
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 114

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 114

Merian is my half-sister and also a half-cousin.

…You don’t understand?

My mother is said to be the younger sister of Merian’s mother.

It was the result of her father meddling with both the sisters, unable to control his overactive lower body.

‘I guess old folks’ tastes don’t change.’

Thanks to that, my birth was surrounded by all sorts of sordid rumors, and naturally, my childhood was terrible.

Merian’s mother was the favorite of my father.

Thanks to that, Merian, being her only daughter, was firmly establishing an overwhelming hierarchical relationship among dozens of siblings.

In Merian’s eyes, I was probably a mongrel who made her mother cry all the time and a reactionary element dirtying her kingdom.

All of my siblings and servants tormented me under Merian’s orders.

I grew up being bitten by guard dogs, hitting my head on the toilet, and being abandoned in the middle of the street for no reason.

Mother couldn’t help at all.

At some point, she started to waver.

“Yussi, you have to live as if you’re dead. Never stand out. If you do, a terrible fate awaits us.”

And it continued.

“But, even though you inherited his blood, does it make sense for this idiot to say such things?! Yussi! Go do something useful.”

…So it went.

Poor mother.

I left her behind like escaping to Rosenstark.

Of course, Rosenstark was no different.

Her elder sister, the soon-to-be successor, had enough influence to mess up her younger sibling’s school life.

“Merian says she entrusts taking care of you to me.”

That was the first thing I heard after entering school, and that pretty much summed it up.

I studied hard and ran around desperately to survive, fought.

It was a life disconnected from leisure and far from easy, to the point where I didn’t even know the existence of the famous person who stirred up the academy at the time.

A malicious and capable rival.

Thanks to my father, who almost seemed to enjoy pitting his children against each other, I’ve been colliding with various things for decades.

…Damn it, Merian.
Yussi focused on reality again.

It was an emergency situation when that damn sister appeared.

Look at that annoyingly smirking face.

‘Thrown out of father’s favor…’

Yussi could become the head of Rosenstark, thanks to the emperor’s implicit support.

It was also thanks to contributing a large sum to the educational foundation in Glendor for the acquisition of Rosenstark’s shares.

Due to this, Merian, who became the co-chairman, also had considerable ambitions for the position of head at that time.

Unfortunately, even after some time had passed, that desire seemed undiminished.

On the other hand, Yussi’s roots of power were in a precarious situation.

“This time, the damage Rosenstark suffered… No, the damage our foundation invested in Rosenstark incurred, do you think it’s limited to just recovery costs?”


“Naughty Yussi. I wonder who taught you the habit of pretending not to know while knowing the answer.”

While continuing the conversation, Yussi subtly observed the professors.

There was a clear difference in their attitudes towards Yussi and Merian.

If they were openly hostile to Yussi, there was a subtle nodding agreement with Merian’s words.

She had already noticed that the majority of them had been swayed by Merian.

“Fine, since you seem unwilling to speak, I’ll do it for you.”

In a dominant atmosphere, Merian leisurely sat on Yussi’s table, smirking.

Yussi gritted his teeth.

“Recovery costs are a very minor part of it. Given that such an incident occurred in the middle of the academy, the biggest problem is the sponsorship funds.”

Some professors sighed quietly.

Rosenstark was basically tuition-free (though students with poor grades had to offset it through work, etc.).

‘For those with no money but full of talent.’

It was because of the academy rules personally created by Zero.

Instead, Rosenstark managed its finances through donations and support from influential individuals and parents who wanted attract existing graduates and future talents.

“If it’s a place where the safety of their child is not guaranteed, why would they believe and open their wallets?”

A decrease in sponsorship funds would be a fatal blow to Rosenstark.

Merian sneered.

“You should also take responsibility for that part… But is it possible? You spent a lot of money recently.”

…Well, even digging into my financial affairs.

However, she wasn’t caught up in her cheap provocation, she had become an adult who had gone through all sorts of hardships.

‘I’m no longer a child trapped in a warehouse.’

After regaining composure, Yussi looked at his half-sister.

