
Martial God Regressed to Level 2 - Chapter 13

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[Translator – Zain]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 13

The day after Sung Jihan’s broadcast.

[Did the Sword King go to Japan because of a woman?]

[Sword King’s Daughter: Declares intention to donate Sword King’s legacy!]

[Twin Swordmaster of Sword Palace: Destroyed by Sword King’s brother-in-law.]

All of Korea’s news outlets covered the contents of this broadcast as breaking news.

“Battle Tube’s influence is truly immense.”

Since it was about the Sword King Yoon Sejin, the public’s interest was overwhelming.

[Gained 50,000 dislikes.]

[Achievement unlocked: ‘Even if the world hates you (3)’.]

[Earned 5,000 achievement points as a reward.]

[Gained 50,000 likes.]

[Achievement unlocked: ‘I… I love you (3)’.]

[Earned 5,000 achievement points as a reward.]

Even after the broadcast ended, the views on the videos left on Battle Tube were still increasing.

And through the likes and dislikes they clicked, regular achievements were cleared even after the broadcast.

“I earned a whopping 33,000 achievement points from this broadcast.”

After grinding urgent quests in the game and earning points slowly, he suddenly gained a massive amount of points all at once.

“With this momentum, I might even reach 100,000 likes and dislikes.”

With the immense number of viewers being drawn in from the articles, it seemed possible.

“[Urgent news even in Japan…]”

“Japanese netizens are curious about who captured the Sword King’s heart…?”

Even in Japan, where Sword King Yoon Sejin had naturalized, viewers were being drawn in.

No, breaking 100,000 achievements was only a matter of time; aiming for even more seemed possible.

“Wow, this is really something.”

Yoon Seah looked at the articles on her phone and spoke with a worried tone.

“But Uncle is getting a ton of curses… Maybe it’s better not to watch the news for a while? People’s reactions are no joke.”

“Hehe… I find it entertaining.”

Sung Jihan chuckled and looked at the comments.

Though they were filled with explicit curses directed at the suspected members of the Sword King’s faction, he was oddly pleased.

The fact that the aggro was directed at him instead of Yoon Seah was evidence that they were intrigued by him.

“Also, these people from the Sword King’s side keep messaging me, I’m wondering how they got my phone number.”

Sung Jihan furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

“Just a while ago, they used to joke that half the country belonged to the Sword King’s faction… So I guess it’s natural for them to have my phone number.”

Sword King Yoon Sejin.

In the present day, where all professional sports disappeared from the world after 2010.

His status surpassed that of all historical sports stars in Korea combined.

Battle Net wasn’t just the world’s only professional sport, but the rankings within the game could determine a nation’s fate.

“Back in the hellish East Asia League, Korea managed to stay afloat mostly thanks to Yoon Sejin.”

Battle Net East Asia League.

Korea, Japan, Eastern Russia, Eastern China, Taiwan.

This regional league, which included these five nations, was renowned as the most intense competition in the world, alongside the Western Europe League.

Korea’s ability to survive there was almost entirely due to Yoon Sejin, who held the 3rd rank in global rankings.

It was due to this status that there was even a national petition to erect a statue of him in Gwanghwamun Square, and it almost happened.

Even after the Sword King held a press conference saying he would go to Japan, people couldn’t let go of their attachment due to this background.

“Those Sword King guys. What are they saying in the messages?”

“They’re asking Father to persuade you… and not to believe you. They call you a fraud.”

“Only someone with a hard head could still say such things even after hearing recorded conversations.”

“Even at times like this, they used to joke that half the nation belonged to the Sword King’s faction… So, isn’t it natural for my phone number to get leaked?”

“Anyway! Of course, I trust you, Uncle…”

Yoon Seah raised her chin with both hands, looking up at Sung Jihan.

“Uncle, why have you changed so much?”

Sung Jihan let out a smirk.

“How was I before?”

“Just… nothing.”

“Why are you asking why a person who used to just gamble at home changed like this?”

“Hey, who said I saw Uncle that way? I didn’t think that way, really. Hehe.”

Sung Jihan recalled his past self at that time.

He used to be an ordinary young man of his age.

