
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 174

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 174

The great forest was the only place the Hero could not visit when he was wandering the continent.

Initially, it was impossible to enter without possessing a part of the World Tree, and it was difficult to build an understanding of the faerie tribe exclusive to others.

The closed society peculiar to minority races was a stark contrast to the doppelgangers.

However, visiting as the Hero was a new experience.

‘…It should be okay to relax for a moment.’

The information about the faerie tribe camp was basic.

It was the habitat of extremely rare herbs, hence there were many skilled alchemists.

‘There might be those who know about Homunculus.’

Additionally, due to the nature of their species, there are quite a few spirit warriors who are extremely rare in human society.

Most of the tribe members were also skilled in martial arts and archery.

In short, they were an elite minority.

If there were Frost Dragons in the north, there were faeries in the south.

It wasn’t for no reason that they maintained their autonomy despite their small numbers.

‘Perhaps unexpectedly, I might encounter a strong opponent and gain dueling experience….’

With such thoughts, the Hero looked back at the seemingly excited companions.

Kasim was trimming his bushy beard while walking.

“It seems we’ll finally engage in productive activities rather than dueling.”

As the rapier’s blade grazed his chin, the image of a handsome man appeared in his memory.

Noubelmag was gaping, wondering if the sword he made was being used for shaving.

Kasim chuckled heartily.

“Noubelmag, where do you think the place with the most faeries of my age group is?”

Noubelmag looked at Kasim as if he were pitiful.

“To meet faeries of your age, you’d have to go to the cradle.”


“Even the children running in the streets are all over 50.”


Whether Kasim’s exaggerated reaction pleased him or not, Noubelmag spoke contentedly.

“It’s not surprising. There are faeries who have lived for over a thousand years.”

“A thousand years…? Even if they are long-lived faeries, is that possible?”

“It is, whether you believe it or not.”

The wrinkled eyes of the dwarf elder glanced beyond their heads, over the branches of the trees.

Naturally, the group also looked up.

The sky was clear blue.

A towering and mystical tree stood as if supporting it.

It was a tree so large that it could be seen from anywhere in the Great Forest.

Its size made one believe in the legend that all life in this forest originated from there.


The wind swept through countless leaves.

The sound made the group momentarily feel as if they were standing under a falling rain of spears.


Because the source of the sound was so high, the rustling of the leaves flowed down with a short delay.

“The faerie who planted the World Tree and the oldest living faerie.”

Noubelmag’s low voice pierced through the midst.

“The protagonist known as the Guide of Time is none other than Laplace.”

Pia interjected suddenly.

“Oh, I’ve read about him too.”

“Wow, a thousand years… it’s unimaginable. Do faeries age after a thousand years?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen one.”


At the mention of that name, the Hero suddenly recalled the conversation he had with Ted.

“But why is the artifact called Iris of Laplace?”

“It’s speculated that it’s named after the faerie who resides in the Great Forest.”

“…A faerie?”

“A sage close to omniscience… According to rumors, his prophetic abilities are so great that he can foresee the future as easily as reading the palm of his hand.”

It was unbelievable then, and it’s unbelievable now.

“Foreseeing the future, it’s hard to believe. Even the great Zero Requiem was called a prophet, but there’s no known case where his prophetic abilities were properly demonstrated, right?”

“It’s just a rumor.”

“Have you met Laplace, Hero?”

“No, although I’ve walked through the Great Forest, I couldn’t meet him because he’s been in seclusion for over a century.”

It was a natural question.

“…If you did meet him, what would you ask?”

“The fate of humanity.”

His answer was so prompt and Ted-like that it remained vivid in his memory.

‘The fate of humanity….’

Of course, the Hero didn’t expect to meet Laplace on this journey at all.

There was no one among the living humans who had met him.

He had been in seclusion for over a century.

Even Noubelmag, who spent part of his youth in the Great Forest, had never met Laplace.

But, naturally, he couldn’t help but speculate.

‘…If I were to meet him, what should I ask?’

He didn’t believe in the vague ability of “foreseeing the future.”

However, he did have an artifact called Iris of Laplace that compiled information about the past and present, assisting with insights into the future.

If the faerie sage was a prophet, then surely it would be that kind.

There was no harm in seeking enlightenment.

‘There are so many things I’d like to ask about the future.’

…Or the destination of this precarious lie.