She also had an ace up her sleeve—information about the blessing.

After years of steady tracking, the situation had finally become clear.

Although it was a painful realization that Merian had simultaneously fortified her position and the academy’s location, if she could obtain the protection of Zero Requiem, this tilted power dynamic could be reversed in an instant.

‘If my father hears this news, he will surely support me.’

Dewis Glendor loved money, but he was even more obsessed with fame, having enough wealth already.

When she became a Dawn Knight, he had dismissed Merian, who was practically his successor, and showered her with wealth and power.

Naturally, he would be very willing to discover the blessing.

Yussi, after making such calculations, confidently shouted at his longtime rival.

“Wake up from your dream and get out of my conference room.”
…If she had known there was no blessing, she would have been a bit more cautious in her words.

* * *

Having concluded the story, Yussi glanced briefly at the Hero.

His expression seemed usual, with nothing particularly different.

However, Yussi could read the emotions hidden within.


It was a face that made memories of their first meeting flash through my mind.

Late at night.

A secluded warehouse somewhere on the campus.

A training enthusiast who sneaked out of the dorm.

A freshman girl who was locked in a warehouse by her older sister’s bullies.

The moment they met.

Even for Yussi, with a tough temperament, panic had quickly set in when she found herself trapped in the pitch-dark warehouse with dozens of creepy bugs.

An unbearable itching sensation coursing through his body.

Senior students, classmates, security personnel, professors—all seemed to have been bribed by Merian.

Desperately screaming for help, but no one came.

“Is anyone there? Please get me out!”

In the moment of despair, the iron door locked by those bastards was shattered, and someone bathed in moonlight appeared.

Then, with an indifferent and calm expression, he said.

“Get up.”

Yussi grabbed the large hand extended to him.

The hand was rough but surprisingly warm.

“Th… thank you.”

He didn’t respond.

With a swift motion, he pulled her out of the warehouse and turned away.

It was an unbelievably cold attitude, as if questioning whether he had come to rescue a person.

Watching the retreating figure, she thought, she was thankful but that’s truly an inhumane man.

The next day.

It was said thatl the ringleaders suffered the same fate, if not worse.

If Professor Labin hadn’t intervened, it would have been at least a suspension for the Hero.

… Thanks to that experience, Yussi could now easily understand what that indifferent expression meant.


In response to the Hero’s call, Yussi slowly looked straight ahead.

At that moment, the hand was reaching out again.

A hand that had become a bit more calloused, rough, and thick with more scars.

“I’ll handle it.”

He didn’t propose any specific plans or measures.

Just that one statement—

‘I’ll handle it.’

Even with just that, the anxiety and restlessness that had been weighing on her for the past few days slowly faded away.

Through years spent together, it was a learned sense of security.


Yussi bit her lip to suppress a smile.

Laughing widely here would make her look too shameless.

“Always, I’m always thankful to you.”

“No need for thanks. Your help is necessary for the plan to succeed.”

“I’m needed? That’s even more welcome to hear.”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Only then did Yussi burst into laughter.
“In such a difficult situation, your laughter makes you stand out, Yussi.”

…It would have been better if the muttering that ruined this precious moment hadn’t been heard.

Understanding of Yussi Glendor deepens
Understanding Level: 17/100 -> 20/100

* * *

The Hero made up his mind.

It couldn’t be without Yussi.

Even if, by some chance, she stepped down from the position of Principal.

No, if her influence diminished even slightly.

It would make things difficult in his life as a professor.

Moreover, he was partially responsible for her current predicament.

So, even if it required a somewhat ruthless approach…

‘I have to resolve it from this side.’

The first target was the professors who had fallen for Merian’s schemes.


The Hero raised the stack of documents piled in front of him.

For the past few months, he had been tirelessly collecting data.

‘…It seems like I’ll have to use it earlier than expected.’

As much as he was a Hero, openly confronting ‘Glendor’ would be an unwise act, yielding no benefits.

Because Glendor was a group responsible for dealing with aspects that couldn’t be resolved by force alone.

If he intimidated them thoughtlessly, as he did during the time of Momont Andrea, irreversible consequences might arise.

