘I hope it happens as late as possible.’

Regardless of the fact that he had fought side by side with him for the past few months, revealing the secret shared by only a few in the tribe to an outsider was out of the question.

Dorempa remained silent and spread his wings fully.

Ivar also prepared to dash without further questioning.

“Hah! Charge!”

The excitement before battle gradually ignited a fire in his chest.

Ivar smiled broadly at Dorempa.

“This might be the last time. Let’s finish quickly and go see your little girl.”

With that, the two imposing figures shot off like arrows toward their destination.

* * *

The group looked on in confusion at the portal that had suddenly appeared.

Witnessing a portal in the Second Era was a very rare occurrence.

Even Noubelmag, who was rarely surprised, hesitated and stepped back.


It was then that Kasim, pulling out the new rapier made by Noubelmag, stepped forward.

His expression was unusually serious.

“Everyone, step back. It might be dangerous, so let me go first.”

Without waiting for any objection, he rushed in.


In an instant, a golden trace traversed the laboratory.

Perhaps the battle with the faerie tribe had given him some insight, as his movements seemed particularly agile.


…But to no avail.


Caught by the intangible force emitted by the portal, Kasim’s body was bounced back faster than his charging speed-


Kasim rolled on the ground like a fallen leaf.

Although he wasn’t seriously injured, he felt quite embarrassed, as his ears turned red.

Noubelmag clicked his tongue quietly.

“I… should snatch back the sword.”


The portal, warningly tinged with red, gradually returned to its calm blue hue.

Noubelmag sighed softly.

“It seems we need to bring a wizard. The four of us are useless with magic.”





[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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I didn’t answer and stared at the wavering portal.

I couldn’t fathom why the portal would reject me outright.

As I pondered the inscription on the portal, my thoughts solidified.

It must open before the designated user.

Ever since the Iris of Laplace became mine, it had always referred to me as the designated user.

If I couldn’t enter that portal, who else could?

I walked straight towards it without hesitation…



…The urgent voices of my companions quickly faded away.

A white light enveloped my entire body.

Experiencing teleportation magic several times before, I immediately realized that the portal had functioned normally.


And in that moment.

The reality around me dissolved like melting ice, and even the damp atmosphere of the Great Forest was no longer perceptible.

As the light bent, the boundaries of space distorted and were sucked in somewhere.

In the midst of a dreadful dizziness, I recalled the comment that had led me here once again.

Dig out the roots.

There had always been a question tormenting me.

What did the roots really mean?

No, what on earth does the root mean?

I made some guesses.

The Iris of Laplace had always pointed me towards the path of my growth, so this comment must also be related to me.

Then, could the roots be referring to my own roots?

Suddenly, the image of ‘him’ from Zero’s memories came to mind.

‘He’ was the only doppelganger other than myself that I knew of.

Perhaps this was an attempt to provide information about ‘him’ through the research of Depikio Lugo.

‘…He, me, the church leader, roots, Homunculus.’

Something seemed to be grasping at me yet eluded my grasp.

Among the tangle of many questions and thoughts.


Finally, the transfer was complete.




Stumbling, I quickly stood up.

Although I had held the sword tightly prepared for any potential danger, I soon realized it was unnecessary.

There was no sense of danger in the surroundings at all.

Putting the sword away, I looked back.

‘The exit is…’


Fortunately, the portal was functioning normally.

With reassurance, I turned my gaze back to the front.

Another laboratory was unfolding before my eyes.

However, it felt different from the laboratory beyond the portal.

For one, the items were neatly in place.

On the long metal shelves, various dusty experimental tools and materials were visible.

I tilted my head.

‘It seems the demons of the Demonic Church haven’t plundered this place.’

…As it was a ‘laboratory within a laboratory’ that couldn’t be easily found, these items were likely much more valuable data.

For now, I started gathering items into the pocket dimension.

There were too many to examine in detail right away.

I only confirmed that the contents were related to Homunculus.

I could look into it later with Pia or Yussi.

‘Larze will be thrilled.’

Perhaps this data could serve as another ‘negotiation condition’ with Larze.

It was necessary to gather as much information as possible.

My steps naturally quickened.


The metallic floor made a dull sound with each step.

The interior was so vast that it couldn’t be seen at a glance.

However, it was terribly dark.

Since most of the light stones embedded in the ceiling were not functioning, only a few thin beams of light served as the only illumination.

‘Was this where the Homunculus experiments were conducted in earnest?’

As I thought so, something peculiar caught my eye as I turned a corner.

The Iris of Laplace poured out a description in small letters.


A device used to regulate and control biological processes in the study and production of magical life forms. Using catalysts, various chemical reactions occurring within organisms are performed externally…

Perhaps I could recognize the first device I had ever seen because of Zero Requiem’s knowledge.

I scrutinized the ‘bio-reactor’ with narrowed eyes.

It was large and organic in shape.

A cylindrical vessel made of metal and glass was located at the center, surrounded by various sensors, pipes, valves, and other complex connections.

It resembled a large aquarium containing underwater creatures at first glance.



There was nothing inside the cylindrical vessel.


I alternated my gaze between the scattered glass shards on the floor and the empty interior of the bio-reactor.

And then I realized something.

‘It wasn’t empty from the beginning. There was something there.’

Thanks to the scattered glass fragments on the floor, it was evident that the glass had shattered from the inside.

‘…Did the “Homunculus” stored in that reactor break it and come out on its own?’

I tilted my head.

The question led to more questions.

‘What on earth was being cultivated?’

It wouldn’t be the Demonic Church’s leader.

According to the traitor’s words, she was a Homunculus created using the failures.

‘Then another Homunculus?’

But that didn’t make sense either.

Homunculi are magical lifeforms that unconditionally obey their masters’ will.

Just look at Rosalyn, who had been following Zero’s orders to guard the library for centuries.

It seemed impossible for an unfinished Homunculus inside the reactor to break out on its own.

I recalled the bleached bones I had seen in the Blessing’s cave.

‘If those bones were Depikio’s, then it’s even more absurd.’

Until the master breathes life into them and completes them, Homunculi are nothing more than flesh.

‘Then another entity besides Homunculus?’

…But all the data in both laboratories was about Homunculi.

I sighed briefly.

Either some clues were missing, or everything was contradictory.

I carefully scanned the surroundings, thinking that I might have missed something.

And soon, I found something.

‘A piece of paper?’

It was a small piece of paper attached to one side of the reactor’s broken glass.

It was almost unreadable due to the splashed culture medium just before it was wiped away….


There was no problem.

Squeak, squeak, squeak…

I watched eagerly as the floor quickly cleaned itself.

1st Transplant Experiment: Failure

2nd Transplant Experiment: Failure

3rd Transplant Experiment: Failure

117th Transplant Experiment: Failure

…A transplant experiment?

It seemed like a clue, but it only made things more ambiguous.

‘My deductions can only go so far.’

I packed all the equipment in the laboratory into the void.

It was too early to be disappointed.

Who knows what an expert in emotions and intuition might discover?

Besides, I was fortunate enough to have a close relationship with one Homunculus.


The only Homunculus created by Zero, Rosalyn.

Sharing the newly discovered clues with her might reveal something more.


I headed back through the portal.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 2
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Chapter 0
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