
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 121

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 121

The soft glow of the faint sunset seeped through the neat white curtains covering the window.

The interior of the clinic was just as one would imagine it to be.

Beds and medical chairs marked by the deep traces of time, various medical devices, and even medical books that exuded an old-fashioned feel.

However, there was one unexpected element that the Hero had not anticipated.

“There’s a patient…”

Before Barun could respond, a sudden exclamation interrupted.


The patient who had been lying quietly on the bed suddenly sprang up and rushed towards the Hero.

No, she tried to rush.



But the shackles stopped her in her tracks.

The tight iron chains made a disturbing sound as they rubbed against her ears.

Unfocused, cloudy eyes and saliva flowing from her mouth.

“Step back.”

Although Nyhill’s dagger was dangerously close to her throat, the woman simply shook her head with vacant eyes.

The Hero asked Barun calmly.

“Drug overdose?”

“… Acute poisoning.”

Acute poisoning.

It was a rare occurrence in Harlem.

The residents here were cautious about drugs.

While they didn’t abstain completely, they didn’t use them recklessly.

Outsiders who ended up in Harlem due to twisted circumstances were the ones who usually ended up like this.

The Hero could deduce the reason for this rare incident by the warm and elusive scent that he could sense.

“The one who used the dream droplets.”

“Yes, we found out through the recent incident with Rosenstark.”

“Has it spread widely?”

“…Once you’ve experienced a dream, it’s not easy to satisfy with ordinary doses.”

Dream droplets.

The new medium developed by Monma was first sprayed in Harlem.

After all, Harlem was the easiest place for dream droplets to spread.

The people here were more tired of reality than anywhere else.

They were the ones most eager to indulge in dreams.

According to Eitrobin’s memory, it seemed that Monma Enoch had conspired with them, using them to form an alliance with the Demonic Church.

It was still uncertain, and if the speculation was correct, it was a plot that could turn the world upside down.

“If that’s the case, their time is running out. We need to understand the truth as soon as possible.”


As Barun administered the sedative, the patient fell into a deep sleep.

Her face, looking at the patient, distorted.

It was a land that had maintained order for a long time.

Invading such a place couldn’t be a pleasant experience.

She nodded silently and asked me.

“There’s no need for an introduction.”

“…What do you want to know about Harlem?”

The Hero pulled out documents from his pocket.

It was a list of upper echelons who had collaborated with Eitrobin.

“We need to find organizations that meet the conditions I’m about to tell you. The more intersections, the better.”

He quickly listed the conditions.

“Organizations that have traded with these upper echelons at least once in the past six months.”

“Organizations that have rapidly expanded in the past few months but have recently withdrawn.”

“Organizations located in areas with a concentration of addicts.”

“And today, organizations showing suspicious movements.”

A square…

Barun’s pen, which had been running on the memo paper, stopped.

“Organizations showing ‘suspicious’ movements, did you say?”

“Yes, the news of my arrival will be spreading slowly.”

He hadn’t revealed his identity at the checkpoint for nothing.

Eitrobin, Enoch, Harlem’s collaborators, and the Demonic Church– they had cooperated systematically for a long time.

The fact that I, who had shattered that axis, had arrived at the heart of it was something they couldn’t ignore.

“If there’s any remaining evidence, they’ll try to destroy it, and there’s a high probability they’ll prepare for escape.”

Capture those movements.

After hearing the instructions, Barun tapped her cane with a frowning expression, as if making some calculation.

It was a little later that she opened her mouth.

“I think it will take about six hours to find the target.”


The Hero took out the package given by the emperor from the Key of Valber.


The sound of bottles hitting each other was loud.

“It’s a little late, but please take this.”


Age-spotted hands held the package tightly.

A faint smile appeared on the saintess’ face as she checked the label on the glass bottle and the cigar packaging.

But soon her sense of duty was overshadowed.

“I will do my best.”

The Hero nodded his head and stared at the wall clock in the corner of the room.

Six hours… .

