
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 18

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 18

The method was simple:

Just drink it.

Doppelgangers have an incredibly sensitive reaction to external substances entering their bodies.

Our strongest instinct is to analyze and understand the elements that make up our bodies.

Toxicity was not a concern for me, thanks to my ability “Polymorph,” which allows me to reconstruct my body from head to toe.

The main reason Pia’s research was facing difficulties was the lack of accurate information about toxic substances.

It was challenging to pinpoint how certain drugs interacted to create toxins, the exact structure of the poison, and so on.

Thus, my conclusion was to consume Awaken myself, understand and grasp the toxic substances, and then relay that information to Pia.

[PR/N: Awaken is the potion/research that Pia has been working on]

With this, we could undoubtedly find a solution to the side effects.



“I’m letting you know in advance because you might be surprised, but I can handle a small amount of poison.”

“What do you mean…?”

Without waiting for a response, I opened the lid of the glass bottle.


Unexpectedly cheerful sounds accompanied the bluish smoke that rose.

Despite the seemingly foul appearance, there was no distinct odor.


Subsequently, as Pia approached with her mouth open, ready to snatch the bottle from my hand, I reassured her.

“It’s okay.”

There was no need to stop Pia.

Given her significantly smaller stature, even if she tried to stop me, she could only reach my chin.

I took a sip.

As I closed my eyes to savor the taste, Pia let out a subdued sigh.

The analysis continued.

“…It’s a very peculiar type of poison.”

Firstly, the absorption is unusually rapid.

The moment it passes through the throat, it spreads throughout the entire body in an instant.

The process is incredibly discreet and swift, making it challenging even for those with sensitive perceptions to detect easily.

“So that’s why detoxification has repeatedly failed.”

In essence, once the poison spreads, dealing with it becomes nearly impossible.

I began to consume Awaken more deliberately.

How much had I ingested?

A searing sensation struck my esophagus, accompanied by a peculiar feeling that penetrated my entire body.


A sensation of grasping a clue about some unknown substance that I had never been aware of before.

The awaited moment had arrived.

I opened my eyes abruptly.

Pia was looking at me with a worried expression.

“Are you okay?”

Despite a slight headache, there was nothing to worry about.

Surprisingly, I had grasped the information more easily than anticipated.
“I’m fine. And…”

Perhaps it was thanks to the evolution of the polymorph.

“Listen carefully to what I’m about to say.”

In any case, the completion of Awaken seemed more manageable than I thought.

The hero’s words cut to the core.

Pia, who had been struggling to comprehend the complex alchemical concepts, found her obstacles naturally lifting as her understanding of toxic substances grew.

Pia, who had been moving her hands almost as if possessed, paused for a moment, then looked at the Hero with a gaze of awe.

Approaching the situation this way was something beyond the capabilities of any alchemical expert or genius in experimentation.

It was a miracle achievable only by a Doppelganger with the unique ability of polymorph.

To Pia, who was completely unaware of this fact, the entire process seemed like a manifestation of the Hero’s mysterious genius.

Is a hero capable of such things effortlessly?

There was no sign of Pia’s jaw closing.

“That’s it,” the paper was now densely filled.

“Can I conduct the experiment right now?”

“Feel free to do so.”

Pia, trembling with excitement, managed to calm herself and nodded.

“Then… I will inform you as soon as the results are out.”

Already, her mind had departed for her private research laboratory filled with beakers and flasks.

However, at that moment, the Hero turned and called her back.


His expression was surprisingly calm, given the tremendous analysis he had just completed.

“Is this all the remaining quantity of Awaken?”

“Um, well, there are about thirty vials awaiting disposal.”

“Good. I’ll use those.”


Pia momentarily forgot her embarrassment and tilted her head.

The hero, seemingly unwilling to entertain any objections, gazed at her in silence.

“I’ve developed an academic interest, and I want to explore alternative methods. Who knows, we might find better clues.”

“Oh, yes!”

Pia had no intention of refusing.

After all, those were items slated for disposal anyway.

“I’ll arrange for someone to deliver them all.”


The following day, thirty containers of Awaykin arrived at the professor’s quarters.

* * *

The fallen genius.

Rumors that Pia Joyce had resolved the side effects of Awaken spread through the academy the next day.

Appearing with the antidote, she expressed her intention to hold an investment briefing a week later.

Officials were skeptical.

“She suddenly resolved such serious side effects? Does that make sense?”

“Maybe she just did whatever came to her out of fear?”

“I don’t know, but I heard that most clinical trial participants improved after taking the antidote.”

“Hmm. Could it be true?”

Expectation, Envy, Suspicion.

Officials harbored different thoughts as they eagerly awaited the investment briefing.

Even those who had been holding back investments hurriedly attended upon hearing the news.


Principal Yussi Glendor graciously offered an entire hall as the venue for the briefing.

She, too, was scheduled to sit there as the principal and an investor.

