
The Tales of an Infinite Regressor - Chapter 7 - Operator II

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 7 – Operator II

“Website operation?”


…It was an ability I had never heard of before.

Considering that Seo Gyu’s survival itself was unprecedented, it was natural in a way, but even a similar ability was unheard of.

“Specifically, what kind of ability is it?”

“Well. It means I can create a website with just one domain name, and anyone can access it.”

My eyes widened.

“What? Anyone? From anywhere?”

“Oh, yes.”

In contrast to me, Seo Gyu’s voice grew quieter. A gloomy emotion seeped out.

It was clear he had no idea what value his awakened ability held.

“As an experiment, I tried creating a website yesterday. But it seems the ability needs to be mastered to upgrade the design to something decent. At this stage, I can only create old-fashioned websites like the ones elders used… It’s not something to brag about to my comrades. It’s a power that doesn’t help at all in combat…”

What did he just say?

“By the way, do people need your permission to sign up for this site?”

“Yes? Oh, yes. It’s just that the appearance of the website follows the form of a website, but it’s all like a building made with my abilities. Um, you could say my will is reflected in real-time? Will itself? Anyway, my ability hasn’t fully developed yet, so if I were to create a membership system… Um, maybe nobody could enter without my permission…?”

I sighed.

I casually placed my hand on his shoulder.

Seo Gyu lifted his head up from its lowered position. Our eyes met.

“Seo Gyu. Remember when I first met you, I said I was a National Intelligence Service agent?”


“That was a lie.”


“I lied to make it easier for you to accept. Of course, I also gave you the chance to choose the truth. But to say it again, the truth is, I’m a regressor.”


“Seo Gyu, why do you keep complaining that all our party members are geniuses while you’re the only late bloomer? It’s simple. It’s because I’ve recruited countless Awakeneds who have proven themselves as geniuses through my 50 regressions. But you’re the first. You were an unknown lottery ticket. No, how did you not survive in the Busan Station assembly hall for all 50 iterations?”


“From now on, your ability is called [Ubiquitous].”


Derived from Latin, meaning to exist everywhere regardless of location.

It’s often used to express the idea of a deity existing simultaneously everywhere, but what mattered now was the fact that the origin of this expression was Latin. Latin has the magical power to make anything sound cool.

“In the end, most abilities are mostly about branding. Website operation? Community management? Mobile network? They’re all unnecessary. You’re just ubiquitous.”


Sure enough, Seo Gyu’s expression began to change.

I grinned.

“Seo Gyu. Let’s work together.”


I immediately took Seo Gyu to Yongsan.

The Saintess welcomed us in her aquarium-like living room; it’s still unsure whether this was a house for humans or a house for fish, her personal underwater shrine.

She silently listened to my story all the way through, then spoke up.


“Isn’t it?”

As expected of the Saintess. She immediately recognized the value of Seo Gyu’s ability.

“Wait, what’s so great about my ability…?”

“Seo Gyu, imagine if Awakeneds sign up for your site. If you make them fill out their personal information, their data will all come into your hands. You’ll know everything, even what they write on the site.”

“Oh… but, Hyung-nim, why would those talented people want to join my site and even share their personal information…?”

I shook my head.

“They must join.”

It hadn’t even been a year since the Gate incident erupted.

So Seo Gyu, along with other Awakeneds and ordinary people, were either optimistic or indifferent. They thought that not being good with the internet wouldn’t ruin their lives.

“This world is going to become more chaotic.”

But by the time it passed the two-year mark, everything had dramatically deteriorated.

Initially, Korea was relatively calm thanks to the “Saintess’s play,” but in other countries, signs of militarization were already apparent.

“Seo Gyu, humans find it difficult to maintain their sanity when communication with the outside world is cut off. But your site isn’t supported by technology; it’s supported by your awakening ability, Ubiquitous. As long as you’re alive, it’s a place accessible to anyone at any time.”


“Soon, even large guilds will recognize the value of this site. After entering the Gate, it becomes a means of communication with the outside world.”

“I see…”

Seo Gyu nodded hesitantly.

To me, it was a response that could only evoke a bitter smile.

In my view, the caliber of an Awakened’ ability was determined by how much they could overcome temporal and spatial constraints. In that sense, Seo Gyu had awakened an S-rank ability.

It was perplexing to see someone bewildered even when holding a precious sword.

Not only me, but even the Saintess looked incredulous without expression.



