
Martial God Regressed to Level 2 - Chapter 319

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[Translator – Asura]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 319

[Human Representative Team. League 1st place, defeated World Tree Elf 200!]

[Victory is secured, but the content of the game leaves much to be desired. Apart from Seong Jihan, there are no players to confront the World Tree elves.]

[Among the 20 teams of the Bronze League, a total of five World Tree elves? Experts identify two undisclosed top-tier teams as potential World Tree elf candidates.]

[The high priest’s revealed scam proposal; yet, some express regret for not securing even a few more victories.]

The match against World Tree Elf 200, the first place in the league.

Though the game ended in humanity’s victory,

-Really, five elf teams? Seriously ㅡㅡ
-So sick of this…
-But listening to the high priest, looks like Seong Jihan will be the priority ban? Can we even win then?
-Totally impossible; those 2 wins were because they deliberately lost to us. Against their actual strength, we’d have been decimated.
-Lol, seriously, they regenerate faster than cockroaches. How can we win?

The joy of victory was fleeting.

Voices of concern about how to defeat the World Tree elves in future games grew louder.

-Should we have sacrificed the Shadow Queen…
-└└ The main agent, the high priest, planned to die and end it all lol
-But why not clean our mouths and say we’d have secured a few wins before handing them over?
-How can you trust those elf bastards?

Even after securing 2 wins against the elves, the situation was worrisome due to their genuinely fierce mode and the World Tree elves’ grand scale of even imprisoning Constellations in laboratories, leaving a lingering discomfort despite the win.

As people continued to worry about the World Tree Alliance even after the victory,

‘Constellation Shop, huh.’

Returning home, Seong Jihan was opening the newly emerged Constellation Shop.

[Constellation Shop – LV.1]

Upgrade Constellation Shop – 50000P

Open Constellation Trait ‘Dominion’ – 10000P

Open Constellation Trait ‘Sole Sovereignty’ – 10000P

Strengthen Constellation Trait LV.1 – 10000P

Expand Sponsor Slot LV.1 – 1000P

Generate Special Sponsor Item – 500P

‘There’s nothing that directly strengthens me on display.’

With the Achievement Shop gone and replaced by the new Constellation Shop, the shop’s items themselves focused on enhancing Constellation traits, not directly giving the feeling of strengthening player Seong Jihan.

‘I currently have 23122 Fame points…’

Adding the recently gained 10100 points,

With the previously held achievement points exchanged for Constellation Fame, there was a considerable number of points available.

With this much, he could afford everything on sale, but,

‘Can someone who’s not even a Constellation possess Constellation traits?’

Currently, Seong Jihan was merely a Constellation candidate.

Buying Constellation traits seemed futile if they could only be utilized once he became a Constellation.

‘Still, since I’ve got the points, I might as well give it a try.’

Being a Constellation required reaching level 777.

With a long way to go, Seong Jihan decided not to let his points sit idle but to use them.

The traits Dominion and Sole Sovereignty caught his eye first.

After pondering over what to choose,

“Queen, got a question for you.”

[What is it?]

He decided to directly ask the Constellation Shadow Queen, residing in his arm,

“Do you know about the Constellation traits, Dominion and Sole Sovereignty?”

[Oh, you’ve become a Constellation already?]

“No, still too far from reaching the needed level. Just curious about the traits.”

[Well, if you’re a Constellation candidate, it’s better to prepare in advance. Dominion and Sole Sovereignty. These two traits are options to choose from when becoming a Constellation. I had chosen Dominion.]

The Shadow Queen explained about the Constellation traits to Seong Jihan.

[Dominion, as the name suggests, refers to a monarch-like Constellation that reigns over its kind. It represents a being that symbolizes its race, and the rise and fall of that race directly impact the fate of the Dominion’s Constellation.]

Trait ‘Dominion’.

Choosing this trait made a Constellation akin to a king within its own race.

As the race grew stronger, they shared in the effects, and the bonuses a Constellation received from sponsor players were even more pronounced for one with the Dominion trait.

“Dominion… it’s truly a trait befitting a ruler.”

[Yes. There was a proposal by a Constellation known for its calculations. Even if there are up to 5 reigning individuals within a species, it’s beneficial because the ability contributed by a race’s member to a sovereign is significant. However, if there are more than 5 or if the race starts to decline, the Constellation trait loses its meaning… Like in my case.]

“You’re saying there’s no bonus in your case?”

