
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 166

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 166

Before long, everything around was covered in light and shadow.

Space was engulfed helplessly in darkness, and all the sounds that rang in the ears evaporated.

Even the presence of Ted, felt from behind, was the same.


In the space where the beautiful correction had taken hold, now only desolate swirls of white light remained.

Yet the hero continued to walk.

Instead of a neat suit, Zero Requiem’s robe took its place, and instead of an ordinary greatsword, there was the solid sensation of Black Hope.

…And finally, the end of the road.

There was a silhouette waiting for the hero.

The husky voice of a middle-aged man pierced the hero’s ears.

“So quickly discerned. Since when did you know?”

“From the beginning.”

…Yeah, I knew from the beginning.

The Doppelganger was immune to mental magic.

“It’s an illusion that alters memories.”

Entering the illusion, one was trapped in a trap of the illusion without even realizing they were immersed in the memories in their mind.

But for him, who had undergone countless polymorphs, there were countless ‘memories’.

In the face of such overwhelming quantity, the power of magic did not manifest much.

Yet, the reason he didn’t immediately return to reality was…

‘Because I missed you.’

Perhaps he wanted to see glimpses of the world that could have existed.

Children in a world without demons3.

I knew that this was the only chance I would have to see Ted alive again, so I didn’t come back right away.

“Avoiding the deepest longing must have been a difficult decision.”

“I never said it was easy.”

“…You have remarkable willpower.”

The hero let out a brief sigh.

The silhouette, made up of faint smoke, still seemed to be interested, peering ahead.

“You’re a betrayer of the Demonic Church… Or rather, is this the legacy he left behind?”

“That’s correct.”

“So, what was this trial for?”

Though the features were not clearly visible, the blurry apparition seemed imbued with a remarkable level of magic.


The apparition swayed like a breeze and responded.

“I wanted to find a worthy successor.”

“…Referring to the master of the blessing.”

“That’s also correct.”

The hero narrowed his eyes.

This ‘betrayer’ was no longer of this world.

According to the interrogated followers of the Demonic Church, he was captured, tortured with the intention of being forced to commit suicide, and then killed.

‘Perhaps he exhausted all his power in creating this space.’

It felt strange to converse with the apparition left behind by someone who died years ago.

But ‘it’ spoke as if it had been waiting for this moment.

“I am, as you say, a betrayer of the Demonic Church. I was the one who had no choice but to betray.”

The hero decided to continue the conversation to gather information.

“Why? Your followers’ faith couldn’t have been easily shaken.”

“I realized that the visionary, commonly called the leader, was nothing more than a shell. What we believed in was an illusion, and realizing that it was a delusion, we lost all justification for the sins we had committed. So, only belated repentance could follow.”

The hero’s brow furrowed at the unfamiliar nuances of the words.

“The leader was just a shell?”

“You will learn the details after you pass the second and final trial.”

The second trial.

The words deepened the wrinkles on the hero’s face.

“What more do you want from me here?”

“The previous trial was to confirm one of the qualifications I desired.”


Suddenly, the apparition soared several meters into the air.

Trials and qualifications.

Certainly, the betrayer did not wish for Zero’s blessing to fall into unworthy hands.

“You have passed the first trial excellently. I was seeking someone with the courage to awaken from false happiness and face harsh truths.”


“Having realized the truth, I abandoned all worldly possessions and glory, and left the church as if it were nothing.”

The voice of the apparition was tinged with regret.

The hero was sure that there were complicated issues within the Demonic Church.

But that wasn’t immediately important.

“So, what is the second trial for?”

“Ability. That’s all.”

The apparition swayed once more.


The hero tensed his body.

Even without looking back, he could feel the uncomfortable presence emanating from all directions.

Immediately after, a thick pressure emanating from various monsters and demons pierced his entire body like spears.

A blatantly unnatural appearance.

But this was a realm of illusionary magic, where the will of the magician was akin to the laws of the world.

As Larze said, once you have stepped in, it will be of no use to discuss the absurdity of it.


Therefore, the hero did not hesitate, summoning Nova with the Black Hope.

Seeing this, the apparition spoke with satisfaction.

“Even if one faces harsh truths and becomes enraged, one who lacks strength can only bow before them. I cannot entrust my legacy to such weak and feeble individuals. I will pass everything on to those who have the power to shatter this filthy reality and reform it.”


The white space was suddenly filled with swarming monsters like a flood.

Amidst the stench they emitted and the rough sounds of their breathing, the voice of the apparition announcing the beginning of the trial resounded.

“If you want to know all truths and obtain the blessing of Zero Requiem, then survive.”

The hero stood calmly without losing his composure.

…It was going to be much easier than the first trial.

* * *

How did I end up agreeing to this insane experiment?

Half in disbelief, Ban looked at Beatrice, who was taking various experimental tools out of her carrier.

