
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 305

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[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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Chapter 305

24 Hours Before Teleportation.

Theo closed his eyes and visualized a map of the Demonic realm in his mind.

The Demonic realm was home to a vast array of demonic creatures, so diverse that even the demons themselves hadn't fully mapped them all.

Among these creatures were mole-like beings that fed on the soil contaminated with demonic energy.

They were the deep underground patrollers whom Theo had subjugated and used as scouts.

These unnoticed creatures were currently tracking the movements of the human army, mirroring their every move from underground.

'... These bugs are really kicking up a fuss.'

Elite troops.

The defenses of the Demonic realm, left to face the humans who had fought against demons for a long time, were far too weak.

The human army was pushing forward like a tidal wave, turning the entrance of the Demonic realm into a mess.

Theo's wrinkled face twisted into a sneer as he felt a surge of old, pent-up anger, a sense of liberation, and pleasure.

'They don't even realize they're just decoys and bait.'

At first, Theo thought the humans were launching a full-scale attack and was ready to respond immediately.

But something felt off.

Although notable figures, including the hero, had appeared in various parts of the battlefield...

'They haven't stepped into combat situations. Why? Speed is crucial.'

Even after the demons had arrived and started holding the front line, they didn't take a direct role in the fight.

Theo instinctively realized he had been deceived.

'They're just soulless puppets.'

Thus, the humans were aiming for a diversion.

Theo was certain.

However, he couldn't withdraw the troops he had sent.

It would be troublesome if they reached deep into the Demonic realm unchallenged.

There would also be problems if too many of the stakes were destroyed.


"Everyone's returned well."

Theo had recalled all the commanders back to the Demonic realm.

Now, on both sides, only shell-like forces remained.

It would likely just be a war of attrition for the next few days.

It was safe to ignore it.

"...We need to prepare for their real attack."

Theo looked at the commanders under his command.

Excluding the absent Third Corps Commander Malekia, there were four present.

Fourth Corps Commander Meragon, Priest of Solitude.

Fifth Corps Commander Astaon, Scholar of Madness.

Sixth Corps Commander Rakasa, Priest of Hatred.

Seventh Corps Commander Linnes, Seductress of Lethality.

Although they were flawed compared to the 'Old Three,' they were still the most powerful demons currently alive.

He planned to use these remaining demons and his remaining forces to block the main attack.


In a day, all the demonic energy in the Demonic realm, except for the core, would be drawn into the Demon King’s Castle.

And the humans had a few high-level magicians capable of teleportation.

'They'll form a suicide squad and come via teleportation.'

Once the Demon King descended, all the battles would become meaningless.

The humans would have no choice but to gamble on this final move.

Theo chuckled and looked again at the Demon King's Castle.

The first stake driven into this world.

The towering structure was enveloped in a dome-like, blood-red barrier.

It looked like an egg. The red light was slowly, but surely, deepening in color as it absorbed the clouds of demonic energy gathering around it.

The moment that barrier turns from crimson to pitch black, the arcane ritual inscribed in the core of the Demon King’s Castle will be completed.

Then, the dimensional passage blocked by the humans will be torn open, and the ruler of the demon world will descend upon this land.

Theo shuddered in his emaciated body.

'Until then, we can enjoy a little fun with our guests.'

Suddenly, a painful, bubbling breath escaped his throat.

He had recalled a recent humiliation.

Although Theo had transcended many emotions over his long existence, that was something he could never forget.

"Theo, it’s time for your loss."

Eyes filled with hatred and disdain.

The beheading of his incarnation.

The tremendous power he had obtained by absorbing Yol was over half gone.

That hideous creature, pretending to be noble, with its ridiculous hypocrisy...

'They'll pay the price for their arrogance.'

Breaking through to the Demon King’s Castle?


They will be swallowed by the Demonic realm and, in despair, witness the descent of the Demon King.

Theo would make sure of it.

