
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 204

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 204

Beyond the entrance, a young man stood with an urgent expression.

‘Is that Depikio Lugo?’

As records about Depikio were almost entirely lost, this was the first time seeing his face.

The Hero scrutinized him carefully.

Skin where traces of acne have not yet disappeared.

Hair neatly trimmed.

He looked like he couldn’t be older than his early twenties, no matter how much one looked.

‘…Seems rather ordinary, doesn’t he?’

Clearly different from Zero, who had the demeanor befitting a grand sorcerer.

If one were to find something special amidst his modest and ordinary appearance, it would be the guns hidden behind his eyes and his kind face.

…For some reason, they seemed to overlap with each other, and the Hero felt favorably towards Depikio.

In the midst of this, Zero stood before him.

“Depikio, what’s the matter at this late hour?”

It was two in the morning.

It was too late for a polite disciple to visit his master’s abode without prior notice.

However, Depikio seemed more engulfed in shock than remorse.

Deep in Zero’s eyes, there was a sense of unease upon seeing him like that.

“Um, I couldn’t reach you through communication devices, so I came directly. There’s news you must know…”


It was then that Zero recalled he had turned off all communication devices completely.

‘That’ matter must have been resolved through a truce; he had put away all business-related communication beads as well as personal ones.

It was for Elaine and him.

They desperately needed the rest.

…But the news Depikio brought late at night was pulling them back into the abyss of anxiety.

“What did you just say…?”

With an expression of disbelief, Zero retorted Depikio’s words.

“‘He’ caused an incident during the game?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Where? No, when?”

“…In the South. Approximately three hours ago, according to the current time.”

Zero’s lips trembled slightly.

It was due to the immediate realization of the seriousness of the situation.


As he closed the door behind him, his voice lowered.

“Start with the details of the damage.”

Depikio poured out his words with a grim expression.

“Two territories have completely vanished… It might take a few months to estimate the exact number of casualties and the extent of property damage. Fortunately… No, I’m not sure if ‘fortunate’ is the right word to use here.”

“…Just tell me.”

“After turning the second territory into a wasteland, ‘he’ disappeared without a trace. There were no further acts of destruction.”

A somber silence descended upon the mansion’s entrance as Depikio finished speaking.

Zero muttered slowly.

“…Have we figured out why he caused this disturbance?”

“It seems… ‘He’ was discovered during the game and attacked, which led to an explosion of rage.”


That term referred to the eccentric hobby of a doppelganger.

The creature hated humans.

Yet, for some reason, whenever an opportunity arose, it would disguise itself as someone and mingle with human society.

For a short time, or sometimes for years.

It would live the life of the original person.

Then, at some point, it would abruptly abandon its fake identity and leave.

The pattern resembled the ancient games dragons used to play, called ‘Game,’ so authorities named these escapades after them.

What was noteworthy was that even if it later invaded or massacred, those who had associated with it and the Game would usually remain untouched.

That was why Zero believed in the possibility of coexistence between doppelgangers and humans.

‘He wasn’t always this mad from the beginning.’

The doppelganger’s hatred wasn’t innate.

It grew gradually as it experienced human wickedness, disappointment, and gradually transformed.

Zero knew the detailed tales firsthand.

As Depikio swallowed nervously, he asked.

“What could have driven him to such extremes?”

With a shallow sigh, Zero recounted several ‘instances.’

“…There were attempts by trusted humans to sell him off as a guinea pig for experiments.”


“In reality, he was captured and subjected to various dissections and experiments for several months before managing to escape.”

Depikio… and the Hero listened quietly to the tale.

“There were occasions when he revealed his identity to a loved one, only to face the stake and blade waiting for him.”


“He almost faced public execution in front of his original family. They threw stones at him as he fled.”

Such experiences gradually drove him insane.

It was the opposite case for the Hero.

If the Hero had been drawn to the light of humanity, ‘he’ was buried in darkness.

‘But there’s still hope.’

Seeing him continue to engage in Game sensitively hinted at that.

Hatred and love were like two sides of the same coin.

They often interchanged and mixed easily.

Thus, during this temporary peace obtained through past connections…

Zero planned to thoroughly interpret and approach ‘his’ complex emotions, seeking coexistence.

Of course, Zero didn’t approve of the doppelganger as it was now.

He is undoubtedly evil now.

A colossal evil threatening everyone.

But there was no other way.

…But who could have predicted that such a crisis would arise so quickly?

Zero felt something was amiss then.


“Yes, master?”

“When was the last time ‘he’ failed during a game and his identity was revealed?”

“It must have been over ten years ago.”

“Ten years…”

Zero tilted his head slowly.