Unlike his sister and brother-in-law, who had risen to success through special gifts in the world of Battle Net, he wasn’t exceptionally good at studying, nor did he show exceptional skills as a player.

He simply lived alongside his successful sister and her husband, aimlessly.

“Hey, little brother, how about taking on a business venture?”

When Sung Jihan, who spent his days predicting Battle Net matches, was asked to do something by Seong Jiah, he replied:

“This is my destiny.”

With that retort, he continued to laze around and enjoy life at home.

He was able to say such things because of his F-grade gift, the ‘Wanderer’s Insight,’ which allowed him to see details of other players.

His relatively high rate of accurate match predictions was enough to keep him comfortable back then.

Seeing her pitiful little brother, Seong Jiah sighed many times.

Yoon Seah had grown up seeing Sung Jihan’s antics, so she knew how directionless he could be.

“But now he’s changed so much, it’s natural to be curious.”

However, she couldn’t reveal everything.

“Should I mention the existence of the Martial power Stat? It’ll be known eventually, anyway.”

When Sung Jihan was thinking that way.


An alarm sounded from the wall pad.

“Who could it be?”

“Seah, stay seated.”

When Yoon Seah tried to get up, Sung Jihan stopped her.

“It could be those Sword King guys.”


Back in that past life, many people, including the Sword King faction, caused all sorts of troubles, including bell-trolling.

So eventually, he had blocked all of them.

“I need to be prepared.”

Thinking that, Sung Jihan turned on the wall pad, and the image of a middle-aged man in a suit appeared.

The face looked familiar from somewhere.

“Who is this?”

[Greetings. I am Park Yoon-sik, Chief of the Battle Net Management Office.]

Hearing the name, Sung Jihan remembered Park Yoonsik.

‘This person was a good guy.’

When Sword King Yoon Sejin was still in Korea, the director of the management office used to annoyingly visit him, but after Yoon Sejin left for Japan, he disappeared as if he were a ghost.

In his place, this man, Chief Park Yoonsik, was considerate of Sung Jihan and Yoon Seah’s situation, often extending his help.

‘He’s visiting just a day after the broadcast ended. He’s quite quick.’

After all, there were matters that needed to be discussed with the government side anyway.

“Please come in.”

Sung Jihan opened the door.



[Translator – Zain]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Chief Park Yoonsik of the Battle Net Management Office looked at Sung Jihan with a contemplative gaze.

“He has changed.”

When he had visited Sword Palace along with the Chief of the Management Office, he had seen Sung Jihan a few times. His memory of Sung Jihan was of a guy mostly confined to his corner.

It seemed that the Chief of the Management Office had a similar impression; he had seen a quite gloomy expression on his face while they were in the car.

“Tsk tsk. Even Sword King… I don’t understand why he would bring such trash into his home. He should just find a room for them and kick them out.”

The perception of Sung Jihan was nothing more than a leech who fawned over his accomplished brother-in-law and sister, but not for nothing. In fact, less than nothing.

But yesterday’s broadcast was different.

“Please have a seat.”

The way Sung Jihan was greeting him now was completely different from before.

Unlike the sharp demeanor he had seen earlier, he seemed relaxed.

And within that relaxation, there was an indescribable confidence.

“Sung Jihan. His gift is an F-grade, but… he seems to have gained a special ability.”

Before visiting his home, Park Yoonsik had already familiarized himself with information about Sung Jihan.

It was clearly recorded in the government records that his gift was F-grade.

Yet, he had ranked first in the Gangnam 1 Area tutorial, which made it seem like there was something special about him.

Park Yoonsik decided to investigate that aspect later and began speaking.

“We at the Management Office were also shocked by yesterday’s broadcast. While we know that the Sword King has done a lot for the country, we didn’t think the government treated him unfairly… but after listening to the recording, it seems that the Sword King’s naturalization in Japan is indeed true.”

When Sung Jihan nodded his head, Park Yoonsik continued.

“Especially the mention of a ‘Japanese woman’ in the call… We also had a suspicion about who that person might be.”

“Yes? Who is that!?”