“Midnight… “It’s perfect.”
“Bring the charts of the patients who came to the hospital. You’ve also figured out the distribution of addicts, right?”

“Summon the bar staff located in the area as well. Let’s see if anything comes up.”

“What about areas where things are for sale quickly or where cash is suddenly circulating?”

“First of all, bring me some of the most recent ledgers.”

“Organizational genealogy! Bring back the records of the organization’s genealogy!”

When Barun gave the order, many people hurriedly moved.

Harlem residents started their operation from the clinic as their base.

The distinctive personalities of each person fascinated the Hero.

“I never expected Harlem to move so efficiently.”

The riffraff he had encountered when he first arrived were just a few of them.

From healers to hustlers, pickpockets, merchants, beggars, and even nuns – they all followed Barun like chicks following their mother.

The sight of dozens of people moving at the gesture of the nun was truly impressive.

“Hero. Since this place is too noisy, please wait in a nearby place. We will come to you as soon as the investigation results are out.”

There was no need to stay at the clinic, so I followed Barun’s words.

The Hero followed the guide towards the nearby place, recalling the interrogation with Eitrobin.

“Factory, Enoch clearly said he was building a factory.”

“What kind of factory?”

“A factory that can continuously supply high-quality demonic energy.”

“How does that relate to capturing hostile races to humans and excluding friendly races?”

“I don’t know. When Enoch was active, he often used the bodies of hosts other than his main body. All I know is that he schemed with the Demon King’s Church.”

Even when I accessed Enoch’s memories in the mental world, the vast amount made it possible to confirm only fragmented scenes.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Red and dark walls and ceilings, long corridors, noisy noises, screams, sounds of metal clashing, and murmurs, stained windows with blood.

I didn’t know exactly what kind of “factory” it was, but all the clues were unsettling.

‘Could it be…’

It was a moment when my face tightened.

The guide spoke.



“No, your expression is serious.”


I’m wearing a robe, what is he talking about?

“Impassive. Your expression is frozen, hehe.”

When I looked closely, I saw that he was the man who had asked me what the purpose of coming to the clinic was in the first place.

Sunburned skin, a confident posture, and refreshing features.

Although his thick and messy beard covered half of his face, he had quite a handsome face.

The men passing by him all bent their waists 90 degrees, as if he were a mid-level boss of a gang.

‘There is a system in place.’

He showed an attitude that was not as rough as before.

“Don’t worry too much. I can find any information you want.”

“You’re pretty confident.”

“Since our eyes and ears are everywhere in Harlem.”

Continuing with his self-confident tone, he said.

“There is no one in Harlem who doesn’t drink, doesn’t take drugs, and doesn’t gamble. Those things have been ingrained in our lives since birth.”

His way of speaking didn’t sound like a gangster.

Did Barun teach him?

A bit late, I noticed a rosary hanging from his wrist.

“But we are different. Thanks to the Great Mother, we’ve been out of that slum for quite some time. It’s different from those struggling in the slums even now.”

He suddenly changed the topic after boasting about Barun’s greatness.

“By the way, what’s your identity? I think I know who you are.”

At his words, the Hero stopped and looked at the man.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes were also on him.

“Today in the morning, news spread in Harlem that the Hero came to the capital. And not long after, you appeared.”


Without answering, the man confidently continued his hypothesis.

“You are the Hero’s subordinate. You came to convey his request to the Great Mother!”

“…Right. You’re quite smart.”

“No need to be surprised. If I hadn’t been born in Harlem, I would have been able to wear a Rosenstark sticker or something.”

The man chuckled, and the Hero noticed that he was missing a single front tooth.

“…I will cheer for you.”

They continued walking.

Barun’s base was in a high place.

Climbing the hill, the Hero suddenly stopped and looked back at the old clinic.

Because summer is approaching, the days are long.

A gentle landscape with a bright red sunset.

The man also stood side by side.

“You know what? There is no king in Harlem. No one can rule this place. It has been that way, and it will continue to be that way.”

“I know.”

Harlem may break, but it will not bend.