[Yes… aside from Ariel, the survivors of the Shadow Elves are extremely rare.]

“Do Shadow Elves not continue to be born?”

World Tree elves, all identical as if mass-produced, and those not fitting their mold were discarded.

Out of such discarded elves, those whose resentful spirits gathered birthed the Shadow Elves.

As long as the World Tree elves continued to reproduce themselves, proportional to it, Shadow Elves should have also continued to be born.

[Shadow Elves derived from World Tree elves do continue to be born across the universe. However, to reign, I’d need to bring them to my planet.]

“Ah, so the effect doesn’t apply if they’re on different planets.”

[Yes. However, through Constellation sponsorship, other planet players can also share the effect. But this requires a Constellation to invest resources, making Dominion Constellations focus on maximizing their reign effect within their own race before turning their gaze outward.]

“I see? So, first priority is always the kin on the same planet.”


Being a Constellation herself, the Shadow Queen was well-versed in such information.

Nodding, Seong Jihan asked her about the next trait.

“What about Sole Sovereignty?”

[Sole Sovereignty is a trait that gives up the effects of Dominion in exchange for individual strength. It’s chosen by those in the universe who don’t wish to be bound by their race and prefer the life of a free spirit. Oh, it’s also chosen if there are already more than 5 Constellations with the Dominion trait in one’s race.]

“So, it’s just about becoming stronger on my own. Simple.”

[Yes. While the initial bonus effect given by Sole Sovereignty is very powerful, over time it faces limitations in growth compared to Dominion, especially if the race isn’t doomed… However, being unbound by one’s race is an advantage… but reaching the pinnacle requires overcoming these limitations.]

“You’re not just harsh because you chose Dominion, right?”

[No. Go check the official member forums of BattleNet. The outcry of Sole Sovereigns fills the discussion board.]

Seong Jihan immediately opened BattleNet’s community board upon hearing that.

Only Constellation candidates and above could access the official member forum.

There, prominently displayed in the top announcement, was a piece addressing the very topic.

[To Constellation candidates pondering over traits]

If there are fewer than 5 reign individuals within the same planet, choose Dominion.

Unless you plan to ditch your race and wander the universe, choose Dominion without question.

Even if you prefer solo play or find caring for others bothersome, Dominion is the way to go.

If you’ve risen to the status of a Constellation, surely you aim for the highest position. Choosing Sole Sovereignty might shine at the start but lacks means for growth later.

Regret is avoidable—choose Dominion.

└ Wish you’d posted this notice earlier… Chose Sole Sovereignty, now my race is extinct, and I’m just a space mercenary ㅠㅠ
└ Why not if there are more than 5 Dominions? Dominion still seems better than Sole Sovereignty, right?
└ If there are more than 5, you’re forced to snatch what abilities you can as a Sole Sovereignty because all the good parts are already taken.
└ Try killing an existing Dominion if you can. You’ll be the one to get beat lol
└ And if you become the 6th Dominion, the other 5 will join forces to beat you down. Better stay humble and opt for Sole Sovereignty.
└ Where do Sole Sovereigns get more fame points? There’s nowhere.
└ That’s why Dominion is superior. As long as your race survives on BattleNet, fame points naturally accrue.



[Translator – Asura]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Below the announcement were numerous experiences shared by Constellations themselves.

Most argued that Sole Sovereignty was inferior and Dominion superior.

After reading through, Seong Jihan asked the Shadow Queen,

“Can’t both be selected?”

[Both? Typically, the trait chosen initially requires Constellation Fame points up till level 10. Only upon reaching level 10 can one invest in another trait.]

“So, sticking to one until hitting level 10. But there are Constellations that reached that level, right?”

[Of course. Such Constellations are referred to as ‘Great Constellations’.]

Great Constellation.

Seong Jihan’s eyes widened at the term.

“Great Constellation… Does it require being at the level of a Dragon Lord to reach trait level 10?”

[Yes. To control the universal dragonkind would qualify one for Dominion level 10.]

“Is there anyone who reached Great Constellation status through Sole Sovereignty?”

[Perhaps… ‘The Wandering Martial God’ shows the power of a Great Constellation, hence the rumor of him possibly being Sole Sovereignty level 10, but it’s unconfirmed.]


The Wandering Martial God was also at Great Constellation level?

Seong Jihan realized anew how formidable his adversary was.

[Had Constellations been able to open both traits as you said, initially, they would’ve opened both Dominion and Sole Sovereignty to LV.1. The initial bonus from ‘Sole Sovereignty’ is quite advantageous.]