When Yoon Seah, who had been quietly listening, abruptly stood up and asked, Park Yoonsik answered with a stern face.

“The Battle Net Management Office collects information not only on Korean players but also on players from various countries around the world. Among them, we focus more closely on countries included in the East Asia League.”

“It does make sense.”

“While collecting information about Japanese players, a rumor reached us. There is a Japanese user with an SSS-grade gift.”

“Huh? Wasn’t SS-grade the highest in Japan? Just a month ago, there were debates about this…?”

The rivalry between the two countries, as mentioned by Yoon Seah, was practically a comedy.

After Japanese users insulted Korea with derogatory comments, mocking it as a country without even an SSS-grade gift, the Japanese government officially protested.

Yoon Sejin, Korea’s pride, held an SSS-grade gift, the ‘Pinnacle of Twin Swords,’ and Japan didn’t have an SSS-grade user.

“The name of the rumored SSS-grade gift is… ‘Kyung-guk Ji-saek.'”

“…Kyung-guk Ji-saek?”

Kyung-guk Ji-saek, meaning the beauty that tilts a nation.

An SSS-grade gift with such a meaning!

Yoon Seah’s expression showed her disbelief.

“It’s not just an ‘ordinary’ beauty, so it’s an issue. In fact…”

Park Yoonsik glanced at Yoon Seah and continued.

“It’s not that the Sword King was without a woman. After Ms. Seong Jiah passed away, he had met famous actresses several times. To prevent this from being revealed in the mass media, the Management Office provided private locations.”

“…Is that so?”

As Yoon Seah sat back on the sofa with a somewhat rigid expression, Park Yoonsik spoke again.

“Even in Korea, he was freely dating several women. So, the fact that he naturalized in another country because of a foreign woman… our Management Office considers this to be related to the rumor of Kyung-guk Ji-saek and the Sword King’s naturalization plan.”

An SSS-grade gift, Kyung-guk Ji-saek, a woman.

Listening to this story, Sung Jihan recalled memories from his previous life.

“Although I had heard this story from Park Yoonsik before, her true identity was never fully revealed even until Korea’s downfall.”

Even after Korea’s collapse, the Sword King’s woman was never disclosed. After that, the Sword King himself had concealed his whereabouts.

“SSS-grade gift, Kyung-guk Ji-saek…”

“Still, we won’t give up hope and will try to convince the Sword King again. That’s the reason I’m here. The government has a proposal related to this donation.”

“What is it?”

“The government suggests that rather than receiving the donation for Sword Palace, we should entrust its operation. This is because when the Sword King returns, the property should be returned as well.”


“Also, we hope you will continue to live in this penthouse.”

Even though the government proposed donation, their standpoint was that they wouldn’t accept it. Hearing this, Yoon Seah raised an eyebrow in puzzlement.

On the other hand, Sung Jihan, who had been listening, couldn’t help but smirk.

“Seems like you’re really averse to backlash from above.”


“After hearing about the SSS-grade, it’s become clearer. You don’t really have the confidence to persuade him, do you?”

“…It seems difficult.”

“But if you accept the building as a donation, it will appear as if you say ‘We can’t persuade the Sword King’ in front of the public. It’s an attempt to evade responsibility.”

Sung Jihan’s words gave Park Yoonsik goosebumps.

The Battle Net Management Office was currently suffering from a barrage of protest calls.

They were roughly along the lines of “wasting taxpayer money” and “what is the government doing instead of bringing back the Sword King?”

In such a situation, if they were to accept the Sword Palace donation, it could be seen as the government giving up on the Sword King.

“If that happens, the already plummeting approval ratings will hit rock bottom.”

If they couldn’t persuade the Sword King, the public needed to give up on him first.

“Come to think of it, there’s less than a month left until the Korea-Japan war, right?”


“At that time, when the Sword King, who had changed his name to Ito Ryuhei, comes and devastates our country. Public opinion will turn against the Sword King, so until then, does entrusting the operation of the Sword Palace imply that?”

Upon Sung Jihan’s analysis, cold sweat formed on Park Yoonsik’s back.

His prediction was so accurate that it sent shivers down his spine.

