
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 307

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[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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Chapter 307

The Fourth Salvation ritual: Discontinuation of Stella Lift.

The hero, who had effortlessly severed the neck of the demon dragged into subspace, timed his return to reality perfectly.

The first thing that greeted him was the sound of his boots sizzling against the ground.

Quickly, the hero enveloped himself in magic.

[What a mess.]

He agreed with ??? ’s sentiment.

For years, he had gathered mana stones, melted them all down, and injected that energy into a magic circuit from the First Era, renowned for its unparalleled efficiency.

He then processed it into the form of a shell and fired it all at once.

As a result, a massive destruction occurred that couldn’t be replicated by any other means.


As if gouged out by a gigantic beast, a vast crater remained on the ground.

Even hundreds of meters away, flames continued to consume nearby flammable materials, and the remaining buildings gradually melted in the blaze.

Ash scattered in the air.

If it were a human, they wouldn’t have been able to breathe, fearing the heat would burn their lungs.

??? muttered in low admiration.

[Wow, even the largest monsters didn’t leave a single bone behind.]

‘It would have been impossible for those with physical bodies to withstand.’

[Are the generals okay? They must’ve at least lost a limb or two.]

‘Not sure….’

The generals had been observing from behind while sending their subordinates forward.

They were likely far enough from the epicenter to avoid serious harm.

[Check with your senses.]

‘Not now.’

The recent bombardment had made the mana in the atmosphere wildly unstable.

Even the hero, with his excellent control over mana, found it impossible to conduct a wide-range sensory check at that moment.

Thus, the hero wasted no time in drawing the Black Hope.

‘Let’s regroup for now.’

Black Hope’s Unique Ability: Domain Activated.

The target of the gravity-like force was Avalon, which had landed hundreds of meters away.

The moment the Domain was activated, the hero shot through the air like iron filings attracted to a powerful magnet.


He landed on the deck, rolling once before the hatch opened.

He swiftly entered with fluid movements.

Voices and noises immediately flooded his ears.

“Hurry up!”

“We need to restore it as quickly as possible!”

“Did you send all the magicians to the power room?”

“What about the herb stock? Don’t tell me it’s already out!”

It was time for the technicians to shine.

They were running around, sweating profusely, to maintain Avalon’s systems, which were overloaded from excessive operation.

“The cooling system keeps shutting down!”

“Attach two ice magicians for now!”



Red warning lights flashed.

The corridor was chaotic with warning sounds and the rumbling of the floor.

The hero grabbed a passing technician and asked quickly.

“How long until we can move?”

“F-ground movement should take about ten minutes.”

Avalon, this steel behemoth, could astonishingly move, befitting its classification as a mobile fortress.

It was a product of countless studies, various magical enchantments, and the legacies of First Era technology.

[It’s hard to believe this thing can move; I hope it doesn’t break down midway.]

‘Let’s hope not.’

Traditional wheels couldn’t support Avalon due to its immense weight.

Therefore, the technicians combined complex machinery with magical elements to create something resembling a caterpillar track.

They placed wheels within the looped track and enchanted every component with micro-levitation magic, weight-reduction magic, friction-reducing magic, self-repair magic, and more, allowing the fortress to generate powerful propulsion despite its massive weight.

‘So it can navigate through harsh terrains like a demon realm.’

Additionally, though it couldn’t sustain it for long periods, Avalon even installed a flight mechanism. However, whether moving through the sky or on land, it required a significant amount of mana to operate.

??? grumbled.

[So, we’re stuck here defending ourselves until we regain at least minimal mana reserves.]

‘Better than facing endless attrition against tens of thousands of monsters for hours.’

[Who’s arguing?]


It was then that Euphemia, escorted by the Mother Ghost, approached the hero.

Though she appeared to maintain a semblance of composure, a slight relief was visible in her eyes.

She brushed the soot off the hero’s coat with a light touch.

“...We weren’t too late.”

“You too.”

The hero pretended not to notice the tremor in the emperor’s hand.

Though she was called the Iron-Blooded Emperor, it had been over ten years since she had personally been on the battlefield.