However, from the beginning, he never intended to charge recklessly.

There was a much better way.

“Maybe because they have lived in peace for a long time, they are so clumsy and complacent.”


Nyhill answered briefly in front of him.

Today, it was the face of an agent suited to a cold-hearted mission.

“They seem to be taking no measures in the information war.”

…The professors were unaware.

They didn’t know about the eyes of a doppelganger watching them, the ears of a ghost listening to them, or the hands of a puppet feeling them.

‘Inexperienced fools.’

With just a piece of information, one could trace a person’s movements.

Not only their daily life and expenditures but also discern their preferences.

Even create traps to exploit weaknesses and flaws.

…Yes, information warfare like this was one of the main tasks of the intelligence department.

Nyhill was the third most capable agent there.

“If we embarrass just a few as an example, they’ll handle the rest themselves.”

Sergei, the janitor of the professors’ quarters, had turned the stench-ridden trash that Nyhill’s doll had collected over the semester into an efficient trap.

“Set off the appropriate ones, and for critical matters, bring them to the negotiation table depending on the situation.”


The Hero’s cold gaze shifted beyond the lab window of the correctional facility.

He was aware that there were many professors who weren’t favorable to him.

He hadn’t bothered them much until now, but…

If they were trying to push Yussi aside for their petty gains.

He couldn’t tolerate that.

It wouldn’t be a problem to deal with people who would ultimately be a liability rather than an asset.

“…Merian won’t just step back. Since she came to Rosenstark, she needs to show results in competition to Dewis.”

“Yes, according to the analyzed personality, there is a high probability that she will act accordingly.”

“…We need to set traps appropriate for her caliber.”

The Hero’s eyes gleamed.

Before heading to the institution.

He would root out all the sources of concern.
The next day.

Merian was having a luxurious breakfast with some professors she had ensnared.

The attendees seemed delighted to have a connection with her, smiling warmly.

Unlike the inexperienced and complacent principal without any influence, this skillful and well-connected co-chairman would surely be of help to them.

Merian suddenly spoke.

“Do you all know what Yussi and I have in common?”

The professors couldn’t discern the intent of the question and continued with awkward laughter.

“It’s that we have a lot of money.”


“Then what’s the difference?”

Merian, as if not expecting any response, immediately answered.

“The difference is in the amount.”

The reason she could be so confident was as follows.

After the first era, following the collapse of Holy power.

Humans became extremely vulnerable to ‘disease.’

Diseases that were easily overcome with the reliance on Holy power had become threatening disasters that could kill an entire family in an instant.

It was a tragedy for humanity, but for alchemists like Glendor, it was an unprecedented opportunity.

‘The development of various medicinal treatments and drugs.’

It was enough material for a rural alchemy workshop to become a grand merchant company encompassing the entire continent.

Centuries had passed, and Glendor’s roots were still in alchemy, even though they had expanded into various business fields in a tentacle-like manner.

They continued to earn the most money in that field.

Merian oversaw a private pharmaceutical manufacturing business, a sector specializing in producing medicinal treatments.

This business, handling the production of civilian medicine, was the reason Merian could compete with Yussi, who had the tremendous merit of being the ‘companion of the Hero,’ and continue the succession competition without being overshadowed.


Merian clapped her hands to draw attention.

“The essence of what I’m saying is that all of you made an excellent choice.”

A sociable smile lingered on everyone’s faces at that moment.



Simultaneously, alert sounds and vibrations echoed inside the room.

Some professors urgently sought permission and checked their communication beads and connectors.

…Their faces turned pale, as if they were corpses.

Some of them even let go of their devices in a way that suggested they might be about to faint.

“Well, excuse me for a moment. I need to use the restroom.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not feeling well….”

“My mother is sick!”

Professors hurriedly left their seats.

Merian watched their backs with a perplexed expression.


The room was filled with an awkward silence, as moments ago, it had been a lively dinner gathering.



No, even that silence didn’t last long.

“Oh, look at this.”

Merian’s lips twisted.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 1
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Chapter 0
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