
This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 170

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 170

The Great Forest was not a place where outsiders could easily set foot.

If there were no “authorized ones” among the party, it would be impossible to enter.

Even with skilled guides, it was useless.

Eventually, they would lose their way in the dense trees and vines.

Thanks to its characteristics, The Great Forest had been a dwelling place for the elves even before the collapse of the First Era.

…But now.

Step by step –

Three humans and a dwarf were crossing the forest without hesitation.


In the tranquil silence, only the sound of stepping on grass echoed.

Because of the thick trees and their lush leaves, it was dark all around.

For those who walked inside, it was more mysterious than gloomy.

At that moment, Kasim’s cheerful voice broke the silence.

“So, without this, you’re saying we’d end up as corpses, starving to death while wandering around the same place?”

Noubelmag glanced down at the “permit of passage” in his hand and replied briefly.

“Yeah, this is what’s keeping us alive.”

“It’s amazing, looks like an ordinary branch.”

Pia interjected with a sigh.

“Professor Pierre? You think this precious item looks like just a branch? Are you serious?”

It was then that everyone’s attention shifted to the branch Noubelmag was holding.

Although it must have been cut for a long time, the branch was full of vitality as if it had just been broken.

There were even tiny sprouts in the middle.

The only way to nullify the magical barrier of The Great Forest.

To have a part of the World Tree with oneself.

However, this was a very difficult condition to fulfill.

The leaves or branches of the World Tree were highly symbolic items to the elves.

Naturally, they were not available on the market at all.

Therefore, for ordinary people to enter The Great Forest, they had no choice but to join the elf delegation departing from the nearby territory of “Lindel” once a month.

‘The selection process for joining the delegation is so meticulous.’

…Fortunately, for them, who had Noubelmag, the son of Ahir, the Leader blacksmith of the elf clan, as their companion, such cumbersome procedures were not necessary.

As they extended the branches of the World Tree, the dense roots under their feet wriggled like living snakes, clearing the way for the party.

Threatening creatures such as venomous insects and various predators, even carnivorous plants, hid their traces.

The forest became a safe and beautiful space like that.

Noubelmag turned his stiff shoulders and handed the branch to Kasim.

“You carry it for a while.”

“Yes, I’ll just carry it all the way!”

Watching Kasim eagerly accept the branch of the World Tree, Noubelmag smirked.

‘Now I understand why the Leader is taking care of this young lad.’

At the beginning of the journey, he regretted traveling with such a noisy and chaotic group.

However, as they headed south, his initial negative impression gradually faded.

Kasim was not someone easy to dislike.

From the perspective of Kasim, a powerful fighter, Pia and Noubelmag, as ordinary people, might have been quite cumbersome, but he never showed any displeasure.

He dealt with the occasional bandits and handled various chores without complaint.

It was especially satisfying for Noubelmag to see him intervene every time Nyhill tried to do something dangerous.

‘He’s quite skilled. With a few more years, he’ll be a great asset to the Leader.’

Noubelmag thought he should make a weapon for him when he had time.

“By the way, is the reason you’re heading to The Great Forest to compete with the elf swordsmen?”

“Yes, Professor Redymer told me to do so. He said I might gain something from the sparring with agile and nimble individuals.”

Kasim chuckled, tapping his rapier on his waist.

He seemed quite expectant.

…In fact, the four of them had different reasons for coming to The Great Forest.

Noubelmag was looking for a way to awaken the dormant spirit and meet his mother, while also seeking elemental stones for additional weapon crafting.

Pia’s goal was to find rare herbs to strengthen the Awaken.

Kasim’s aim was to gain practical experience while serving as their escort.

Nyhill, being the owner of Spirit Weapon, naturally had to accompany them.

“By the way, if your mother is in the elf residence, is your father also there?”

“Why do you ask?”

“To inquire about some techniques.”

Kasim said with sparkling eyes.

Noubelmag raised an eyebrow with a puzzled look.

“What techniques? What are you talking about?”

“Aren’t you the protagonist of the unprecedented event where the dwarf and the elf had a mixed marriage? I have a maid I really want to tease….”

Nyhill’s footsteps, which followed, paused momentarily, simultaneously.

‘Surely he’s not talking about Seneta.’