Given what was at stake in this battle, she must have felt especially anxious as the emperor.

??? chuckled.

[She’s brave, I’ll give her that. Despite her lack of strength, she still thought about joining the suicide squad.]

There had been considerable debate over the emperor boarding Avalon.

However, Euphemia insisted strongly until everyone conceded.

“If this operation fails, humanity has no future. My life is no longer worth discussing.”

“Your Majesty, please reconsider.”

“Reconsider? Listen well, everyone. I have the right.”

No one could refute what she said next.

“To stand at the watershed where we see if my friend’s lifelong dream will be realized or crumble!”

Moreover, the emperor could practically contribute to Avalon’s power.

Although Euphemia herself wasn’t as strong as an ordinary knight...

‘The royal family possesses a treasured artifact passed down for generations.’

The first emperor, who was close friends with Zero, had received a treasured artifact as a gift.

Only those with royal blood could use it, making Euphemia the sole current user.

With it, she could at least protect herself.

Thus, for various reasons, the emperor had joined this perilous mission.

[It seems effective in boosting morale.]

While ??? muttered something, Euphemia gently took the hero’s wrist.

“Let’s go to the control room. I’ll brief you on the situation along the way.”

* * *

The Heros prepared for battle while the technicians checked the fortress and the magicians replenished the power.

The children sat in their assigned control seats, gulping nervously.

Wearing large goggles linked to external image orbs and gripping the turret controls tightly, they looked somewhat ridiculous, but no one had the nerve to laugh in such a tense moment.

Even the seasoned knights of the Dawn Order were sweating.

They had experience facing tens of thousands of monsters before, but back then, they had at least thousands of allied troops with them.

Now, they had to hold out in a steel fortress with no place to run, making the situation particularly special.

“They’re coming.”

A screeching sound announced the approach of the monsters outside the bombardment range.

The vanguard monsters screamed as they approached the still-burning flames but pressed forward regardless.

They came in various sizes and shapes, the only commonality being their grotesque appearances.

As they relentlessly advanced, they swung multiple limbs, sharp claws, and tentacles.

Gerald muttered a curse under his breath.

“Crazy bastards….”

The demons were in a desperate situation too.

The unexpected appearance of Avalon and the overwhelming strength of the suicide squad far exceeded their expectations.

If Avalon reached sector 50 with its current state and passengers intact, even Theo and Malekia would struggle to hold out.

They had to do something to hinder them, either by destroying the mobile fortress or reducing the number of passengers.

It was a do-or-die situation.

Sweat dripped down the children’s faces, the heat inside and the tension of the impending battle stifling their breaths.

Just as their breathing grew heavy...

“We have enough firepower.”

A familiar voice rang out.

“The primary goal now is to avoid being surrounded before the mobile fortress starts moving. We only need to hold out for ten minutes.”



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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His instructions were clear and confident, as if he already knew the outcome.

His voice, calm and composed, helped steady their racing hearts.

“First, target the flying monsters. They’re just as desperate as we are. Look, their formation is breaking, with the flying monsters moving ahead of the ground forces.”

Listening to the hero’s voice, the crew in the control room focused on the screens.

Indeed, as the monsters struggled to advance over the burning ground, the flying creatures were noticeably moving ahead.

“When they get within range, Cuculli and her subordinates should release as much cold as possible onto the ground.”

Cuculli, her brother Waldif, and the northerners nodded.

Avalon’s turrets amplified the caster’s magical attributes, making their combined power comparable to a dragon’s breath.

“As a result, a massive amount of steam will rise, obscuring the enemy’s vision.”

The hero's voice remained calm even with the flying monsters just 30 seconds away from entering range.

“At that moment, everyone else fires the turrets simultaneously to create a barrage in the sky. Those who wield wind attributes should aim at the ground to form a wall of fire.”

This was to delay the ground monsters’ advance as much as possible.

The fairy Heros and Evergreen nodded in agreement.

It was a critical situation.

Even if the plan wasn’t perfect, the commander had to act as if it was.

That was the duty of a commander.