While the Hero was lost in such thoughts.

The topic of conversation among the group returned to “seducing the faeries” like a recurring tide.

“Snap out of it. The way faeries look at other races is not much different from how you’d look at a mouse or a chicken.”

“But didn’t your father succeed in marrying your mother?”

“…My parents’ case was a bit special.”

Noubelmag continued with a brief explanation.

Being a blacksmith who deals with fire was the least preferred profession for faeries.

Alchemy required sacrificing a part of nature for results.

Noubelmag’s mother, ‘Ahir,’ took on that burden for the tribe, but as a result, she spent her life lonely without understanding.

“On the other hand, my father was a weirdo who was overly interested in dwarves living in caves and spirits, so he came to the Great Forest. They were… each other’s only understanding. Whether you, who only seek superficial beauty, can succeed in such love, I don’t know.”

Noubelmag’s rustic remarks silenced Kasim, and Pia admired.

“Oof. That hit the mark.”

“It’s so cool. But… could a graduate student have such love…?”

Rich reactions are a way to excite the elderly.

Starting with stories about his parents, Noubelmag brought up more old memories.

The various stories about the veiled faerie tribe were fascinating, and the group enjoyed listening to his tales.

…Until Noubelmag suddenly stopped the story.



There was a hush.

The group closed their mouths as if they had made a promise, and looked at the silhouette walking ahead.

She suddenly appeared without anyone noticing.

The Hero stared at the unfamiliar figure’s back.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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‘…When did she…?’

He was always activating his senses externally.

He wouldn’t miss any signs from this distance.

‘Just a moment ago, she wasn’t here.’

She looked like an ordinary traveler at first glance.

In her hand was a weather-beaten robe and a staff, traces of sunlight and wind.

She carried a light backpack on her shoulder.

Amidst the straw-like hair fluttering, the characteristic long ears of a faerie were revealed.


Even though they could clearly feel their presence, the faerie did not turn back and walked forward without looking back.

They were about to reach a bend in the forest path.

In a few seconds, the mysterious silhouette would disappear.

…Suddenly, the Hero felt a strong urge to call out to her.

It was an irresistible urge.


That one quiet word reached the unfamiliar figure on the wind.

The mysterious being turned around.

A faint smile adorned her face.

Capturing everyone’s attention, her lips slowly parted.

“It is as you said, Master. Please follow me.”

* * *

The luxury resort Dream Haven had everything imaginable.

But above all, there was one facility that captured the children’s attention the most….

“A swimming pool!”

“Wow! We’re the only ones here!”

Surrounded by a lake on all sides, but the swimming pool had its own charm.

Wide-open parasols, sunbeds, and various sweet drinks.

Some children went back to their rooms as they hadn’t recovered from travel fatigue, but most of them rushed out as soon as they unpacked.

And in the boys’ locker room….

“Three hundred thirty-six! Three hundred thirty-seven!”

Unexpected push-ups were being performed.

They were extreme boys who had already sculpted their bodies through rigorous training, but they were working hard to show off even better bodies.

They were at their prime.

A swimming pool with girls of the same age.

They couldn’t help but expect a thrilling and exciting experience.

…But the “high stimulation” they were expecting came in a slightly different way.

“Hey, you crazy!”

Gerald jumped out of the pool, trembling with anger.

The incident began with Cuculli.




“Hey, guys, want to make a bet?”

“A bet? About what?”

“Well, something complicated might be difficult to do right away, so how about something simple like diving and holding your breath?”

“What are we betting?”

“Well… how about a wish ticket?”

“A… wish? W, what?”

With an ominous smile, Cuculli pointed to a shop on one side of the swimming pool.

More precisely, to the various swimsuits displayed outside.

“Well, something like that, would you wear it?”

Currently, all the girls were in simple swimsuits or regular clothes when they entered the pool.

They looked very gloomy compared to the expectations of the boys.

So, they were in a very sulky state… Gerald grasped his chest and asked.

“Y, you mean those swimsuits?”

The swimsuits that caught the boys’ eyes with their bright colors and unique patterns were very elegant and sophisticated, stimulating the male’s romance.

Gerald stuttered.

“You, in those swimsuits…”

With dreamy sky-blue eyes and hair, and skin as white as snow, she sometimes caught others’ attention with her innocent smile, causing them to lose focus.

