
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 44

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 44

The next morning, the Hero instructed, “Go to the freshman dormitory and pick up the kids first.”

“Yes, understood!”

Mabu briskly nodded and returned to his seat.

The Hero, gazing out the window, was lost in thought.

His mind was filled with names—the members of the Dawn Knights.

‘Who could it be?’

The betrayer of the Knights, colluding with demons, had killed half of the members and the ‘Original’.

The Hero recalled the meeting, analyzing every detail, but couldn’t pinpoint the traitor.

It was an indistinct memory, happening for the umpteenth time.

Stagnum’s escape.

The Demon King’s Bridge.

The hero’s story.

Whenever sensitive topics arose, he closely observed the members.

The gathering of many in a meeting.

All attention and focus were on Euphemia, the organizer.

Naturally, individuals couldn’t help but pay less attention to their own expressions or actions during that time.

The direction of gazes, blinking, volume, voice tone, speech speed, pronunciation, and more.

Everything was a crucial clue.


‘There wasn’t anyone particularly unnatural.’

The Hero rubbed his head, realizing that the betrayer was also an excellent actor.

‘Now that the bait has been set, let’s wait.’

The plan aimed to punish the information department, doubling as bait to expose the traitor.


The Hero sighed, leaning back in the carriage seat.

Yet, his thoughts shifted to Rosenstark’s betrayer.

His sharp gaze scanned the buildings outside, considering the high probability of a traitor within the academy.

The demons might have infiltrated too.

The hero’s forehead creased as he mentally pictured the unidentified betrayer.

‘Nevertheless, we are gradually preparing for any contingencies here, so that’s fortunate.’

They had a certain level of military strength.

Trust in Principal Yussi and connections, including some young professors, had been established.

A tight information network was also laid out through Nyhill.

All of these arrangements would undoubtedly hinder and eventually expose the betrayer’s movements.

Just as I was organizing my thoughts.

“Please take care of me today!”

“Go—Good morning, Professor.”


Evergreen, with sparkling eyes, energetically boarded the carriage first.

She was wearing a slightly oversized dress, perhaps borrowed.

Second was Ban, whose cheeks were flushed, and the area under his eyes was shadowed, contrasting with his excited demeanor.

He seemed to have had a restless night.


Lastly, Luke, with a solemn expression, closed the carriage door and sat down heavily on the seat.

“Take me with youuu!”

The scream that followed was probably a hallucination I had due to my stress.

After greeting everyone, the Hero pulled out the ‘Outdoor Activity Plan,’ aiming to boost the children’s academic motivation.

His gaze stopped at ‘Glendor Auction’.

‘It’s about time the kids got equipped too. Usually, children use ready-made items provided by the academy or their own possessions. However, in the position of fighting against demons, being well-armed is essential.’

There are plenty of those who can crush iron like snacks. Trying out various artifacts and keeping what suits them is necessary.

‘Providing clear rewards for achievements like this will surely motivate other children too.’

It promises refreshment and motivation from various angles.

And above all, ‘it,’ the star of the auction, was undoubtedly worth acquiring.


The hero patted the hefty pocket inside his robe.

There were plenty of bullets to enjoy the fair.

“Since it’s going to take a while, it’s best to rest your eyes a bit.”

They were already immersed in their own worlds.


* * *


Evergreen woke up with a scream, her head hitting the window frame due to the carriage’s jolt.

Evergreen, looking around with dazed eyes for a moment, was startled when she met the hero’s gaze.

“…Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m fine!”

After confirming she was fine, the Hero continued his thoughts about the betrayer.

Rubbing her swollen forehead and adjusting her posture, Evergreen reassured others.

With surprised eyes, she turned to Ban, who was next to her.

“Hehe, I stayed up late… because of excitement.”

“Understandable. I was quite excited too.”

Ban and Evergreen’s eyes sparkled as they shared their excitement.

They had learned about the list of booths at this exhibition from yesterday.

The list they checked included things that seemed exotic not only to Evergreen, who came from the countryside but also to Ban, who had lived his entire life in a bustling city.