Euphemia’s gaze was fixed on the side of the hero’s face as he spoke, an expression of admiration evident.

Lastly, the hero gave a final reminder.

“We must consider the possibility of damage to the hull.”

Due to the lack of mana, most barriers had been neutralized.

If those creatures managed to cling to the deck, the main guns and turrets responsible for Avalon’s firepower could easily be destroyed.

“If by any chance, they break through the barrage and get onto the deck….”

There was no need to finish the sentence.

A passage was leading directly outside from one side of the control room.

The martial artists would have to step in and eliminate the intruders.

Seeing the resolute expressions on their faces, the Hero nodded lightly.

“Then, Cuculli.”


Cuculli responded energetically.

Although she was always smiling, the corner of her mouth visible under her goggles was set firmly today.

In the brief moment, she waited for orders,


A faint, eerie sound echoed in the control room, piercing through Avalon’s steel plates.

‘They’re close!’

The hands gripping the control sticks tensed.



A pale blue magic bullet was fired.

The ice magic shot through the air, hitting the burning ground directly.

It landed just below the lead of the flying monsters.


Fire and ice collided violently, spreading a cacophony of noise.


Simultaneously, a massive column of steam rose.

The hot steam swelled at an incredible speed, engulfing the creatures.

Like volcanic ash erupting and covering the sky, all surrounding visibility was engulfed in white mist.

Though Avalon’s own visibility was obscured, it didn’t matter.

The sky was already so filled with monsters that there was no need to aim precisely.

The Hero raised his voice.



Everyone in the control room echoed, pulling the triggers.

The mana within their bodies traveled through Avalon’s circuits and was fired from the turrets.


Avalon's steel walls and floor vibrated, and a deafening roar tore through their ears.

Different types of magic filled the dark sky of the magical realm.




Black rain fell incessantly beneath the white mist.

It was the dark blood of the monsters.

As the Hero counted their numbers, he suddenly roared like thunder.

“Target the enemies on the ground!”


The turrets adjusted their angles and continued firing magic bullets.

Despite the considerable consumption of mana, the crew’s expressions gradually brightened.

The experience of boarding a steel fortress and sweeping away monsters with advanced technology they had never seen before was honestly quite exhilarating.

“Aim at the sky again!”


The monsters struggled to approach.

Thanks to the first massive bombardment, their formation had been shattered.

As the crew sighed in relief, the Hero suddenly raised his voice.

“Avalon! Deploy the barrier!”

[Insufficient mana!]

[Deploying minimal barrier…]

But the mechanical voice was drowned out halfway by a piercing screech.

While everyone was confused, wondering what was happening,


A small sound was heard.

Normally, it would be inaudible amid the bombardment’s roar.

However, those instinctively sensing the outside presence caught something.

“They broke through the barrage?”

…Something was on the deck.

Feeling chills running down his spine, the Hero hurriedly switched the screen.


As the steam surrounding ‘it’ thinned and its form became visible, someone in the control room gasped.


The Seventh Legion Commander of the Demon King’s Army, Linness the Deadly Seductress.

Also known as the Demon of Betrayal.

Her distinctive appearance made her unmistakable.

Linness, with the form of a winged woman, was an incredibly beautiful being, almost unbelievable for a demon.

In an instant, the gaze of those with relatively weak mana was naturally drawn to her.

Under the sky reddened by the bombardment, her skin shone white and smooth like moonlight.

Long, glossy black hair draped over her shoulders and waist.

Infinite allure resided in her deep eyes like the abyss.


Her crimson lips, vivid like red roses, parted as she let out a bewitching laugh.

Simultaneously, some of the magic bullets being fired into the air twisted and collided mid-air.

The barrage was broken as other bullets were intercepted.

Taking advantage of this gap, the flying monsters swarmed toward Avalon.

…Even though she was a lower-ranking commander, she was still a commander.

Her powerful demonic energy pierced through Avalon’s thick armor and pricked the passengers’ skin.

The first to rise from the control seat, overcoming the shock, was—

“I will handle her personally.”

It was Gerald.



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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