
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 257

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 257

…A cold wind blew.

Everyone’s gaze was fixed on the sky.

Someone let out a suppressed groan.

“What on earth is that….”

The starlight in the night sky gradually dimmed.


Amidst the surroundings being covered in thicker darkness, the colossal figure of the skeletal knight slowly emerged.

A pale blue flame flickered in its empty eye sockets.

Those who gazed upon the flame were drawn into a strange perspective.

Even though it was clearly a distant sight, with every breath, a foul stench and chilling cold could be felt under the nose.

It was the smell of death.



The bone sword of Yol sliced through the starless night sky.

A dark mist spread from the tip of the sword.

Within it, something writhed.

“…They’re coming.”

Simultaneously, suppressed groans erupted from the ground.

There’s no one in Rosenstark who was unaware of the archenemies of humanity, the Demon Lords.

Especially the abilities of the ‘Old Three’ who have slaughtered tens of thousands of humans were already well known.

That sinister bone sword and the black mist….

The groans quickly turned into screams.

“It’s the First Legion of Yol….”

“The Undead Legion is coming!”


It was a storm of despair and death.

As the undead, made of bones and rotten flesh, fell to the ground, flailing their limbs, an indescribable terror gripped the hearts of onlookers.

Many among the non-combatants remained frozen in fear.

Everyone knew, however, that the First Legion didn’t consist of just ordinary undead.

Each one was a formidable foe Yol had vanquished.

Some even had titles attached to them.

Of course, they wouldn’t retain all their strength from when they were alive, but still, each one was terrifyingly powerful.

…It was a moment where people truly felt frozen.

[Dear students, faculty, and staff]

A resounding voice echoed throughout Rosenstark.

[Rosenstark is currently facing a serious crisis.]

It was Pia.

Her voice caused the chaotic movements of the people who were confused and wavering to momentarily halt.

Even the children who were evacuating listened intently to the familiar voice.

Pia calmly briefed the situation.

[The school is doing its best to maintain safety, but the escalating threat has led to a situation where we can no longer guarantee your safety.]

About ten minutes ago, she had visited the principal’s office to approve some urgent documents.

While reviewing the documents, the alarm sounded, prompting Yussi to ask Pia to guide the evacuation and then rush out to lead the combat personnel.

With no script and feeling terrified, Pia remained as calm as possible.

Constantly recalling the faces of the Hero in her mind, her trembling gradually subsided.

‘Professor… You’ll be here soon, right?’

Perhaps because of that.

Even the panicked people of the academy managed to start paying attention to the evacuation broadcast.

[We will try to buy as much time as possible.]

As her words ended,



The water artifacts stationed on the rooftops of each building spewed flames simultaneously.

[TL/N: They’re just called water artifacts.]

Thanks to Noubelmag’s relentless maintenance over the past few months, both the quality and quantity were at their maximum since Rosenstark’s establishment.

A seamless array formed in the sky.

Some of the undead had no chance to resist and melted away.

“They’re, they’re being shot down.”

A few powerful undead fell while directly facing the magic attacks.

However, there were too few being shot down to harbor hope.

“…We’re lacking firepower.”

It was because the outer walls where the most powerful water artifacts were stationed were too far from the undead’s landing points.

But that wasn’t the end of the preparations.


As the blue barriers were deployed around key buildings, fireworks-like attack spells soared into the night sky from the direction of the School of Mysticism.


Clack clack-

Simultaneously, statues and decorative armor pieces scattered throughout the gardens and buildings began to move.

Their jewel-adorned eyes gleamed as they silently rushed toward the undead’s landing points.


Amidst the deafening noise, Pia’s calm voice penetrated.

[First, I will transmit the location of the nearest refuge light protection facilities within the school through the connectors.]


The notification sound of the connectors echoed throughout.

[Please gather necessary items as quickly as possible and seek refuge in nearby facilities. Do not remain outside under any circu…]


As a booming sound reverberated through the amplification devices, people trembled in shock.

Someone standing where the principal’s office was visible screamed and pointed.

“There, over there!”

The outer wall.

A grotesque undead creature was clinging to the barrier, sneaking through it.

Numerous artifacts shot their spells at it, but the creature showed no sign of being affected, relentlessly pushing its massive body to get inside.


The undead’s identity was the ‘Dismay of Shame’.

Once a demon who managed a human ranch and even rose to the rank of legion commander.

Though he had lost his intelligence and powers, he was still vastly more powerful than ordinary undead.