Noubelmag smiled as if amazed.

“If you want to ask for expertise, you should be looking for a necromancer.”

“What? What do you mean… Ah!”

The moment when Kasim couldn’t make up his mind, a sudden interruption occurred.

Beep beep beep –

At the sudden sound of the communication bead, Noubelmag groped around in his pocket.

His eyebrows narrowed quickly as he checked the sender.


At his words, the team gathered around.

Pia, Nyhill, and Kasim quickly crowded into the narrow space.

Three heads formed a triangle above Noubelmag’s head as if by agreement.

…A soft voice echoed in their ears.

[Everyone seems to be doing well, I’m glad.]

At the nostalgic voice, the party smiled broadly.

Nyhill was no exception.

And without anyone needing to prompt, there were cheerful greetings, laughter, and jokes exchanged.

The welcoming sight of their comrades made the Hero smile warmly.

It felt like all the fatigue accumulated from the journey melted away in an instant.

[I think I need to join you all.]

Everyone was initially pleased with the unexpected statement.

But shortly after.

Naturally, there were inevitable questions raised.

Noubelmag asked on behalf of the group.

“Well, why are you coming to The Great Forest? And when?”

The Hero responded only to the last question in a solemn tone.

[One week. I hope you all finish your business by then.]


[To resolve my matter, I need your help.]

The poor assistant, who didn’t expect to be working against a deadline even during vacation, staggered.

* * *

A friend of the daughter who had gone to study in a distant land came to visit.

There were many things they wanted to ask, but they mainly wanted to give her a grand reception.

Because of this, the Lord and Lady Solintail had prepared various luxurious dishes in abundance.

‘Oh, what should I do?’

Evergreen looked somewhat anxious as she glanced at the table.

Considering the state of Lord Solintail’s wallet, those dishes were clearly overspending.

…The bigger problem was that the amount was ridiculously small.

Knowing Cuculli’s extraordinary appetite and eating habits, Evergreen couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

‘Oh, she must be starving today….’

Amidst such trivial concerns,

Cuculli constantly engaged in lively conversations with the Lord and Lady.

“So you’re the daughter of the great Chieftain, huh? No wonder you exude grace.”

“Hehe, I can’t keep up with you two in terms of gracefulness, but I wondered who Evergreen resembled, and now I’ve found the answer.”

“Oh, my, oh my. We rural nobles don’t have gracefulness.”

Cuculli behaved like a mischievous imp, but she was definitely the daughter of the Chieftain.

She could even be considered a princess of the demi-humans.

The Lord and Lady responded to the girl’s praise.

“By the way, isn’t the food to your liking? You hardly touched it.”

“Oh, I’m so full, I might burst, that’s why.”

Evergreen looked at Cuculli with surprised eyes.

Wasn’t there still food left on the table?

But the girl had already put down her utensils with a satisfied expression.

It didn’t take long for Evergreen to realize that she had considered Lord Solintail’s situation, which was far from generous.


Moreover, Cuculli was showing the appearance of a “perfect friend.”

“Do you know how popular Evergreen is? There’s no one who doesn’t like her. Even the Hero praises her hard work every day and everyone wants to be friends with her.”

There are no parents who wouldn’t be happy to hear that their child is having a good time at school.

The Lord and Lady Solintail looked at Evergreen and Cuculli with a moved expression.

“Oh, really? You’re not just saying that to please us, are you?”

“Hehe, I thought our daughter wouldn’t adapt well because she stayed in the countryside, but she seems to be doing well.”

The father, Damon Solintail, who had reddened eyes, added softly.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“You mentioned her popularity, and I was just wondering if she’s popular among the boys too….”


Evergreen, who was protesting, looked at Cuculli with a sense of foreboding.

“Hehe, Father. Shall I show you? How popular Evergreen is?”

She smiled broadly, as if she had been waiting, and took something out of her arms….

‘A, A communication bead?’

Beep beep beep –

With her mouth agape, Evergreen looked at the communication bead that was already sending a signal.

But there was no time to stay stunned.

Being prompt in communication is essential for a mercenary.

Before she could stop Cuculli, the communication was connected.


“Hi, Luke! What are you doing?”

A voice tired from fatigue replied.