Correction. The Saintess was not looking at Seo Gyu, but at me.


“…Oh, it’s just that it feels strangely old-fashioned to me. I thought that’s your naming preference.”

“Really? Isn’t it a great name?”


A strange reaction indeed.

Anyway, what mattered now was Seo Gyu’s ability. I got to the point.

“They say seeing is believing. Now, let’s discuss with the Saintess here and decide how to organize this site.”

“Ah, um, I’ll leave it to you then…?”

“Yes, you can leave it to me.”

Seo Gyu awkwardly shook hands with the Saintess.

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere didn’t last long. This was because not only the fact that I was a regressionist had been revealed, but also the truth that the Saintess was actually the embodiment of the Saintess.

Screams echoed in the aquarium lounge.

“――What! Th-the Saintess were all fake?”

Seo Gyu seemed shocked.

It must be dizzying to realize that all the pen pals who secretly cheered him up during tough times were virtual beings.

“No… My goodness. What are you and the doctor planning together? Are you seriously aiming for world domination…?”

“Oh, come on. Why are you talking like it’s someone else’s business?”

From now on, you’re also our party member.

“First, Saintess, please disguise this site as a manifestation of the Saintess’s ability.”


“Seo Gyu, act as if you received the operation of the site from the Saintess.”

“Oh, yes, Hyung-nim.”

The plan proceeded smoothly.

We worked diligently, even sucking down precious coffee. The three of us sitting in front of the computer, mumbling, turned the mystical underwater shrine into something akin to a PC bang.

“PC Bang… Fish bang. Indeed.”


The Saintess turned to me at my muttering.

Since her gaze seemed odd, I quickly changed the subject.

“Saintess, what do you think is the best way to name the site?”

“A name?”

The diversion was successful.

“…How about [Gallery of Apocalypse]?”

“Hmm. That’s excellent, but the word ‘gallery’ might evoke too specific of a site. Since we’re not exactly a gallery but more like an old-fashioned members-only site or café. What about you, Seo Gyu?”

“Uh… How about [Viva! The World’s End!]?”

“It’s a great name, but considering that this site is set up by the Saintess herself, it feels too exciting. From the perspective of modern people who are forced to fight monsters, wouldn’t it be a bit annoying?”

“It’s difficult…”


Then, a good idea popped into my head.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Finally, two weeks later.

We opened the site on a large scale.

– The Playground of Saintess!
– The Only Safe Internet Community!
– Welcome to SGNet!

The site name was decided as SGNet.

There were several hidden meanings behind it.

Firstly, SG was the nickname I used to call Seo Gyu before I knew his real name. And coincidentally, the name “Seo Gyu” itself could be abbreviated as SG.

Lastly, since the site was managed by the Saintess, it was called “Saintess’ Playground.” And if you shortened “Saintess’ Playground,” it was SG again.

A stroke of genius in naming, aiming not just for the first hit but the second!

Not only that, but perhaps I had a talent for naming hidden within me. How could one person be so versatile? Sometimes even I found it terrifying to think about.


For some reason, the Saintess had a lot to say but chose not to, giving me a look that said so, but I ignored it.

Beside her, Seo Gyu wore a melancholic expression.

“No one else has accessed the site yet, Hyung-nim…”

He stared endlessly at the monitor.

After a fortnight, Seo Gyu had become quite accustomed to his abilities, and the site had become a bit more attractive. Of course, it was still at the level of a High-Tel-style PC communication design, despite any improvements.

Even if the design improved, it would be meaningless without anyone to look at it. But we had a nearly cost-free marketing tool.

“Saintess, could you advertise for us?”

The so-called advertising agencies of the Saintess’ name!


The Saintess clasped her hands together.

At that moment, the same messages flew out to all Awakeneds active in Korea.

[The Nameless Constellation manifests its powers.]

[The Nameless Constellation invites you!]

In addition, the site address was also sent via message.

Seo Gyu silently watched the monitor with a tense expression.

Before long, the number of visitors displayed at the top of the site increased exponentially.

“Ten… Ninety… Two hundred. Five hundred? Wow. No, how many Awakeneds are there in Korea…?”

Seo Gyu muttered.

But Seo Gyu’s amazement would have been nothing compared to the other Awakeneds who accessed SGNet.

It was clear how shocked they were even beyond the monitor screen. Posts were being written one after another on the previously empty community.