"They'll likely... come through Zone 46. Position troops nearby. Be ready to detect teleportation magic and strike all at once."

* * *

"The imperial forces have now breached the outskirts of the Demonic Realm and are engaging the 30th division."

At the same time, in the captain's room of Avalon, the voices of leaders from various groups echoed as the hero spoke calmly.

"Therefore, by now, they must have noticed the existence of our strike team. There's a high probability they expect us to launch a surprise attack using teleportation. They might have even figured out our operational location."

The members in the captain's room nodded quietly.

"They're likely thinking this is a golden opportunity. After all, they'll be facing us, the core force, in the depths of the Demonic Realm, the most disadvantageous battlefield for humans. They might be in the mood to throw a party."

However, the hero's eyes remained cold and calm despite discussing the unfavourable situation.

Noubelmag responded, "They'll have prepared ambushes, traps... every possible countermeasure."

Yussi also nodded and added, "They'll have done everything to slow us down."

They would have used every imaginable method to delay them.

It was a clear disadvantage for those who needed to make a time-sensitive attack.

"No matter what tricks they've set, can't we just force our way through? We have Avalon."

"The magic, firepower, and durability of Avalon aren't infinite. If we push it too hard and Avalon breaks down early, we'll have to traverse the Demonic Realm, where the demonic energy is exceptionally thick, with nothing but our bare bodies."

Debates continued in the conference room.

The hero, who had been silently listening, suddenly spoke up.

"So, we'll set a trap of our own."

It was a trap that exploited a crucial flaw the enemy had overlooked.

There was some opposition, concerned for the captain's safety... but as usual, his opinion prevailed without exception.




The hero's eyes gleamed.

The meeting had ended, but a few remained behind.

Noubelmag, Felson, and Zion stayed in the captain's room without concern.

Zion and Felson were casually discussing the terrain of the 46th sector of the Demon Realm in front of a holographic display, while Noubelmag sat across the round table, gazing at him with deep contemplation.

These three shared something in common.

Before his identity was revealed, they had formed fairly close relationships, but after his true identity was exposed, they hadn't had a proper conversation.



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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[Is it because they didn't express any particular resentment towards you?]

The hero thought that this was likely true.

Unlike some others who had immediately shown feelings of betrayal and hatred, these three had not expressed any such feelings.

Even now, as they faced him, they remained calm in expression and demeanour.

[If I clone them, I could figure out what they're plotting.]

'I won't.'


It was at that moment that Noubelmag spoke, unexpectedly continuing the discussion.

"There was a reason we kept the construction of Avalon a secret."

"...If the existence of Avalon had been revealed, we wouldn't have been able to carry out this operation."

"They don't know about it, right?"

"They definitely don't."

The Hero could assert this confidently.

For the past three years, they had gone to great lengths to conceal Avalon's existence.

They had begun initially constructing Avalon on the Ark precisely for security reasons.

The demons closely monitored the movement of resources, especially strategic materials like mana stones and ores.

In response, the Hero had smuggled the components in the bundles of refugees entering the Ark.

Some were genuine refugees indebted to them, while others were agents disguised as refugees.

Like ants carrying food, they transported materials to construct Avalon between the branches of the Sanctuary and the Ark.

These materials included fortification stones, artifacts from the First Era, and top-grade mana stones for powering devices.

The essential materials, which were inevitably traceable, were transported directly by the Hero using Valber's subspace.

The greatest smuggler was born using the subspace, which could contain anything, even a doppelgänger who could transform into anyone.

The movement of personnel, including researchers, was disguised as efforts to improve security and living conditions within the Sanctuary.

As a result, even the demons and collaborators who meticulously monitored humanity's movements did not anticipate the creation of Avalon.

"They think we'll fight as we usually do, unarmed. They’ve grossly underestimated our firepower."

Unaware of this fortress, where all magic and science have been concentrated, the key to this operation is to exploit that oversight as efficiently as possible.