[What else? Just finished a hunt for demon hides. What do you want?]

“Take a guess. Who am I with and where?”

[I have no interest whatsoever, can I hang up now?]

That was just now, Cuculli’s answer, which made her smile even wider.

“I wonder if you’re not curious at all, hehe.”

Before Luke could ask why, he was interrupted.


Cuculli threw a bomb at Evergreen.

“Hello, Luke! It’s good to see you… How have you been?”

[E, Evergreen? Why are you with her? No, more importantly, it’s nice to see you, Evergreen.]

Luke hastily cleaned his face, covered in sweat, dust, and the blood of demons.

And yet, he was still handsome.

Evergreen forgot that her parents were watching and smiled widely.

But Cuculli, who didn’t leave her peaceful appearance alone, was not the same.

She picked up the communication bead again…

“And here are Evergreen’s parents! Lord and Lady Solintail.”

She threw a bomb at Luke.

“Hello, Luke! You look like you’ve had a rough time….”

“Oh, uh, are you my daughter’s….”


A short silence that felt eternal followed.

Cuculli chuckled as she looked at Luke’s pale face.

It seemed whiter than the snow of her hometown.

[Hello! Father! Mother!]

Everyone looked at Luke’s forehead.

The boy finished his powerful greeting by lowering his head to the floor, and gritted his teeth invisibly.

Cuculli greeted cheerfully.

“Well, see you at the resort! Take care!”

“Y-Yeah, take care, Luke!”

Luke murmured quietly.

[We’ll see…]

“Huh? See what?”

[…Let’s just wait and see, my precious friend!]


The communication bead returned to Cuculli’s arms.

She looked at the cheerful lord and lady and brought up the main point.

“Well, shall we go pay for the meal?”

“Huh? A payment for the meal?”

Even Evergreen’s face brightened simultaneously.

* * *

At the same time, at the Auereum Mercenary Base Camp.

“That crazy girl!”

The communication bead screen darkened.

Luke, who checked several times if the communication had ended, finally screamed.

But even then, Cuculli’s face kept swirling in his mind.

One lucky thing was that, thanks to having separate tents from his subordinates, he didn’t show this mess in front of them.


There was one more lucky thing.

Luke momentarily made a stupid expression, as if forgetting his anger.

‘…I envy you, Cuculli.’

If he were at the Solintail estate.

Walking on the meadow with Evergreen, meeting his parents, having a meal together.

How nice would that be?


The noise of the demons echoing beyond the tent injected reality back into Luke.

Currently, the mercenary group he belonged to was performing a mission given by the royal family at the foothills of the Great Mountain Range.

They weren’t just dealing with the Allied Forces quietly.

They judged that the western continent had become vacant and were organizing separate guerrilla units to send them to the western continent, and the Auereum Mercenary Group was in charge of part of the preparation.


Luke looked at the pain in his side.

How long had it been since he went there, and blood was still spreading on the bandage.

It was a wound obtained from an afternoon battle.

It was from a flying demon with a hook claw, and if it had been a little deeper, his intestines would have spilled out.

‘…But I won.’

Luke sprinkled pain-relieving powder on the wound with a proud face.

He had succeeded in subjugating the demons with only his short sword.

He realized that he had become significantly stronger than before.

Unlike before, when he was always engulfed in madness, he was very satisfied to maintain his sanity from the beginning to the end of the battle.

…Father didn’t seem to like it very much, though.


Luke threw his tired body onto the bed.

Strangely, sleep didn’t come right away.

“See you at the resort! Take care!”

“Y-Yeah, take care, Luke!”

The communication content kept replaying in his mind.

‘Resort trip….’

Luke calculated the date.

It would be around three weeks from now, departing near the Island of Jedo.

An artificial island and a luxury resort made by Glendor Company.

He would definitely experience fun that he had never experienced in his life.

But the boy’s expression was far from excitement.

‘…Will you let me go.’

The camp was not in such a precarious situation at the moment.

Even if he was missing, he would be able to defend the defense line smoothly.

But he couldn’t imagine his father allowing him to go on such a resort trip.

Luke bit his lips.

‘What should I do….’

How can I go on a trip?

He came up with a way to think about it, just before falling asleep.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 0
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