
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 62

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 62

At that moment, the “traitor” opened and closed his eyes.

The consciousness that had been fading away became clear once again.

It was an opulent room, extravagant enough to make even an emperor envious.

The space vividly displayed the owner’s vulgar desires in all their glory.

There, he once again faced the demons.

“■■■, report on the progress of the mission.”

The demon, with a sulphurous breath that carried a pungent smell, spat out the name of the traitor.

The traitor, in a demeanour somewhat more confident than before, spoke up.

“The distribution of the ‘new medium’ is progressing smoothly. Although the nearby borders have been reinforced due to the recent attack on the auction house by the Demonic Church, given some time, we should be able to import the produced goods into Rosenstark without any issues.”

“It seems we can approach the prey in the near future.”

“Yes, please enjoy it to your heart’s content! You can pick and choose to eat as much as you’d like.”

The demon nodded in satisfaction.

There was no sign of the discontent and resentment that was evident in the traitor’s face during their previous encounter.

This meant that the plan was proceeding well.

“I should start making some moves on our end soon so that the Demonic Church can move on to the next phase of their plan.”

“Your words make sense. By the way, how do you plan to support the Demonic Church for the time being?”

“Put it on hold for now. There’s a concern of being caught. If the Imperial tracking diminishes, and if those fellows show some results, we can gradually increase our support.”

“Well, the church leader was quite lively with her actions.”

The traitor raised his voice in excitement.

This plan, which they were now responsible for, held the promise of incomparable rewards if successful.

A sly smile appeared on the traitor’s face.

“I’m looking forward to it. Pushing the ‘new medium,’ isn’t this the first time since the ‘Nubes Salon incident’? I’ll take responsibility and deliver results worthy of your expectations.”

“Ah, Nubes Salon… a name I miss dearly.”

The demon’s head slowly moved up and down.

Sweet and sensuous memories began to surface.

He truly loved the agony, fear, loss, and despair of humans.

However, sadly, the quality varied greatly for each specimen they provided.

The emotions emanating from the wretched and disgusting things were tepid and sour.

On the other hand, among humans, the higher beings…

He enjoyed and continues to enjoy many things.

The flavors of what the ones to come will produce will be truly remarkable!

In that sense, the prey of Nubes Salon were an uncommon delicacy.


The demon’s finger tapped slowly on his lips.

Irregular fangs were revealed between the smoldering lips.

“I feel hunger.”

Witnessing the grotesque gesture, the traitor swallowed his saliva.

The gaze that saw humans as mere prey.

Born as a human, the feeling of seeing the upper echelons of the food chain was something he could never get used to.

“Well, I’m looking forward to it. The premium goods were raised in the finest breeding ground, Rosenstark.”

With those final words, the demon concealed his form.

The ‘traitor’ finally exhaled the breath he had been holding.

Just for a moment.

A pale face harbored feelings of guilt and shame.

…He knew.

Their plan would plunge many people’s lives into hell.

Being born and raised as a human, he couldn’t completely rid himself of guilt.


‘After all, living is hell. Isn’t it?’

He thought.

He, too, had a life that was once so mundane and ordinary before taking their hands.

A time when he groveled before insignificant beings that he can never return to.

“Originally, living is about pushing each other away and devouring one another.”

That’s how the world works; it’s the essence of being human.

The traitor shook off the repugnant emotions, resolute to get back to work.

It was time to resume the task at hand.

* * *

Meanwhile, the hero, who was immersed in work in the laboratory as usual, suddenly perked up at a sharp noise.


The sharp notification sound echoed from the bottom drawer of the table, where the communication orb connected directly to the Emperor was stored.


In response to the unexpected contact, the hero hurriedly retrieved the communication orb.

The background seen through the clear video was a spacious office, with the twilight illuminating the silver hair by the window like the crown.

The emperor, who greeted him with the appearance of an arrogant and strong monarch as always, got straight to the point.
The hero, too, queried about the ‘unpleasant news’ that Euphemia deemed important enough to deliver personally.

“A new leader has appeared in the Demonic Church… Is it certain?”

[I trust the skills of my interrogators.]

The hero had already suspected that the Demonic Church was behind the recent events.

However, the sudden emergence of a new leader was unexpected and unwelcome.

‘If the new leader is as strong as the former one…’

He recalled the ‘Original’ mentioning the former cult leader, describing her as a formidable adversary close to the level of a legion commander.