Unknown (unwanted) liquids bubbling in flasks, occult-looking items that seemed ominous, and thick spellbooks thicker than law books.

‘I should have just refused.’

Ban recalled the moments right after the end of the Battle Arena Magic 2v2.

Beatrice, who came unexpectedly, actively encouraged the boy to participate in the experiment, saying there was a way for him to become stronger.

“You were born with magic.”

“…Born with it? Didn’t you just see the match?”

“I did. That’s why I could be sure.”

It was difficult to shake off the notion of having “talent.”

In hindsight, he was already halfway there from that moment.

“Do you know about multitasking abilities?”

Beatrice said Ban was born with the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

She added that it was a rare and highly suitable talent for a magician like herself.

“By engaging in fierce combat, automatically unraveling magic, and implementing basic spells even while inexperienced, you can tell that your multitasking ability exceeds that of magicians who have undergone systematic training since infancy.”


“I suggest experimenting to maximize that inherent ability.”

…An experiment, huh.

Ban stumbled over his words after a long time.

“W-what experiment?”

“When experiencing certain emotions or facing stress, do you know that the human brain becomes more active?”



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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It’s like when one’s mind races unexpectedly or when they feel extreme anger or anxiety, the pain diminishes or something along those lines.

And there’s mental magic that can temporarily manipulate human emotions during magic, according to Beatrice’s explanation.

“If combined with medication, the effects would be even better.”

“So… you mean artificially controlling my emotions while optimizing my multitasking abilities, right?”

“Exactly, to find the ‘awakening’ points.”

Beatrice mentioned the expected effects to Ban’s disgusted expression.

“If you enhance your multitasking abilities and train systematically, your magic resistance, which you already possess, will become even stronger. Furthermore, you may even advance to become a high-level magic swordsman, something that has never existed before.”

“…A magic swordsman? Even if you say ‘magic swordsman,’ I can only use low-level magic, right?”

“No. It’s just my speculation… but if the experiment goes smoothly, you may be able to acquire magic that can have a significant impact on combat.”

Ban hesitated for a moment.

But no matter how much merit there was, and even if the other party was a senior from the Department of Mysticism with proven skills, he couldn’t just accept the sudden invitation to participate in the experiment.

“I’ll look into it more and get back to you…”

Ban was about to refuse when his mouth closed at that moment.

It was because of a sudden memory that came to mind.


An open field in a dim forest.

A swirling crimson magic.

Enoch, who urged him to dodge if he could.

Friends lying unconscious.

For the first time in his life, Ban realized the importance of ‘strength.’

In this perilous era, strength was necessary to protect something.

And for Ban, who is in the midst of breaking out of his shell, there are more and more things he wants to protect.

…Upon coming to his senses, Ban found himself signing the consent form that Beatrice was offering.
“Come on, don’t resist. With Ban’s excellent magic resistance, my magic won’t be able to penetrate if you resist.”


“Hmm, even when feeling fear, the level of activation isn’t bad. Let’s mix in a bit of anxiety here.”

The moment Beatrice’s magic was lifted, Ban collapsed to the floor, gasping.

It was a very strange experience.

Nothing had happened, but his heart raced involuntarily, his breathing quickened, and his muscles tensed as if electricity was flowing through them.

‘It feels like I’ve encountered some demons in the dead of night.’

The memories of navigating through the Forest of Martial Arts came flooding back.

It seemed as challenging as physical training, if not more so.

However, Ban was somewhat willing because he saw this series of events as training to cultivate resilience against negative emotions.

Humans are creatures of adaptation.

Experiencing various emotions beforehand can be a great asset as the threshold rises with intense emotions.

‘Alright, I’m getting stronger.’

Ban exclaimed as he sprang to his feet.


“Shall we try something other than negative emotions?”

“…Is that possible?”

“Of course.”

Beatrice adjusted her glasses and replied.

They experimented with emotions like anxiety, fear, and frustration all morning.

Even though the effects were temporary and the potency was controlled, from Beatrice’s perspective, she couldn’t help but worry a little about Ban.

They needed a breather.

“How about we try emotions like excitement, love, longing, comfort, excitement, maternal love… Mixing these little by little can create an infinite variety of emotions.”

…Excitement? Love?

Maternal love?

Ban looked at the diminutive Beatrice’s violet eyes behind the thick lenses with a puzzled expression.

“Y-yeah. Let’s give it a try for now.”

“Alright, let’s start with a light feeling of excitement.”

Beatrice’s wand was aimed at Ban.

Ban instinctively halted the ‘magic dismantling’ he had been unfolding.


Suddenly, there was a tingling sensation in one side of his chest.

Knock knock…

“Master, we have a visitor.”

…A visitor?

Ban raised his head with a flushed face.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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