Still, he forcefully denied it with his words.

“Not quite like that. We will do our best to persuade the Sword King.”

“Okay. I understand your position.”

With a composed face, Sung Jihan crossed his legs.

“I don’t particularly want to make things difficult for the government. I only have one condition.”

“…Please tell me what it is.”

“I can continue living in this penthouse, right?”

Unbeknownst to himself, Park Yoonsik found himself nodding along to Sung Jihan’s pace.

“We’ll accept the government’s stance as long as they consider a small favor in return.”

“…What kind of favor are you talking about?”

“It’s simple.”

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Sung Jihan spoke.

“Could you arrange an auction for me to sell some of the Sword King’s collection? Make sure foreigners can participate, especially the Japanese.”

“…Could it be!”

Upon hearing Sung Jihan’s specific mention of Japan, Park Yoonsik’s eyes widened.

Could it be that he was planning to sell…!

“That’s right. The Connector.”

A high-grade Battle Net connector with a decrease of sensory loss by 99%.

The market value of this item alone is as expensive as a house in Gangnam. But if it’s Sword King’s possession, its value increases with a premium attached to it.

Especially considering Sword King Yoon Sejin has used this item well until now, and there’s activity data left behind.

“If he doesn’t want to hand over his data to someone else, he’ll participate in the auction.”

In fact, in the past, the government confiscated Sword Palace and auctioned off the items in the penthouse. The Japanese ambassador to Korea had bought them all. Probably, the ambassador acted on behalf of Yoon Sejin and made the purchase.

“I’ll sell this. Please have the government guarantee it. Deposit the proceeds into Seah’s account. And…”

Sung Jihan drew a rectangle in the air.

“This auction should be exclusively live streamed on my Battle Net channel.”

Why settle for a chicken when you can have the bird?

If you’re going to eat, you might as well eat a pheasant. With the thought of earning achievement points, a broad smile spread across Sung Jihan’s face.



[Translator – Zain]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 233
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 232
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 231
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 230
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 229
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 228
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 227
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 226
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 225
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 224
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 223
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 222
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 221
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 220
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 219
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 218
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 217
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 216
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 215
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 214
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 213
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 212
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 211
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 210
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 209
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 208
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 207
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 206
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 205
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 204
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 203
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 202
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 201
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 200
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 199
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 198
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 197
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 196
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 195
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 194
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 193
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 192
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 191
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 190
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 189
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 188
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 187
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 186
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 185
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 184
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 183
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 182
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 181
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 180
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 179
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 178
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 177
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 176
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 175
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 174
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 173
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 172
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 171
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 170
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 169
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 168
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 167
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 166
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 165
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 164
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 163
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 162
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 161
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 160
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 159
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 158
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 157
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 156
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 155
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 154
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 153
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 152
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 151
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 150
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 149
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 148
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 147
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 146
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 145
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 144
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 143
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 142
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 141
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 140
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 139
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 138
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 137
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 136
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 135
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 134
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 133
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 132
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 131
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 130
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 129
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 128
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 127
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 126
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 125
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 124
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 123
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 122
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 121
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 120
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 119
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 118
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 117
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 116
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 115
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 114
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 113
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 112
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 111
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 110
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 109
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 108
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 107
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 106
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 105
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 104
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 103
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 102
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 101
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 100
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 99
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 98
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 97
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 96
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 95
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 94
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 93
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 92
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 91
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 90
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 89
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 88
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 87
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 86
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 85
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 84
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 83
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 82
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 81
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 80
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 79
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 78
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 77
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 76
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 75
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 74
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 73
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 72
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 71
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 70
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 69
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 68
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 67
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 66
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 65
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 64
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 63
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 62
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 61
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 60
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 59
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 58
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 57
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 56
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 55
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 54
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 53
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 52
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 51
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 50
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 49
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 48
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 47
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 46
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 45
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 44
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 43
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 42
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 41
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 40
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 39
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 38
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 37
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 36
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 35
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 34
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 33
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 32
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 31
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 30
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 29
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 28
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 27
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 26
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 25
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 24
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 23
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 22
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 21
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 20
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 19
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 18
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 17
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024