“It’s definitely strange. Isn’t it too coincidental…?”


“He has experienced numerous Games before. He occasionally caused trouble when inexperienced with humans, but he has never been caught in trouble during a Game recently.”

Depikio nodded slowly.

It was as the master said.

“But now, how long has it been since his identity was exposed, and he was attacked? It seems too contrived.”

“W-wait, master. Are you suggesting…?”

Though the disciple’s face paled, Zero’s deduction continued.

“When he causes trouble, who benefits?”

One face came to mind.

Platooz Namsov, the Grandmaster.

For some reason, the Grandmaster was obsessed with opening the ‘Gate.’

Whether it was a sense of duty to give humans the power to oppose doppelgangers or due to personal distorted desires, he had persistently advocated for the Gate’s opening.

‘Regardless, the Gate must not be opened.’

Thus, Zero had been a staunch opponent of the Gate’s opening, leading the opposing faction.

Opinions within the Magic Tower were fiercely divided as well.

Fortunately, with this ceasefire, the closure of the Gate became likely…

“All this could turn out to be in vain because of this incident in the South. Isn’t it too convenient?”

“A-are you suspecting Grandmaster Platooz…?”

Neither nodding nor shaking his head, Zero murmured quietly.

“I know it’s a dangerous inference. I’m not entirely convinced myself. Even if he’s rotten, he wouldn’t go that far. But…”

Zero’s eyes gleamed with a bright blue.

“We need to confirm. As soon as possible.”

He raised his head, looking at the massive structure dominating the city’s center.

The Tower.

The crescent moon hung over it like a fingernail.




Before heading to the Tower, Zero suddenly returned home.

Unfortunately, Elaine was already fast asleep.

Perhaps the conversation had gone on longer than expected.


Zero pulled the blanket up to Elaine’s shoulders and gently kissed her forehead and belly.

His eyes emitted a sturdy steel-like light.

“See you when I return, Elaine… my dear.”

…Simultaneously, as the Hero immersed himself in contemplation, a hoarse voice filled with age rang in his ears.

“It was a day when everything went wrong.”

* * *

Synchronization began to intensify.

The Hero started to read memories through Zero’s eyes, and his emotions and memories poured out like a torrent.

For a moment, it felt as if he was groping through his own memories.

‘…This is dangerous. I need to snap out of it.’


As the Hero had that thought, flight magic manifested, and an intense feeling of levitation enveloped Zero’s body.

The landscape of the city passed rapidly beneath his feet.

It was the moment when Zero’s first memory, ‘The First Era Part I,’ came to mind.

‘Even back then, in a fit of rage, I flew towards the Tower at full speed.’

But it wasn’t dawn then, and the Tower wasn’t as eerily silent as it was now.

The guards at the main gate didn’t stop Zero.

They just cleared the way as if they were expecting him.


A strange unease crept over the Hero, but Zero marched forward aggressively towards the top floor of the Tower.

The floor where Platooz’s office was located.

Straight ahead.

As a Hero who shared Zero’s knowledge, he could discern the source of his confidence.

‘…He already has skills surpassing Platooz.’

Considering that Platooz had lived over half a century longer than Zero, it was truly remarkable.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Before Zero’s appearance, he had been hailed as the continent’s greatest talent.

The overwhelming gap in talent.

Zero wasn’t particularly worried about using force.

There was no one among the existing sorcerers who could match him.

Even if the situation deteriorated to the point where he had to confront the elders at once, he would surely be able to escape.


Zero’s steps halted then.

He was in front of Platooz’s office door.

Despite the late hour, light spilled through the crack in the door along with the sound of voices.


Once he opened this door, there would be no turning back.

As Zero took a deep breath, he thought of the human named ‘Platooz Namsov.’

In fact, he had not always been at odds with him.

Even when he disagreed, Platooz was a respected leader and a great senior who pursued the ultimate goal of truth.

So, with desperate hope that his speculation was wrong, Zero grabbed the doorknob. Click—

“You’ve come.”

The Grandmaster faced Zero with a dry gaze.

There was no anger at his sudden visit, nor any doubt about the purpose.

Zero felt something odd about his nonchalant attitude.

“…You expected me to come.”

“You are surprisingly transparent for a magician.”

“It would be good if you were as transparent as me today.”

There was no need to prolong the conversation.

Zero approached sharply and asked.

“I’ll ask you directly. Did you orchestrate the incident in the South?”

The Grandmaster responded promptly.

“What if I did?”

“…One tainted by madness has no right to sit atop the Tower.”

At those words, the old magician smiled bitterly.