Only Luke kept his eyes closed, seemingly indifferent.

The hero spoke up.

“We’ll arrive soon, so get ready to disembark.”

Beyond the open window, the bustling energy of the fair began to be felt, carried by the warm spring breeze.

Evergreen’s green eyes widened abruptly.

“Wow… it’s nothing like the oil markets back home.”

Even the size of the entrance gate overwhelmed her.

A large sign displayed in fancy handwriting read: [Open the door to a new world].

Colorful pieces of paper of various shapes fluttered, welcoming guests.

As the carriage passed through the main gate and entered the central street, the children almost hung out of the windows.

This was because an incredible array of sights began pouring in all at once.


“Wow, is that a real demon?”

“I-I think so!?”

Various demons and rare animals were confined behind tightly spaced iron bars.


All sorts of noisy and brightly lit mysterious items.

“Try the new beer developed by Aenu Trading! Taste it and go! The first glass is free! Free!”

“There’s a famous bard, Chester’s performance starting from noon! Selling tickets!”

On one side of the street, the laughter of slightly tipsy people and the songs of minstrels flowed out from the taverns.

In addition, the wooden boards laid out on the ground were filled with various experimental and unidentifiable potions.

A promoter threw a business card towards Evergreen, who was half-leaning out of the window, enjoying the view.

“Hey, lovely lady over there! Come spin the roulette later!”

“Me, me, me!?”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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…Calling her a lovely lady.

Evergreen touched her blushing face, fingering the lace on her borrowed dress from her wealthy friend in the Alchemy Department.

“It’s a grand festival…”

It was an enormous scale, large enough for an entire village to enter.

‘Are we going to get off and explore now?’

Ban and Evergreen sparkled with excitement, eagerly waiting for the carriage to come to a stop.

However, their carriage continued to pass through all these attractions, racing through without stopping.


“Uh, where are we going?”

The destination of their carriage was a building located in the very center of the fairground.

Unlike other booths made of tents or makeshift structures, it was the only building properly arranged.

Ban tilted his head.

“It seems like it’s still closed here…?”

Guards stood in front of tightly placed curtains and fences.

However, no one was stopping them. As if they had received prior permission, the guards simply bowed their heads and cleared the way.


The carriage stopped at the entrance of the building.

The children looked at the hero with puzzled expressions, then suddenly widened their eyes as if they had realized something.

“Wow, really?” ”

An auction? Hosted by Glendor?”

The one who greeted them as they stepped down from the carriage was an elderly man with a dignified presence.

His eyes were full of shallow wrinkles, his clothing neat and elegant.

Despite his age, he had a surprisingly robust physique.

The elderly man offered a graceful greeting.

“Welcome, students. I am Simon Yulian, here to assist you in touring the Glendor Marketplace Auction.”

He continued with a warm smile.

“I have served as a steward for Director Yussi for a long time.”

“Oh, hello! Mr. Steward? M-Merchant? Anyway, nice to meet you!”

“Oh, please, make yourselves at home today.”


At that moment, the hero, who had finished his bow, exchanged a brief nod with Simon as he stepped down from the carriage.

They were already acquainted thanks to Principal Yussi.

“Well then, shall we start?”

Simon stepped aside, walking towards the building.

“Since I cannot take up too much of your busy time, let me introduce you to the most valuable auction items first. We have many special items this time, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy the viewing.”


With the muffled cheers of Evergreen and Ban ringing in the background, the hero nodded approvingly, acknowledging their excitement.

Securing the first visit to the auction was the hero’s deliberate choice.

The reason was simple: Glendor’s numerous artisans had a contract to deliver their ‘masterpieces’ to the auction house first.

Therefore, items displayed at the fair booths were often masterpieces in high demand.

‘No need to visit elsewhere.’

Despite the children’s apparent interest in exploring other booths, the plan was to provide free time after they finished their business at the auction.

In the midst of these thoughts, they arrived at the fair.

The children were excited about the lively atmosphere, and the Hero strategically led them to the Glendor Auction first.