With her arrival, the Demonic Church rapidly expanded its influence, establishing substantial cooperation with demons and absorbing hostile factions among other races, causing numerous headaches.

‘Most importantly, she was the one who severed the arms of the infamous Yussi.’

Regardless of the hero’s increased strength, he knew he couldn’t currently match her level.

Reactively, he absentmindedly touched the wolf figurine in his embrace.

‘…I need to increase my progress and become stronger.’

[Nevertheless, for the time being, you can take a breath. We’ve located several of their hideouts and turned them into a mess.]

“Where is the cult leader?”

[Unfortunately, we haven’t found her yet. We’re still pursuing her, but there’s a high chance she’s escaped beyond the borders of the Empire.]

The hero nodded understandingly.

“For now, I’ll be aware of it. By the way, there was something I wanted to ask, and this works out well.”

[A coincidence. I also have something I want to ask.]

“Go ahead.”

Euphemia’s pupils coldly sank after that.

Her lips twitched slightly.

The Emperor spoke sharply.



[Do you really think you’ve become the true hero?]

It was a voice tinged with anger and disappointment.

‘…So, this is the main point.’

The hero didn’t flinch at the Emperor’s anger.

Given the report on the exhibition incident, it was something he could naturally expect.

Seeing his composed expression, the Emperor, in a fit of irritation, ran her hand through her hair.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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[I’m disappointed that you seem to understand exactly what I’m trying to say.]

Each rising tone in the Emperor’s increasingly forceful words was as sharp as a blade.

[All the merchants and nobles at that damned exhibition… It wouldn’t have mattered if they all died. The students too. It might have been a bit noisy for a few months, but they are all replaceable resources.]


[But what about you? What about your situation?]

The Emperor’s eye twitched.

Her voice grew louder and faster.

[You should have avoided the scene, whether they lived or died. ‘Desmond Lusser’ is a criminal of the red grade. He was a guy requiring elite troops on a large scale and several knights for suppression. You survived because you were less pathetic than I thought, but what if a dangerous situation had occurred?]


[Don’t you think your sense of justice almost led you astray?]

The hero remained silent for a moment before responding.

“I don’t engage in fights I can’t win.”


“If I die.”

The hero’s eyes locked onto the Emperor.

“If I die, I know exactly what will happen.”

Every human settlement will be engulfed in flames.

“If I die, every human village will burn. Farmers will spill blood on the fields they tended to, and children who haven’t tasted the fruits of life will die far from their homes, clad in ill-fitting armour, calling for their mothers. The absence of a hero in this world means that such tragedies will multiply manyfold. So, I never engage in fights I can’t win. This fight was calculated and executed with thorough planning.”


The hero smiled gently.

“I mean, if a truly dangerous situation arises, I won’t hesitate to flee. I apologize for causing concern this time.”

…The Emperor was incredulous.

Look at that expression.

He says he’s sorry, but there’s no hint of regret on his face.

She realized that he believes he can save people even if he goes back again.

But what was even more baffling was the fact that his obstinate and upright gaze was too familiar.

Eyes that resembled the real thing too much.

Annoyed muttering was all she could manage.

[How did you become friends with that bastard, I can see it now.]

“In that case, I will be careful in the future.”

With those words, the hero took the wolf statue from his embrace and placed it in front of the communication bead.

A very skillful shift in the topic.

The Emperor stared at the suddenly appearing statue with round eyes.

[What’s this?]

“Probably what the Demonic Church was after.”

[This wasn’t in the report.]

Euphemia scrutinized the wolf statue carefully.

Even through the communication bead, the strangeness emanating from it was evident.

[Well, there was some unexpected gain from your leap. So, what is this thing?]

“I tried to find out, but failed. It’s locked. We need a specialist in mechanical devices.”

[Hmm, looking for an artisan? There are a few even in Rosenstark.]

“That level won’t be enough. There’s also the risk of information leakage.”


“The only person who can solve this is… No, I should say the only being. We need to find a dwarf.”

Euphemia’s eyes narrowed.

[“Are you looking for ‘Noubelmag’?”]


The master blacksmith mentioned by Rachel at the auction house, a renowned general who used to oversee the equipment production and management of the Dawn Knights.