-Anonymous: Why can I access this site normally? Is it a weird site? (2)

-Anonymous: I came after receiving the call of the constellation. (0)

-Anonymous: Does anyone know who the Nameless Constellation is? (15)

-Anonymous: Wow, I wasn’t the only one who received the message. (1)

The tone of the users’ comments was generally mild, perhaps because the site was known to have been created by a constellation.

While the Awakeneds were confused, they posted and commented among themselves, observing the situation. The numbers (2), (15) behind the posts indicated the number of comments.

However, there were still non-members, known as “Anonymous,” who hadn’t registered yet, and were active on the site.

“Seo Gyu, it’s time.”

“Oh, okay. Hyung-nim, I’ll do it!”

Seo Gyu posted an announcement under the member nickname “Operator.”

The content of the announcement was simple:


1. You can access this site anytime, anywhere.

2. The Nameless Constellation created SGNet for amusement. I am their representative.

3. As members’ activities become more active, SGNet will develop. Think of members as followers, and community activities as acts of faith. The stronger your “faith,” the stronger the power of the constellation who has descended to earth.

4. Non-members can only use SGNet for one hour a day, while members can use it without restrictions. Please understand the distinction between non-believers and believers.

5. “The Nameless Constellation” asks nothing from you except community activity.

6. Your personal information is strictly protected.


Except for number 1, the announcement was entirely false from start to finish.

As soon as the announcement went up, non-members stirred. Within moments, dozens or even hundreds of comments appeared under the announcement post.

-Anonymous: Is it true that you’re the representative of the Constellation?

-ChefKing: Operator, how can I become a disciple of the Constellation?

-Anonymous: Smart.

-GoryeoJang: Why do these people talk like idiots here?

-Anonymous: How can we believe this is real? Couldn’t this also be a prank by a weirdo?

Some Awakeneds had already completed their registration.

First, “ChefKing” and “GoryeoJang” were registered as members faster than anyone else, and upon seeing this, other non-members sneakily joined as well.

“Is this really happening…?”

Seo Gyu exclaimed with wide-eyed amazement.

While doing so, he continuously moved his fingers to record the personal information of the members in a text file.

Occasionally, there were movements among the non-members who doubted the truthfulness of the announcement, but for such Awakeneds, a message from the constellation was waiting.

[“Master of the Red Cloak” confirms that despite their discomfort, the words of that constellation are indeed true.]

[‘Saintess of Salvation’ advises many Awakeneds that prolonged internet access has negative effects on real life.]

This is using the names of other Constellations to guarantee the authenticity of SGNet.

With this, even the most skeptical Awakeneds couldn’t help but be swayed.

The overwhelming number of non-members initially soon began to convert into members.

As a flood of information poured in from numerous Awakeneds, Seo Gyu couldn’t contain his excitement.

“Wow. This is it, Hyung-nim.”

“You did well.”

I patted Seo Gyu on the shoulder.

“But it’s not over, it’s just the beginning.”


Seo Gyu seemed not to understand the meaning of my words.

Well, how could he anticipate how I would utilize SGNet from now on?

“Keep up the good work, Seo Gyu.”

“Yes? Oh, Hyung-nim. I’ll definitely do my best!”

Though a bit flustered, my innocent younger brother smiled brightly as he obediently followed my words.

Unfortunately, the 50th cycle of the world couldn’t escape destruction.

However, the usefulness of SGNet was proven. It held significant meaning for the 50th cycle alone.

Myself, the Saintess, and Seo Gyu. The three of us, as founders and administrators of the site, experienced truly diverse events. There are so many stories intertwined here that I’ll probably mention them whenever I’m bored.

The significance of the 50th cycle that can be mentioned lightly is this. From this moment on, the point at which I start my regression, my actions upon opening a new cycle have changed somewhat.

“Hello there, everyone! Huh? There are fewer of you than expected… Anyway, you must be quite surprised to be summoned here all of a sudden, right? But don’t worry! I’m here to guide you kindly from the beginning!”

In the past, when I woke up in Busan Station’s waiting room, I used to think about how to quickly get to the café of the Old Scho.

But not anymore.

There’s someone I need to save.

“Well then, from now on…”

“You fucking bastard! What the hell are you talking about!”

The thunderous roar of a lion echoed.

I smiled at the familiar voice.

It was like my personalized alarm reminding me that life had started again.

As I moved forward, determined to do my best in this cycle as well, I let out a sigh of relief that I had missed.

“You fucking bastard!”



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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