‘I heard that the Magic Exploration Team also delivered several items. I wonder what they have.’

With such thoughts, the hero entered the entrance of the auction house.


As the main gate closed, the noise of the fair quickly faded away.

* * *

As we stepped into the interior of the auction house, a noticeably luxurious decor greeted us, in stark contrast to the market-like atmosphere outside.

Unlike the bustling and flamboyant permanent auction houses, even the regular ones couldn’t compete with this level of splendor.

“Wow, this is so dazzling…”

“Hehe, it’s still not enough to entertain esteemed guests.”

“Oh no, it’s more than enough! It’s even better than our Youngju Castle…”

Facing the impressed Evergreen, Simon responded with a gentle smile.

“No matter how sparkling the decorations are, they can’t compare to the nobility of Solintail.”

“What? Nobility, you say? That’s an exaggeration…”

“Not at all. If it weren’t for those like the nobles who tirelessly fought for us day and night, where would us merchants be getting our meals from?”

Evergreen looked at the elderly man with deeply moved eyes.

It was a comforting word, acknowledging the struggles of the nobles who had to constantly deal with monsters and the constant chattering of the nouveau riche.

“How warm your words are…”

Having secured a loyal customer in an instant, Simon guided us to the innermost part of the building.

At the end of a long corridor, a large iron door came into view.

“I assume our esteemed guests are more interested in practical items than artworks.”

Simon smiled at the security device.

The Iris of Laplace reacted to the glowing red gem.

Registration-type Alarm · Blocking Device

Enchantment List:
Iron Wall (Calidus Class) 12 times,
Tracking Incendiary (Calidus Class) 6 times,
Venomous Mist (Apprentice Class) 1 time,

Various enchantments for security were confirmed to be applied.

‘Calidus’ is a grade corresponding to the 4th rank among the top 10 grades of magic. It was evident that Glendor took considerable care in terms of security.

Simon placed his hand on the doorknob and spoke,

“This is the warehouse where today’s auction items are stored.”


The steel door slowly opened, revealing the interior of the warehouse.

A mix of scents permeated the air – the smell of iron and the intense aroma of magic.



Even Luke, who had been indifferent until now, widened his eyes.

Simon’s proud smile turned into a frown as his gaze shifted towards the display shelves next to the entrance.

The cluttered miscellaneous items were scattered messily, starkly different from the neatly organized auction items bathed in bright light.

Puzzled, Simon was met with questioning glances.

“I explicitly told them to clean up beforehand…”

“Are these items also from the artisans sponsored by Glendor?”

The old man nodded, his expression turning stern.

The warm demeanor transformed into that of a strict manager displeased with an employee’s failure.

“Some of these are contributions from artisans, while others are discoveries made by the Magic Exploration Team. Among them, we’ve gathered those with relatively lower value through appraisal.”

“So, not auction items?”

“Apparently, these items are yawn-inducing for an auction, so we plan to hand them over to the general market. After all, ‘a merchant must treasure every penny of profit,’ as the saying goes,”

Simon said, recounting Glendor’s longstanding principles and regaining his laughter.

“In any case, these items are at a level too embarrassing to show to our esteemed guests. The genuine masterpieces are waiting inside. Please follow me.”

As we mindlessly followed the old man, Evergreen tried to get my attention, saying,


However, I paid little attention to her.

‘What is this feeling?’

It was the same sensation as when I returned empty-handed from the “Cave of the Protector,” the unease of missing something crucial.

I stared at the cluttered display shelves.


In the Iris of Laplace not only the previous user, Ted Redymer, but also the knowledge of the creator, Zero Requiem, was stored.

Thanks to this, when wearing it, I could understand almost any magical device.

Just like when I found the intermediary Iris of Laplace in the cave.

…And now.

Comprehensive Concealment Magic Detected

– Estimated Rank: Maester ~ Beyond
– Faint traces of tracking magic detected
– The influence of comprehensive concealment is strong, and accuracy cannot be
– Weak magical energy is sensed

As my gaze lingered on an inconspicuous statue, comments filled my vision as if they were waiting.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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