Every time Dismay twisted his body, the outer wall of the building warped and rubble scattered.

‘Crazy, it’s right below!’

Running to the window to look down, Pia froze.

No matter how brave she usually was, the sight of a 5-meter tall undead filled her with immediate, visceral fear.

Her trembling intensified rapidly.

…But Pia returned to her desk.

Her mission wasn’t over yet.

Pia prayed earnestly.

‘…Professor, lend me just a fraction of your courage. Just enough to make me a little braver.’

And so, the evacuation broadcast continued.

[For those classified as combatants, we will send documents detailing the main undead of the First Legion and their characteristics and weaknesses]


Pia, with the authority set as the highest, frantically operated Yussi’s connector.

[And for those in the Demonology Laboratory, please dispose of all demons thoroughly before evacuating… Ah, damn it]


Dismay finally breached the barrier and outer wall, entering the administrative building.

It was faster than anticipated and directly below.

The ominous sounds of destruction echoed through reality and the amplification devices with a slight delay.

But Pia, determined to fulfill her duty, showed no hesitation in her gestures and voice now.

‘Just a little more.’

She poured out her instructions quickly and steadily.

From her perspective, they were words akin to her last will.

[Please follow the instructions of the faculty members. Do not forget to prevent chaos and help your fellow colleagues. We cannot survive if we turn against each other]


The booming noise drew nearer.

The internal barrier was breached, and the traps were rendered powerless.

Pia closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fist.

The ominous presence of the undead was close.

Her body shook like a quivering leaf, her head spinning.

…Intentionally, she recalled the landscape of her burning hometown.

‘Mom, Dad… and my little brother.’

Rosenstark was like a second home to Pia.

Everyone she loved had roots here.

She couldn’t protect her first home.

So she couldn’t let this one be destroyed either.

Pia grabbed the amplification device again.

‘The most valuable way for me to spend my life when I can’t fight.’

Pia’s eyes gleamed.

She had something she wanted to convey.

[Everyone, it’s a dire situation. But I’m sure that ultimately, our courage, determination, goodness, and solidarity will show us the way through this darkness. Encourage and help each other until the end so that everyone can survive. Because… it’s humanity’s future]

With that.

[Please tell Professor Redymer that I’ve been greatly indebted to him]

It was her final message.

Pia released the amplification device.

She had held it so tightly that her knuckles had to be pried apart with her other hand.

There was no room for a pathetic scream; now it was time to turn it all off.


At the moment she raised her hand.


The sound of the door breaking echoed as it opened.


The intruder wasn’t a grotesque undead but a blond handsome man.

The still-active amplification device broadcast their conversation.

[Damn it, Pia! What the hell, no, what are you still doing here! Are you insane?]

[P-Pierre Professor! What are you doing here? It’s dangerous!]

[The only thing that will be in danger if Pia dies is me, Professor Redymer will peel my skin off! Just come with me for now!]


Their footsteps faded away.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“Well, thankfully, the assistant was rescued by a handsome man….”

Karen stopped and looked at her friends.

“What should we do?”

Fortunately, it was exam season.

Most students were gathered near the library, and the extreme ones were too.

As if by agreement, they ran to the dorms, grabbed their belongings, and gathered in the backyard, except for Leciel.

None of them considered themselves non-combatants, so it was an action born out of necessity.

“What else can we do? We have to fight.”

It was Luke.

Gerald chuckled at his words.

“Then let’s. If we don’t fight, who will?”

Karen smiled back.

“Any cowards who oppose this?”

Of course, there were none.

They nodded calmly at each other.

“Wow, it feels like just yesterday we heard stories of Professor’s heroics during the Rosenstark invasion… and now we’re about to fight.”

“Every day since enrollment feels like a spectacle, really…”

“The legendary Gerald. No, the legend of Gerald, is this the beginning?”

It was a natural statement, but the children’s eyes were tinged with fear.

Yet, more than that, there was resolution and pride.

Karen clapped her hands to regain their attention.

“Alright, let’s discuss how we’re going to fight.”

No matter how urgent the situation, strategy needed to be formulated.

It was a lesson learned through countless drills in extreme.

“First, let’s hear the opinions of our excellent strategists, friends.”

All eyes turned to two individuals.

Luke and Ban were already whispering together.

Karen approached them, shoulders together, with a trustworthy expression.

“So, how do we fight?”

“…Alright, I’ll summarize.”