[Yeah, and afterward, they would’ve likely followed the Dominion route.]

As Seong Jihan scrolled through the official member forum’s posts, collecting information on Dominion and Sole Sovereignty, these traits, basic knowledge to Constellations, provided him a wealth of analyzed data.

‘Up to LV.3, Sole Sovereignty’s attribute + is beneficial, but beyond that, as long as the race isn’t completely doomed, Dominion holds the advantage…‘

While mulling over this, Seong Jihan also searched for information related to his Constellation Shop.

However, he couldn’t find content related to the Constellation Shop he possessed.

Even after searching through thousand-year-old posts and finding nothing,

‘Is this like the Achievement Shop, exclusive to me…?’

Seong Jihan surmised, deciding not to inform the Shadow Queen about it.


‘If both open up, I definitely should. If I’m the only one with the shop, this is a unique advantage.’

Mixing the longevity-focused Dominion with the immediately beneficial Sole Sovereignty.

Properly managing these two traits seemed to offer significant synergy.

‘The only concern is whether opening a trait would strip me of the Constellation candidate status…’

Initially, Seong Jihan thought to spend the points rather than hoard them.

Yet, the more he learned about the traits, the more he doubted whether their activation would allow him to retain his candidate status.

‘At mid-level 300s, it’s too early to become a Constellation. I need to remain a candidate longer.’

Being a special management target of BattleNet as a Constellation candidate.

Though it hadn’t seemed particularly useful until now, in the Constellation Laboratory map, he could take full advantage of this status for the first time.

Moreover, as a candidate, he didn’t face the Wandering Martial God’s pressure.

Thus, his status must be maintained for a while.

‘Hmm… it makes it difficult to rashly choose.’

If activating a trait still maintains the candidate status, it would be a significant gain.

But if it results in the loss of candidate status, then from that point on, he’d be under the Wandering Martial God’s scrutiny.

Currently, though dormant, that entity won’t remain so forever.

Risk or stability.

Seong Jihan began to deliberate over the choices before him.

[Still pondering over the traits? Definitely choose Dominion. Isn’t humanity’s population around 7 billion? The effects should be beneficial.]

“That’s settled.”


As Seong Jihan answered the Shadow Queen’s inquiry,

[Your inventory is opening.]


Seong Jihan’s inventory spontaneously opened, and out jumped the Celestial Cube.


[A quest suitable for the user is assigned.]

[Open the Constellation Traits ‘Dominion’ and ‘Sole Sovereignty’.]

[Reward: Ability to switch Constellation Traits ON/OFF]

[Upon receiving this reward, the Celestial Cube will be destroyed.]

Just like before, a quest was assigned.

‘…What exactly is this thing?’

With the Celestial Cube offering rewards related to Constellations again, Seong Jihan watched the cube that emerged on its own from the inventory and his expression turned icy.



[Translator – Asura]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 163
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 162
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 161
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 160
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 159
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 158
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 157
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 156
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 155
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 154
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 153
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 152
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 151
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 150
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 149
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 148
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 147
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 146
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 145
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 144
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 143
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 142
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 141
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 140
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 139
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 138
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 137
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 136
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 135
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 134
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 133
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 132
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 131
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 130
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 129
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 128
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 127
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 126
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 125
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 124
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 123
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 122
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 121
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 120
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 119
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 118
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 117
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 116
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 115
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 114
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 113
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 112
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 111
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 110
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 109
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 108
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 107
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 106
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 105
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 104
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 103
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 102
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 101
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 100
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 99
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 98
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 97
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 96
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 95
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 94
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 93
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 92
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 91
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 90
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 89
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 88
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 87
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 86
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 85
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 84
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 83
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 82
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 81
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 80
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 79
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 78
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 77
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 76
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 75
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 74
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 73
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 72
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 71
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 70
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 69
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 68
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 67
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 66
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 65
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 64
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 63
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 62
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 61
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 60
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 59
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 58
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 57
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 56
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 55
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 54
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 53
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 52
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 51
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 50
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 49
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 48
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 47
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 46
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 45
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 44
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 43
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 42
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 41
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 40
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 39
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 38
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 37
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 36
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 35
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 34
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 33
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 32
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 31
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 30
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 29
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 28
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 27
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 26
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 25
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 24
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 23
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 22
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 21
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 20
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 19
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 18
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 17
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024