"Is that why you’re being used as bait?"

"Without enticing bait, we can't draw them out all at once."

If successful, they could reach the Demon King’s Castle much faster than planned.

Noubelmag sighed briefly and muttered.

"...This isn't about imitation; it's just resemblance."

"It’s about resemblance."

"Is that so?"


The pipe let out a puff of smoke.

As their gazes met through the pale blue haze, the Hero realized that Noubelmag was about to get to the point.

"Do you remember the day we first met, four years ago?"

"Of course."

The gloomy village.

The old artifacts from the water attribute.

The shadow of the stakes.

The old man sitting in front of his son’s grave in the abandoned mine.

A series of images quickly flashed through the Hero's mind.

"His deceased son was struggling to fulfill his unfulfilled desires in this world."


"Doesn’t that sound familiar?"

Noubelmag looked directly at the Hero.

"I just wanted to say that I understand you. How hard it must be to hold onto the wishes of the dead."


"Well, in my case, I was digging myself into a hole by misunderstanding my son’s request, but you and Nihil saved me."

Noubelmag laughed just as he had three years ago when the Hero remembered him.

"If you have any guilt, let it go."

It was at that moment that Felson and Zion, who had been conversing on the side of the command room, approached and sat beside him.

Felson gently placed his prosthetic hand on the Hero's shoulder.

"I came because I also have something I want to say."


"To put it bluntly, I owe you a great debt."

Felson looked at the Hero with his eyes, which resembled Ban’s.

There was no trace of hostility or betrayal in them.

It was a surprising fact.

"A debt?"

"I'm talking about Van."


"After Jenny's death, he was suffering endlessly. You were the one who pulled him out of that demonic energy. The boy who used to tremble whenever he held a sword is now the leader of the Lotus Knights, known as the Torch of Humanity. The Dietrich estate receives letters daily from people saved by Ban. Just recently, there was a letter from a boy who almost lost his mother."

Felson placed his prosthetic hand on his chest and extended his other hand slowly forward, bowing his head respectfully.

"Jenny must be so happy and proud from above. She always boasted that her son was a genius and would surpass both of us as swordsmen one day."


"And now, I stand with Ban in this final battle for humanity. It is the greatest honour and pride for the Dietrich family."

"...I, too, am honoured to have known you and to have been able to teach Ban."

The Hero clasped Felson's calloused hand.

Zion, who had been watching the two with a gentle smile, spoke up.

"Noubelmag, Felson, and I—do you know what the three of us have in common?"

"I do not."

"Firstly, we were all endlessly foolish, gnawing away at ourselves and those dear to us."

Zion’s wrinkled eyes formed a crescent shape as she continued.

“Secondly, we were saved by you after being foolish.”

“Zion, I…”

“We cannot consider you a ‘fake.’”

The Hero, who had been about to say something, fell silent.

Noubelmag, Felson, and Zion’s eyes were all on him.

Zion spoke clearly.

“To Ted, you were a comrade who shared a dream, a child, and a disciple.”

The Hero, usually confident in his eloquence, found himself unable to speak.

“You will succeed.”


“He knew it, and so do we.”

* * *

[Coordinate setting complete]

[Magic power charge has reached 99%. Teleportation will be possible in 10 minutes.]

Ten minutes before teleportation.

A quiet silence filled the control room.

While all the humans stepped away from the control panels and prepared for battle, Avalon's internal voice began to report the situation instead.

[Expected remaining magic power after teleportation: 47%]

[Activating propulsion system]

[Barrier activation in progress, current status: 100%]

[Activating turret system, confirming all passengers' magic connections]


The sound of countless machines filled the air.

Holographic screens flickered and changed rapidly.

A man who had been watching this stood up alone and picked up the greatsword leaning against the wall.

As everyone in the control room watched him, he said,

“Well then, I’ll go ahead.”

A brilliant light of teleportation magic enveloped him alone.



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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