The hall accommodated approximately 500 people.

‘… I can do this.’

Pia Joyce looked at the bustling hall and slowly exhaled.


Ten minutes until the presentation.

She, who had memorized the script long ago, suddenly stood up and approached the window.

Through the drawn curtains, the view of the hall came into sight.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Investors sent letters mixed with curses and threats every day.

Academia officials consistently scoffed.

Momont and his thugs who fervently hoped for the briefing to fail.

Leaving them all behind, her gaze was drawn magnetically to one place.


Seeing a man with a head larger than others awkwardly squeezing into a hall chair, an inappropriate laughter burst out.

Easing her tension.

And a strange courage filled her.

“Now, let’s begin the 7th investment briefing for the ‘Awaken Project.'”

The cheerful voice of the blonde-haired professor serving as the host resonated throughout the hall.


The stage lights lit up simultaneously. Pia walked slowly into that light.

“Thank you for your patience. I am Pia Joyce, the Chief Researcher.”

* * *

The briefing proceeded smoothly.

“I won’t lie and say that we can complete Awaken immediately. There is a lot to consider, from the mixing order to maturation time, ingredients, and parts that need to be modified.”

I glanced at Pia on the stage.

Perhaps I was wrong, but her eyes seemed to be directed this way.

Her voice, now more confident, continued.

“But I can confidently say that it is possible to perfectly fix the persistent flaws in Awaken.”

The materials she prepared appeared before the audience through magical projection.

The effects of the antidote and cases that prove its efficacy.

Outlook on the intermediate results with removed toxicity.

There were also endorsements from scholars she had previously sought cooperation from.

The clues I provided were well-utilized, and there were compelling materials.

Investors are usually more versed in theory than researchers.

Anyone in the audience would understand the significance of these materials.

The atmosphere in the hall surged.

Simultaneously, Pia smiled confidently.

‘…She’s doing well.’

The lethargy and self-loathing that had weighed on Pia seemed to have disappeared.

In their place were vitality, confidence, and the assurance that she were on the right path could be seen.

It was the aura of someone who had lived a lifetime as a prodigy.

“Now, I will conclude the 7th investment briefing for the ‘Awaken Project.’ I will take questions…”

Before she could finish her sentence, hands shot up one after another.

Mostly investors.

“When do you expect the completion date?”

“The effects are stated to be inferior to the previous version; how do you plan to address this, especially in terms of stability? What about cost issues?”

Pia sincerely and skillfully handled the questions.

The atmosphere in the auditorium changed noticeably to a more favorable one.

‘Well, I guess there’s no need to see more of this.’

Prepared to leave the auditorium, it was becoming irritatingly cramped with chairs close together.

Then it happened.

“I have a question!”

A question from an academic journal reporter echoed through the hall.

“Yes, please go ahead.”

“What are your plans for the future?”

The auditorium fell silent in an instant.

It was a relevant question.

In fact, for someone on the brink of success with such a large project, there was no need to stay in graduate school.

Rather than choosing the path of hardship, it was more common to join a promising company or guild, receive support, and dedicate time to completing the research.

Simultaneously, a murmur of coughing sounds spread through the hall.

“Well, our guild also boasts impressive facilities.”

“Come on, are you suggesting we only stick to alchemy in our guild?”

The situation had changed.

Pia was currently the golden goose.

Even Yussi was spinning around, loud enough to be heard.

“If you’re going to build a nest, it’s better to aim for the best, right?”

Pia seemed slightly taken aback by the pouring suggestions, but she quickly glanced around and then composed herself calmly.

Transparent irises sparkled under the spotlight.

She paused for a moment, looked at me, and this time, our eyes definitely met.

“For future plans.”

Pia’s lips drew a gentle curve.

“I plan to bury my bones in Rosenstark.”

Satisfied, I smiled and walked out of the auditorium.

It seemed that the recruitment of my assistant had been successful.

* * *

The sunlight in March was clear and warm.

Adequate warmth poured through the glass window on one side of the living room.

Not long ago, the weather seemed terribly cold, but time really flies.

“I’ve been here for almost three months now.”

Knock, knock!

Beyond the closed door, along with the sound of knocking, a voice that had become quite familiar by now could be heard.

“Professor, it’s time.”

It was a punctual arrival, not tolerating even a one-minute delay.

“Well, it’s an important day.”

How much preparation had been done for today?

“Professor, are you not here? Are you still sleeping?”

Instead of answering the worried voice, I opened the door with a creak.


The first thing that caught my eye was Pia, carrying a handful of things.

Her gray hair seemed a bit disheveled today.

She smiled and said, “Good morning, Professor.”

“Good morning. The items…”

“I’ve prepared everything here! The classroom is all set up too.”

The materials needed for the class were well organized.

“Then shall we go?”

Pia stood behind me.

With the cheerful sound of her shoes, we walked to the assigned classroom.

It was the first day of class.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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