“If you ask who is the person who embraces Harlem? If there were 100 people here, everyone would pick Godmother.”

“…You respect her very much.

“Of course. She is the one who has healed our torn flesh for decades.”

These were words that conveyed pride, affection, and trust that could not be hidden.

Receiving a lively greeting from the guide (see you next time, servant!), the Hero entered the safe house.

The inside of the well-appointed safe house was filled with items for infiltration, including night clothes, masks, boots with rabbit fur on the heels, and hooks.

“Then I’ll take a quick look.”

While Nyhill searched inside, the Hero looked outside.

Many people were coming and going around the old clinic, with overly bright expressions for Harlem residents.

The Hero asked himself.

‘What is the probability that Barun is a traitor?’

Not very high.

She has been a combatant on the front lines for a long time.

Even during the major battle, she stayed in the rear.

However, the possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

This time, he received help…

‘This is also a kind of bait.’

If by any chance Barun is a traitor, it would be a situation where a lot of misinformation can be spread.

So, if something unexpected happens during today’s operation, it might be for the better.

It could be a clue that she is a traitor.

Identifying a traitor is as important as uncovering the conspiracy of the Demon King’s Church.

“Thank you for coming back safely… I’m relieved.”

… But, can such an expression be made falsely?

The Hero shook his head with a bitter smile.

He didn’t want to be fascinated, but it was an awkward situation.

‘Even long-time comrades must be suspected.’

If the Original were here, how would he behave?


The Hero couldn’t know, not anymore…

Exactly 4 hours and 37 minutes later, the saint who infiltrated the nightlife appeared with a list of organizations that met the criteria.

* * *

Barun and her subordinates handled things impressively.

‘The situation in Harlem may not be great.’

With the Demon King’s defeat, the flames of war had somewhat subsided.

Many armed individuals would have lost their jobs and infiltrated Harlem.

It was an unexpected turbulent time.

‘It was a perfect opportunity for organizations to expand their influence.’

Mergers, newly established groups, and many organizations would have quickly spread their influence.

But within the overflowing information, Barun managed to find the targets I wanted, and even faster than expected.

“…How is it?”

Barun whispered.

We were on the rooftop overlooking the Harlem alley.

More precisely, the hideout of one organization.

At first glance, it looked like an ordinary pub, with a fairly fancy signboard.

But the more you examined it, the more strange it felt.

Despite being in full operation hours, no customers came and went.

‘The guards…’

Two guards at the main entrance.

Both were not your typical pub guards, as their momentum seemed unusual.

“The ones we encountered in the auction house, perhaps.”

They seemed a bit stronger.

As I extended my detection more precisely, I found surveillance artifacts and security artifacts at the entrance.

For them to be installed in a pub in a poor neighborhood, they were excessively high-quality.


Soon, I could also detect the presence of people moving inside.


And the deepest part of the building.

I almost stood up without realizing it.

There was a very similar aura to what I felt from Eitrobin.

The lingering scent of monma, the stench of a traitor.

It was much stronger than the patients in the clinic.

Without direct contact with monma, such a smell couldn’t be emitted.

‘I found it.’

I turned to Barun and Nyhill.

There was no need to say anything.

With just a glance, they seemed to understand my intentions.

‘There’s no way there’s only one exit for such a secret hideout.’

So, the entry and suppression would be done alone.

The two would wait outside and eliminate any potential escapees.

Barun mentioned that this place was part of a well-organized sub-organization.

She was worried that capturing them might not provide any clues, but I was confident.

Given their collaboration with the Demonic Church, they would likely operate meticulously like a point.

‘Capture the boss first.’


As I stepped onto the railing, the voices of men chatting below penetrated my ears.

Traitors who sided with demons.

“I will go first.”

While floating in the air, a dizzying sensation accompanied the wind brushing my ears.

The search is over.

Now, it was time for condemnation.

Access ‘Subspace’ Key of Valber.

The blade, a color darker than that of the Harlem night, struck down in a curved line.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 0
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