Although all the male students would deny it, saying, “Who would like that weirdo?” secretly, about five of them harbored feelings for her without realizing it.

One of the five, Gerald (of course, he considered all female classmates as potential love interests), found it nearly impossible to refuse her proposal.

“All right! It’s a challenge! I’ll hold my breath until my lungs burst!”

“What determination, like a beast!”

Thus, Gerald accepted Cuculli’s challenge, and they both dunked their heads simultaneously in the middle of the swimming pool.


The freezing began around Gerald in the next moment.



Breaking through the frozen surface like a dolphin, Gerald, with lips turning blue, sprang out of the ice-cold water.

A burst of laughter followed.

“Hey, you crazy!”

“Hahaha! Did you fall for it, Gerald?”

Even Gerald himself found the situation amusing, as he grinned sheepishly.

Leaning against a sunbed and watching this spectacle, Leciel jabbed the arm of the boy next to her.

“…Are you like that too?”

“Like what?”

“Like Gerald, all worked up…”

Recognizing that it was too strong an expression to say to a friend, Leciel corrected herself.

“…Are you feeling impatient? You don’t seem like the type.”

“Oh, feeling impatient? Why?”

“Because you’re kind.”

Not feeling quite satisfied with the calm look in Leciel’s eyes, he blurted out words he wouldn’t normally say.

“I… I like swimsuits too.”

It was the truth.

But there were truths that didn’t need to be spoken out loud sometimes.

Leciel blinked rapidly.

“…Ah, I see.”


What rescued Ban from the dilemma of pondering eternal submersion was none other than Cuculli.

“Ban! Let’s go order food! I heard from the Principal earlier that everything here is free, you just have to place an order!”

If only he could get away from here now.

Ban got up in a hurry.

“I’ll, I’ll be right back.”


As Ban, with his head down, walked toward the restaurant, he failed to notice that Leciel’s gaze was directed toward the swimsuit shop.

So, side by side, Cuculli and Ban headed for the restaurant.

“Oh, the restroom!”


“Hehe, make sure to order well!”

…Cuculli went in the exact opposite direction of the restroom.

It would be tiresome to catch her and ask what she was up to.

Ban sighed and continued toward the restaurant.

‘I should practice now.’

Ban realized that his multitasking ability was most activated when he entered a state of excitement about experimenting with Beatrice’s multi-round combat.

So, right after contacting Leciel, now, he could function excellently as a ‘Magic-swordsman.’

He had been continuing his training of integrating martial arts with magic throughout the vacation.

The situation was finally becoming clearer.

Even though they were on vacation, he had no intention of giving up practice altogether.

‘Beatrice told me to practice whenever I had the chance.’


First, he spread out the techniques of martial arts, detection, and counter-detection in all directions.

It’s about surveying the surroundings while neutralizing mana tentacles attempting to detect his own presence.


…The sensing from the colleagues in the swimming pool brushes past him.

‘Next comes magic.’

He implemented “Sneak,” a lower-level magic he learned from Beatrice, which reduces his presence.

With this, a synergistic effect occurs, allowing him to move without being detected even by higher-level martial artists.

Utilizing magic in martial arts, even if it’s not direct combat magic, was limitless in its applications, and Ban was greatly interested in this training.

‘Extend the detection a bit further…’


Ban abruptly stopped.

Ugh, Ooof…

This time the sound was louder.

A suppressed groan that didn’t fit at all with this peaceful resort.

Without a moment’s thought, Ban dashed toward the direction where the sound was detected.

‘What’s going on?’

His heart pounded.

The resort where his friends were in a vulnerable state.

Even if it was close to the capital and Glendor had constructed the best defenses, could one really guarantee complete safety?

…Even Rosenstark had been breached.

Ever since the incident in the Forest of Martial Arts, Ban had been reacting to such sudden situations neurotically.

But what was clearly different now was that he had enough power to deal with it.

Ban drew in a lot of mana while completely suppressing his presence.


Now, just around that corridor corner, was the origin of the sound.

“Who the…?”

…Ban couldn’t finish his sentence.

It was because Nyhill, whom he thought to be the most quiet among his colleagues, was beating up someone unexpected.

He called out the name of the victim in disbelief.

The name he thought he wouldn’t mention for years to come.


[TL/N: Noubelmag, what have u taught cutie nyhill???]

[PR/N: Nah he was probably peaking or sum other sus shit]



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 0
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