Ban, representing the group, stepped forward.

The boy’s finger pointed to the night sky, where undead legions were descending.

“You might have noticed, but the legions aren’t randomly descending. Yol is deploying forces based on his own judgment.”

Just by observing the powerful undead sent after Pia’s broadcast, it was clear.

If they all descend to the surface, they’ll show even more coordinated movements.

“So, we must engage in ‘defensive fighting.'”

“…Where will they target first?”

“The place where they can most shake Rosenstark to its roots.”

The answer came to the children immediately.

Ban nodded.

“Yes, the control tower. Of course, the academy will deploy as many forces there as possible, but…”

It would likely be insufficient.

The deployment of forces by the academy was initially not for such a situation but for a siege defense.

To block the enemy at the outer wall first and then, in the worst-case scenario of the inner wall falling, continue the fight internally in a sequence.

The last invasion was like that too.

But for some reason, this invasion started from within.

Naturally, there wouldn’t be enough forces to greet a full First Legion.

“So, we have to help. With thirty of us, we can at least perform the role of well-trained guards. Maybe even more.”

Everyone understood, so Ban continued giving instructions.

“Luke, you lead the kids and head to the control tower.”

At that, Luke’s thick eyebrows twitched.

“…What about you? Aren’t you coming with us?”

Surprisingly, Ban shook his head.

“What are you going to do?”

“I… ”

Ban swallowed hard.

“I have to rally the combatants. I need to persuade those who can fight.”

He meant the students from other departments.

Most of the students, even the upperclassmen, were panicking and floundering.

It was natural.

No matter how much combat training they had, seeing a Yol up close could only diminish their courage.

Ban was feeling the pressure too.

But they couldn’t afford to falter.

There were a total of 1,200 Rosenstark students.

Each one was a formidable force.

If they didn’t participate in the current situation, they would inevitably face defeat.

Seeing the worried looks of the children, Ban smiled slightly.

“I’m… a symbolic figure. The only student to have faced off against a legion commander. I’m also the son of the ‘Perfect’ Felson. If I say we’ll fight, they’ll listen.”

The children swallowed his words.

Ban seemed to have already made up his mind.

A sense of duty and determination emanated from his unwavering eyes.

Luke sighed and ruffled his hair.

“You’ll join us after gathering enough, right?”


“You’re lying, you bastard.”

“…Well, how did you know?”

After gathering the forces, they would head to the Department of Mysticism.

The Department of Mysticism was isolated on the outskirts.

Magicians fighting without restraint was suicidal.

They would do everything they could to join the center before the First Legion arrived.

In Ban’s mind, the image of a violet-haired classmate came to mind.

‘Beatrice… I hope she’s safe.’

Ban had decided to be their vanguard.

If the magicians could join safely, the central defense would be much easier.

Of course, it was a terribly dangerous mission.

The children stared at Ban as if waiting for something.

Luke pushed the boy’s back.

“…Say something in front of us if you’re going to play commander.”

Ban didn’t hesitate.


The children listened quietly to his words.

“People will find hope in us. We’re students of the Hero.”

Nods all around.

“Think of it as all of us taking on the role our professor had on the battlefield. So…”

Ban’s pupils gleamed a bright blue.

“Let’s fight bravely. Like our teachers did, like the seniors who defended this place did!”

There was no need for a response.

The children cheered, each raising their battalion banners.

Suddenly, Karen approached and lightly punched Ban’s chest with her fist.

“Geez, look at you, Ban.”


“Where did the scaredy-cat from when you first enrolled go?”

Karen chuckled.

“Leciel should see this. No, maybe Cuculli?”

Ban chuckled too.

Indeed, it would’ve been nice if Cuculli were here too.

Her inappropriate jokes would’ve lifted everyone’s spirits.

That innocence was needed in moments like this.

‘By the way, where’s Leciel…?’

She hadn’t been seen since earlier.

But Ban believed she must be fulfilling her duties somewhere.

Now wasn’t the time to be caught up in mixed emotions.

The boy expelled some of his unease and worry from his heart.

“…Let’s see each other alive.”

“You too.”

Karen swiftly turned and joined the formation.

With cheers from their friends, each departed, leaving Ban alone in the courtyard.

Ban took a deep breath.

“Alright then.”

The boy’s chestnut eyes surveyed the academy, where eerie smoke and screams were starting to spread.

“Shall we?”



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 2
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Chapter 0
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