He was adorned with various grand titles like the Miracle Craftsman, Master of a Thousand Hands, and the Mythic Butcher, among others.

Of course, those who had witnessed his skills firsthand didn’t find them as grand as the titles suggested.

[Noubelmag declared sudden retirement a few years ago and has since hidden from the public eye. You should at least know that.]
The hero nodded.

“Yeah. I heard that even the ‘Original’ couldn’t stop his retirement.”

[Stubborn dwarves usually stick to their decisions until the grave.]

“Can we find him?”

[If he’s alive, there’s a possibility, but so far, no one has bothered to look for him.]


[Ted said so.]

The hero recalled the time when the ‘Original’ mentioned Noubelmag’s retirement in the past.

Certainly, there was a reason for his retirement.


The hero remembered it and fell silent.

“Still, I plan to meet him. There might be some useful aspects to it. A lot of time has passed since then; his mindset might have changed.”

[Hmm. I doubt it, but…]

Euphemia tilted her head, looking at the hero’s eyes.

[Anyway, I will order the intelligence department to find his whereabouts. Don’t expect too much. If he’s been hiding in a burrow, it won’t be easy to find him even for our agents.]


[Sure… My business is done.]

“My business just finished too.”


The hero unexpectedly spoke as the Emperor reached out to end the communication with the communication bead.

“Just a moment.”

[What is it? Is there something left?]

The hero hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

“You said you might know how I became friends with the ‘Original.’”

[That’s right.]

“So how did you become close to him?”

[What do you mean?]

…How did you become close to Ted?

In response to the unexpected question, Euphemia narrowed her eyes.

“You don’t have to answer if it’s awkward.”

It wasn’t just a question thrown out of curiosity.

The warrior wanted to gather more information about the intimate relationship between the Emperor and ‘Original’.

It could help understand ‘Original’ better.

Of course, there was also genuine curiosity about the details.

The Empress remained silent for a moment, then responded with a peculiar expression.

[Did you never hear it from Ted?]

“Unfortunately, not at all.”


There was a slight disappointment in her intricate expression.

Shoulders slumped.

[Seems like he either forgot or didn’t think it was important enough to mention to you.]

The warrior tilted his head.

“Well, there are memories you don’t want to share. Precious memories are often like that, aren’t they?”

The Emperor chuckled.

[Today is unusually… whimsical. Playing with trivial words and all.]

However, unlike her sarcastic tone, the Empress seemed to quite like what the warrior had said.

The silent rise of the corners of her mouth and the sparkle in her eyes.

The rigid face loosened for a moment.


The warrior realized that long-forgotten memories were passing through her mind.

It was a moment when the answer to the question became even more intriguing.

“So, what about it?”

But unexpectedly, the Empress smirked and deflected.

[I’ll give it back to you exactly as you said it]


[There are memories one doesn’t want to share.]



With that, the communication was cut off.

However, just before that.

An unexpected, clear and transparent laughter faintly echoed.

‘Seems like I know how we became acquainted.’

The warrior chuckled.

* * *

Training ground.


The girl swung her sword.

Thrilling sense of achievement, burning passion.

None of that.

As usual, Leciel simply swung her sword.

Well, maybe a bit longer than usual.

‘I won.’

Yes, she won.

Cuculli couldn’t be her match.

Leciel used every ounce of magic power she had and employed every possible method to defeat Cuculli.

But looking at her fallen opponent, Rachel felt nothing but a sense of defeat.

Persistent disappointment.

It was aimed at no one else but herself.

Struggling to win against a peer.

Defeating a certain hero and returning the title of Sword Saint to Hiyashin.

“Hah, hah.”

In the midst of the pain that felt like her lungs were on fire, Rachel unconsciously recalled the face of a certain man.

Ashen hair, ashen eyes.

Rough hands and feet with a strikingly tall figure.

Broad shoulders.

Upright posture and neat attire.

A face with a hint of dissatisfaction.

The grip on the sword tightened.


Rachel, swinging the sword, made a faltering sound.

A slippery feeling on the hilt.

The sword was slipping away.


The ground tilted.

Beyond the spinning vision, a pale moon was visible.

Something was odd.

Wasn’t it daytime when she first started swinging the sword?



Rachel spat out the dirt that entered her mouth.

Her eyes closed slowly.

Somewhere in the haze of half-consciousness, she heard the sound of someone approaching.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 2
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