“Madness, indeed. It’s not wrong. With a monster openly roaming the continent, capable of wiping us out in an instant, how can one not lose their mind and endure?”

…At that moment, Zero noticed an image bead on the Grandmaster’s desk.

And it was transmitting an image of a massive rift.

It was the ‘Gate.’

A growl escaped Zero’s lips.

“So, you’ve been obsessing over the Gate until dawn.”

“…Isn’t progress essential for humanity now? Don’t you know?”

“Progress? Will such words convince me?”

“It’s the final persuasion.”

In an instant, the Grandmaster’s eyes flashed dangerously.

At that moment when Zero anticipated the worst, Platooz regained composure and calmly spoke.

“As I’ve said before, there exists an unimaginable energy beyond the Gate. Some even believe there’s a whole new world there.”


“Opening the Gate not only frees humanity from ‘it’ but also serves as a catalyst for us to evolve into higher beings. Why don’t you understand that?”

Zero’s face contorted rapidly.

It was because he realized Platooz’s obsession was more serious than he thought.

The old-magician looked at Zero with eyes filled with strange longing.

“We magicians must bear the fate of pioneers.”

“So, you insist on opening the Gate? Do you know how many humans died in the two territories in the South?”

“It can be explained as sacrifices for the greater good.”

Zero scoffed.

“Arrogance, folly… such words seem to exist for you, Platooz Namsov. As long as I exist, the Gate will not open, no matter how much you claim.”

But the Grandmaster simply nodded without much reaction to his words.

“Yes, as long as you exist, that’s true.”


The old-magician’s body began to glow.

At the same time, magic circles appeared in the air at a rapid pace.

Whether he had prepared in advance or not, the magic was rapidly being completed.

Zero also gathered mana, issuing a warning.

“…You’re making a foolish choice.”

“Don’t misunderstand. I’m not here to fight you. Rather, I’m here to give you a gift.”


Despite having faced defeat in magical battles against Platooz before, Zero felt a strange sense of danger.

Part of the magic circle that appeared in the air… was very unfamiliar.


It was impossible for him, who mastered all existing magics, to find a ‘magic circle’ unfamiliar.

He quickly deciphered the interpretable parts.

‘It’s a sealing circle!’ Some symbols looked familiar.

It didn’t take long for Zero to realize its true identity.

It was the ultimate sealing circle devised by him and other magicians of the Tower to capture ‘him.’

However, it had failed to bind the doppelganger and had faded into history.

‘Can Platooz alone handle such immense mana?’

But the magic circle was functioning normally.

Zero’s eyes widened in astonishment.

‘…Is it not mana?’

What composed the magic circle was a strange and chilling energy.

It was so unfamiliar that he couldn’t even recognize it.


Within the condensed purple mist, strange sounds could be heard, and a bizarre shape emerged.

Goosebumps engulfed Zero’s entire body.

The phenomenon was too powerful to be caused by the power flowing from the small rift in the Gate.

Zero lost his composure and cast a spell.

“You madman! Have you already opened the Gate!?”

“No, not yet. I haven’t acquired that level of energy yet. However…”

Platooz chuckled.

“I’ve been there and back.”

Zero confirmed he was not in his right mind.

Madness had penetrated him to the core.


Zero desperately resisted the force enveloping him.

He approached the purple magic emanating from the Gate.

But like the setting sun, mana was pushed aside by magic and gradually dissipated.

There was no choice.

This was a type of energy he had never experienced before, and analyzing and unraveling it was an impossible task.

It was akin to the human body being powerless against a new disease.

Even enduring this much was akin to a miracle.

Beyond the dimming vision, Platooz’s excited voice could be heard.

“No matter who you are, trapped within the intricate formula crafted by dozens of the Tower’s top magicians, the sealing circle applied with the power from the other side is impossible to break.”

Zero exerted all his strength to resist and couldn’t answer.

But Platooz continued as if it didn’t matter.

“I don’t hate or dislike you. You’re a chosen genius who can elevate the study of magic to another level… I just want to show you that your passion is directed in the wrong direction.”

“This madman…”

“If you resist at this level, you’ll be sealed for about a week.”


Platooz opened the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling window and turned to Zero.

The prosperous cityscape unfolded before them.

“When you wake up from your brief slumber, a new world will be waiting for you. A perfect world where only those who have evolved one step further as humans remain victorious.”

Zero wanted to say more.

But after staying awake for several nights, his body felt as languid as if he were lying on a soft bed for days.

A huge boulder pressed down on his eyelids. His field of vision gradually narrowed.



In his fading consciousness, Zero endlessly repeated that name.




And when he opened his eyes again…

The demons had arrived in this world.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 0
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